Name: PearDelish
Age: 21
Bust size: Big
Height: Five foot Three
A member of
Pear (Named after Pear Cider, not an actual Pear) Is actually not pear shaped. She would be a bit if she was flat chested. However, she's the furthest from flat chested of anyone in the Delish family, being graced (Or cursed depending on your viewpoint) with the largest bust of the family. She's also at present time the only Female of the family, the rest being Herms and Shemales.
As Personality goes, she's short tempered, loving, pretty smart and a little bit shy. Spending most of her free time relaxing with a good book or a video game.
Pear also has quite the sweet tooth! Enjoying snacks and sweets and chocolate a great deal.
The three flavours of Pear~
Pear comes in three flavours! Skinny as depicted in the profile picture, Chubby as depicted below and full blown bbw sized after putting on a great deal of weight from all her snacking! her sisters may or may not be partially responsible for this.