Mouth closed when you're chewing, you animal. (W.I.P.)
So you're new to Eka's.
As of writing this guide, Eka's chat has been active for about 17 years now.
With so much history, it can be unstandably daunting to make a splash in the community, but with this guide, you may yet turn into a fine meal, or gourmand! :>
Profile Creation:
Good job on your first profile, champ. But you might have noticed it's a bit empty!
"A newly created character which needs a profile.A character description is needed here or it just looks silly!"
Fortunately, you possess the tools to fix this!
It is highly recommended you use a desktop, laptop, or maybe a full sized tablet to make a profile. Anything that isn't a mobile device.

Step 1:
Select a Name Color! A little splash of color never hurt anyone! Click save when you're done.

Step 2:
In the same section, at the bare minimum, you want to select gender, or leave it unspecified if your character doesn't fall into one of those categories. Click save when you're done.

Step 3:
Select an image to use as a representation of your character. This can either be done using the built in picture hosting on Eka's:

Or you can use to host them, then use the link to the image, along with this code format in the profile body (Make sure to click copy image link on a full sized image, and not the thumbnail):

This allows you to use code to center the image, which in a barebones profile, is aesthetically pleasing.
It's recommended you don't use an image larger than 1000 x 1000! Think of your profile as your resume: You wouldn't tape extra paper off to one side of your resume!
Step 4:
Chat Font Colors and Eyecons! Like chat name colors, you can color your chat font. Another aesthetically pleasing touch.

To the right of that, eyecons! Just another nice little touch! Click save when you're done.

Step 5:
Your actual profile! In the profile body, a small biography - who they are, what they're about (aim for 1-2 paragraphs) - or a quick cheat sheet like below can do wonders. Click save when you're done.

If you're wondering about the brackets with "br" in the middle, those are line breaks! They space out your lines and make big blocks of text much easier on the eyes. It's recommended you learn the following basic HTML:
Line breaks
Font color
Image sourcing
I'll leave these in a seperate profile I use when I forget code: Cheteshete
In order to use code in your profile, make sure to tick the checkbox that says "Use HTML For Profile Body"

Step 6:
Preferences! Show people what you enjoy! Noone likes a guessing game when it comes to selecting partners. Click save when you're done.

Lastly, you may want to tweak your settings. If you mainly use desktop to chat, you'll want to uncheck the clear whisper check-box, as well as add any Name-Ding Aliases which function to notify you if someone is addressing you by name! Click save when you're done.

And that's about it for profiles.
When it comes to the culture of Vore Room, watching a little can pay off, or introduce yourself with a simple greeting. Often enough, people who are interested will poke you first.