Prefs be here at
Court_Of_Predators . Please give them a look. This art is mine, done by the gorgeous EveAra.
"Hello there. My name isn’t important, so you can call me anything you want. I'm a soft-winged little creature who has one simple, polite request for anyone reading this page: murder me. Please."
"I'll act like I don't want it. I'll beg, and plead, and offer you everything I have. I'll worship you. I'll suck on every inch of your lethal body. I'll cry until I can't stand. I'll even squirm, though with my fat ass and my weak tender limbs, I doubt it'll do much more than make you feel good. Because despite all of my resistance, I know that's where I should be. Inside you."
"I'm looking for: monsters. I want you to take everything from me. My dignity, my hope, my happiness. I wantyou to break me in so many ways that we run out of ideas, and then more, because something like you never runs out. I want you to teach me to fear, and lust for, every part of your body before I pad it out. Do anything and everything you desire, and I promise I'll squirm against it even harder. And get even harder in the process."
"I enjoy being murdered quickly and easily, but if you really want me to love you? Take your time. Treat me like something special. Something to be savoured. Every tear, every whimper, every quiver. Keep me for years, show off your other conquests to me, make me rub their churning screaming faces. Swallow me over hours and digest me over days, weeks, centuries. Treasure me. Give me love until it kills me, poisoned and lustful."
"I like all races as partners, really. My favourite features on another are curves which show off their diet, on the belly, the hips, the ass, and heavily sized organs. I love softness, heft, heat, and dribbling slime. I'm able to afford the cyberservices which ensure I can take them, though I'll squeal and whimper."
"Please don't be afraid to say hello to me! I like meeting new people, not just merciless blackhearted gluttons who promise to turn me into a trembling little slutbulge. I prefer not to discuss irl stuff much, but I love books and writing, and I like games and holo's too. So hit me up if you think you want to know more, or if you just want me on my fucking knees in the deepest, darkest, wettest, hottest, tightest pit of your insides, where I belong."
- Excerpt from the roleplay profile of Flutterslut27, secretly an online alias of Prince Qaion Twentyseventhborn.
“I didn’t mean it! It was just fantasies, a-and roleplay, it wasn’t supposed to be an advert to- to you! I didn’t know it was real, I didn’t know there were people who actually did this! Just because i-it… nnnf… just because it turns me on, d-doesn’t mean I want to die! PLEASE!”
- Prince Qaion’s response to the above excerpt.
Name: Prince Qaion (Kye-on) Twentyseventhborn of the dynasty of Aioi. Also answers to Qai, darling, bitch, slut, and many, many,
many more.
Age: 22
Species: Aonais, (eye-oh-nigh), an alien species which appears as a femmish, thick-hipped hybrid of a butterfly and a fennec fox. Often referred to as a butterfen.
Origin: The Royal and Precise Empire of Aonais
Occupation: Prince of Aonais (past), Scribe of the Court of Predators (present), a squirming, whimpering bulge (future)
In the great royal house of Aonais, there are twenty-six roles for each generation. The Firstborn, of course, will be the next monarch, inheriting the throne when their mother or father dies. The Secondborn will be Minister of the State, tasked with ensuring the government runs smoothly. The Thirdborn will be the Admiral, commander of the starship navy. The Fourthborn will be the Minister of Commerce, the Fifthborn the Architect Prime, the Sixthborn the Grand Diplomat, and so on, and so on. Twenty-six roles, for twenty-six Princes and Princesses. Through this carefully maintained system, the royal family ensures stability, prosperity, and peace.
And then, in the ninety third generation of the Aioi dynasty, the Queen’s implants malfunctioned, and she gave birth to a twenty-seventh child. Prince Qaion. The only Twentyseventhborn in Aonais history.
To give the young Prince Qaion a new role, or to let him share responsibilities with one of his twenty-six older brothers and sisters, was out of the question. It would be a grave insult to the royal family and to the system itself. But to allow him to take on a less important role, or even a normal job, would be equally insulting to a Prince of royal blood. So it was that Qaion grew up knowing that he would never be permitted to do… anything, really. While his siblings learned to run an empire, to command troops and direct engineering works and negotiate with alien species, he was left to his own devices, doomed to never know where he belonged. Qaion has spent most of his life looking for a purpose, in a world which was very, very determined not to give him one.
This was not the best environment for an inquisitive young mind, and Qaion spent much of his life fantasising about being given or even forced into a purpose.
Under the guise of “Flutterslut27”, the little Prince wrote hundreds of thousands of words describing sweet, innocent people being dominated, devoured, and digested by all manner of greedy, monstrous creatures. He dedicated entire chapters to the nuances of being swallowed alive, and created dozens of imaginary, gluttonous beasts to murder him. Never once did he dream they were anything more than fantasies. To him, they were simply dreams, ways of fulfilling his desires to be owned, dominated, destroyed. To his audience, they were some very lewd and quite successful smut stories.
But to you, dear reader… they are an advertisement. Qaion is soft, helpless, delicious, and has spent years training himself to be the perfect preyslut. He’s ripe to be taken. And once you have him… well, it’s not like he’ll be able to stop you. In fact, he won’t even be able to stop himself. It turns out that just because it’s real, and he is terrified, doesn’t mean that Qaion’s desires cease. If anything, they become stronger. The more Qaion gets hurt, the more he begs and pleads, the closer he comes to a gurgly end, the more aroused he gets.
Of course, just because it turns him on doesn’t mean he wants it. He doesn’t. He really, really doesn’t. Qaion is claustrophobic, panics easily, and will almost never stop trying to survive, no matter how tantalising his doom may be. The fact that it turns him on despite this is a source of constant humiliation and embarassment to him, and a surefire way to make him whimper especially loud.
Qaion is still a royal, of course, and was given the life of absolute luxury and opulence which was his birthright. He stands a few inches above five feet tall, ears included, his fur luxuriantly soft from a lifetime of conditioners, his physique toned and tender from physiostimulation (although the rich nectar diet has left him with thick, plush hips and a gorgeously soft fat ass more suited to a female a foot taller than his little form, which never goes away no matter what he does), and his wings and tail are radiantly beautiful. He smells of honeysuckle, and tastes of vanilla and blueberries. Between his legs hangs a monstrous package, balls sagging almost to his knees and a drooling cock thick as his arm.To try and hide them, and his frequent states of arousal, Qaion prefers to wear one of his thousands of pairs of gorgeous lacy panties, the thin fabric straining and staining with his lust. Isn’t he delicious?
As you can probably guess, Qaion is 100% prey, with a strong focus towards unwillingness and fear. While physical pain isn’t necessary (though it can be fun), the more you can terrify him, the more you can make him cower and plead and cry, the more interested I will be. Qaion can exist in any setting and with any backstory. I can also provide some friends or some of his twenty six siblings if you think he alone won’t be enough to sate your hunger. Talk to me. I love discussing ideas. And Qaion, well… he doesn’t get a choice in the matter.
Good kinks for Qai:
Soft vore with all orifices
Weight Gain
Eating his friends
Psychological Torture
And finally, let's take a look at Qaion in his natural state with my demoncow princess,
Mistress_Rose, sliding into her udders for a slow and gurgly end.