
Image used with permission by the artist~! Click the link for more examples of their art!
"Welcome darlings to my lovely establishment~! Here at Elena's Gourmet I pride myself on a classier take on traditional fast food staples and encourage my customers to indulge their appetite to the utmost. I abide by the fact that every person is perfect no matter what they look like even if they might be a bit...soft about the middle and as such don't make any pretenses about the nature of my menu. My darlings can expect only the finest meats, fresh greens, and a collection of secret spices that will change your life forever, you have my word~! So come on down to Elena's Gourmet, where your hunger is my passion...♥" ~Queen Elena
More will come later, when it is thought up. For now, just know that Queen Elena is the owner of a fast food restaurant with a menu that has some almost...magical effects upon its consumers. Elena herself is frequently seen taking the order of customers, flirting, and inviting regulars to join the 'Queen's Court' private membership club although the benefits of this are unknown. Elena herself claims that her food is a family secret mixed with a little bit of magic, but it can be incredibly difficult to test such things since she has a 'No check given until a clean plate is verified' policy that makes it hard to smuggle out food. Hey, a woman has got to keep her recipes a secret though...right?
Disclaimer: Elena's Gourmet is not responsible for sudden fluctuations in appetite, skin pigmentation, hair color, body measurements, sexual libido, etc. in its patrons. Customers are hereby warned that by ordering food at that they are entering into a legally binding agreement with Elena's Gourmet to forgo all legal action for such changes and that any medical concerns will be overseen by a physician in Queen Elena's employ.
Favorite Customers:
OOC Stuff:
So this profile is a thing and I'm not even sure what sort of thing this is. Looking for detailed, sexy play based around food-play (which I've only briefly tried but enjoyed), transformation, and other far more regular stuff like sex and vore. Also much more...well...casual than my other alts so not afraid to just chat, just mess around, or something.