
She is a rabbit,

...and she's going to be your dinner. Rabbits are plentiful and cheap, and if you don't own her already you can buy her for very little, so there's no use in beating around the bush; grab her by the ears, chop her peasky head off, fry her up, and down down the hatch she goes.

Or do whatever else you want with her; she's your dinner after all.

Odds are better than not that she's one of a whole pen full of rabbits, so feel free to pick them over. Leave them guessing who will see tomorrow, and who will see the kitchen.

Pork is also available, from your local farm, grocer, restaurant, butcher, or the pen out back, uppon request.

In the world around her

...rabbits might walk on two legs, talk, call eachother by name, and so on, but when push comes to shove they're just food. From the minute they're born, their lives revolve around their date with the dinner table. How much they know about their use is up to their owners, though most probably have at least noticed that the other species go to school or work and come back in the evenings, and rabbits go to the kitchen never to be seen again.

To keep the population up there are plenty of male rabbits around too of course. However once they've shot their shot with the women (and, if they were lucky, in a woman) there's less incentive for their owners to keep them around.

Most of their living conditions are entirely at the mercy of their owners. Many owners acknowledge that better living conditions lead to better meat - even though some also think it's important to set an example when bunnies misbehave.

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike For safety reason, it's nor recommended that she still be alive when she hits your stomach
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike She's going to die anyways, so you might as well
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike Having a certain density of new details is important
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike Recently started enjoying spreading those details out over faster back-and-forths
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike Rabbits are cheap and plentiful, so there's no need to take your time
Multi-Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike If you're still hungry, another course won't be hard to find.
Semi-Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike She might accept her place in life as food but that doesn't make her happy about it.
Snuff Always/Love
Never/Dislike It's what happens to meat.
IC Approach Always/Love
Never/Dislike She's there for the taking; buy her, tell her it's time to go, or grab her and start cooking.