
Rentless Blizzard Sigil


Among all the coteries in Winter's Snow, none is particularly as mysterious nor feared as the Relentless Blizzard. A group of elite succubi known for actively beating back any religious organization that thinks it may encroach upon its demesne's territory. Many rumors swirl about this coterie. That they spend their nights sexually torturing and devouring as many of Eve's descendants as they can get their hands on. That they're queens who have submitted to Queen Nymira and been given mercy in exchange for absolute servitude.

However, ask any Nobilis belonging to Winter's Snow and they can clear up some of the mystery about The Relentless Blizzard. It's a coterie formed from the ashes of one that fell over sixty years ago. That they're not former queens, but rather, women who have been chose for their tenacity and potential. That they aren't more than a dozen in number, and they don't dine on every human they lay their eyes on. They are simply the ones that keep the religious orders who would do harm to Winter's Snow's Nobilis at bay, while dealing with succubi from other demesnes who would dare challenge Nymira's sovereignty. And, if the need arises, run rescue missions to retrieve succubi who have been captured by their enemies.

For the few that are chosen by Vyola, joining the coterie is to become a member for life. From the moment one becomes a handmaiden, they are bound to the coterie until their end, whether it be by combat or through a stomach. The loyalty of those who are in the coterie is also stuff of legends. Every member would gladly die for the others if it meant their survival, without an oath being taken. That's just how much they've had to suffer through with each other. That's not to say simply anyone would survive in this coterie. Supposedly, the majority of those who become handmaidens of the coterie wind up disappearing, never to be seen again. Of course, those in the coterie know the truth behind the disappearances, but never share it with outsiders.

The current known members of the coterie are Countess Vyola, Baroness Blau, Baroness Lind, Baronet Esmerelda and Lady In Waiting Aezyra. Countess Vyola is known for her unorthodox strategies and ability to minimize the danger her underlings face, earning her a reputation among other queendoms. Baroness Blau is quite famous herself, known for her Water Style martial art as well as her ability to blend physical blows with magic in an unprecedented lethality. Baroness Lind is known for quickly swallowing her enemies mid battle as a show of dominance, converting them directly into magical energy to be used against their former allies. Baronet Esmerelda is a relatively new member to the group who has only been in their presence for a decade, but is making waves for her absurd ability to swap seamlessly between healing and existence draining magic. Lady In Waiting Aezyra, in the three years she has been a member, has managed to strike fear in many Nobilis throughout Winter's Snow due to her exploits as a human, which have created quite a bit of speculation as to her potential as a future succubus.

Part of the Winters_Snow Demesne.

Based in the Nobilis_Succubi setting


Duchess Camilla

Camilla Reference Pic

Countess Vylona

Vylona Reference Pic

Baroness Blau

Blau Reference Pic

Baroness Lind

Lind Reference Pic

Baronet Esmerelda

Esmerelda Reference Pic

Lady In Waiting Aezyra

Aezyra Reference Pic