
((Thanks to Kamille~.))

Appearance: Renka's "human" half is dark in complexion, either a dark cream color, or a light brown, depending on who you ask. She has long, fine black hair that reaches the middle of her back, which she takes care to ensure it stays fine. Her face is what some would call soft, innocent even, if it weren't for the eight blood red eyes on it, and the sharp fangs she has in place of regular human teeth. Her chest sports an impressive bust, at least an H-cup, though no one has been able to take precise measurements.
Most of her human portion has skin in place of exoskeleton, save for her forearms and hands, which are not only covered in exoskeleton, but are actually tougher and stronger than that of her spider half.
Her spider half has the coloration and build of a Brown Recluse, though there are some differences to accommodate the structural weakness of merging a human and a spider. The division that would normally be between her thorax and head as a spider is much thicker than it should be, and her legs are much larger than they would normally be in proportion to a normal Recluse.

Apparel: Most of the time, Renka wears black, wispy clothing designed to empathize her inhuman appearance for intimidation. It is a chaotic design, portions of her skin are seemingly randomly covered and revealed by it. Drapes of cloth are left hanging loose intentionally, to look as if her clothing is torn and ragged.
However, Renka enjoys experimenting with her clothing and fashion. One of her favorite outfits is heavily reminiscent of the styles worn by 18th century male nobility in Europe, complete with a cane.
All of her clothing is made from her own thread, and is soft and luxurious to the touch.

Personality/History: Renka hatched in the middle of winter, and her parents were nowhere in sight. She would have died of exposure had she not been taken in by humans. Renka does not speak of her adoptive parents except in vague references to a fondness for mountain folk, and getting upset at humor at the expense of "Rednecks."
Renka has a wicked sense of humor, enjoying pranks and frightening humans. Her upbringing leaves her disinclined to actually harming or killing the targets of her mischief, but that same upbringing leaves her no such reservations against harming bullies.
At her laziest, she will frighten her targets by simply eating them, teasing them for a bit, then letting them go. At her worst, she lays elaborate traps and plans designed to lure in a group of friends, separate them, and pick them off one by one, ensuring they hear the screams of terror of each other without being able to find each other. As long as no one gets physically injured, it's just harmless fun, right?
Renka, despite herself, is still a predator designed to feed on humans. Most of the time she contents herself by seducing prey, and sucking out a bit of blood, being half-spider. Failing that she bums either food or blood from one of her few friends. If all else fails, people mysteriously disappear regularly enough, and no one is going to notice a few missing criminals or scum.
Renka is a woman who cherishes her friends. They, along with children and the handicapped, are the only people she won't target for pranks and mischief. Or at least, she won't if they don't want her to. She enjoys making clothes for people she likes, and dressing them up in elaborate outfits. She also enjoys cooking for them, and is a good enough cook, if you don't mind the kind of meals prepared by someone raised on the finest of hillbilly cuisine.

Abilities: As a dridder, Renka can produce her own silk, and is exceedingly good at turning it into either traps, or clothing. When pressed, some people have determined that she learned both skills from a veteran from the army, but not much else.
In addition, Renka is capable of either using her fangs to feed on someone's blood, or swallowing them whole. Normally, when swallowing them whole, her lower jaw splits open, like mandibles, and works to push prey down her throat. Over the years, Renka has learned how to keep her jaw from splitting, but she only does it for people she likes, and only then because she doesn't want to scare them with the rather unnerving sight.
Although her teeth are extremely sharp, when swallowing someone, they act only to keep her prey from getting out of her grasp. If someone is struggling excessively, her teeth keep a grip on them, but otherwise they are harmless.
In rare circumstances she will take someone she likes into her womb. She doesn't like the huge bulge this leaves in her human belly, and finds it unnatural, used to such bulges being in her spider half.
More often then not, if she decides she wants to carry someone around without being caught with a human "riding" her, she can take people into her silk-sac. Renka finds the sensation of someone being there unusual, but not entirely unpleasant. She's more likely to let someone in there if they don't struggle or squirm a lot, otherwise she'll carry them in her stomach. Strangely, she is easily embarrassed when people mention how soft, silky, and comfortable it is in her silk-sac. Talking about it simply being pleasant in there, or the act of putting somewhere there doesn't bother her at all, but she turns quite red at any details of what it's like.
Renka has no control at all over her stomach acids. She is jealous of people who find such control easy, and doesn't like talking about it. That said, she doesn't need to worry about her acids as her silk is immune to her own acid, so wrapping up people in her silk keeps them perfectly safe. Woe to the person who mistakes immunity to her own acid to immunity to anything else, as it will not protect someone from someone else's stomach.

Events: Renka found Orphani wandering the streets alone and abandoned. So, she promptly earned his trust, and formally adopted the adorable child.

Renka ran across the lovely Sarah_Sugarlips, and promtply seduced the lovely woman~ Sarah belongs to her now, a loyal, devoted slave~
Renka one day saw a long-haired girl staring sadly out of an orphanage, and promptly adopted Nyunee. She found the staff to be uncooperative until lunch time, after which they were very eager to give Renka her beloved daughter.

Renka fell in love with a vast, secure dungeon, and decided to make it her own. So, after manipulating a band of heroes into clearing out the previous owner, she moved in, and began collecting minions.

Demeter has moved in with Renka! Swearing her allegiance to the newly made Dungeon Keeper, the adorable Neko is in charge of guarding her treasury.

Steph_Tsunade, after considerable negotiation, is Renka's IT Manager! After all, who wants to chance a security program that can swallow hackers and bring them straight to their targets?

The ever adorable Rinili, determined to prove she could be useful among a group of dangerous apex predators, has joined Renka's dungeon. Her job is something only a fairy could pull off, earning the trust of "Heroes," and "guiding" them straight into the inescapable traps of Renka's dungeon.

Renka is a space dridder now! She has joined the crew of Blue_Robustin, and the two are building a glorious crew/harem together. One day, Renka hopes to settle on a nice planet in the middle of nowhere with Blue and his dedicated crew, living in peace.
Renka has fallen in love. She's still an eternally horny pervert, but Blue Robustin gets preferential treatment. She also shares her extensive harem with him. He also gets a suit she made. Little does he know she stole the design from Captain Morgan.
Renka has taken Angel_of_judgement as a loyal, adorable pet. She gave up several nasty habbits in exchange for Renka's love and affection~ Renka is the proud owner of a EllaSweethearth, the most tsundere of horny pets!

Renka, with a micro making his home in her silk-sac.

Made by Moxy~<3

Renka giving someone a loving hug.

Made by Xen~<3

Renka cuddling with a bunch of cute high schoolers.

Made by Viper Vipes~<3

Renka with sexy babes!!! Xen you fabulous beast!!!

Fear the power of Liz's Chibi Cannon!

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike Well why else would anyone eat someone?
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Pain Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love