

Name: Renshi Shiba

Height: 1’7

Tail length: 3’

Weight: 15lbs

Mother: Azina

He is a male mew, adorable and cute and all that jazz. He cannot speak, as most actual pokemon can’t, but through telepathy he can speak to anyone he so wishes and if he doesn’t wish to speak to you he will just adorably speak with the word mew over and over again. He hasn’t learned all his attacks yet, he has head-butt and psychic, but it will take a trainer to teach him.

As for the trainer, he wants a kind gentle loving trainer and that whom he will search for, other than that anyone can be his friend, he loves friends and making people smile. More than anything he like hugs and cuddles in soft comfy places.

He prefers women far to men, but will become friends with guys, but see ladies have a wonderful pace for the cute mew to lay and just relax. Also being a kitty he is quite curious, so he loves to fly around and meet new people and get into precarious situations.

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