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Model Name: EMFUt12aa+ 'Rorqual', personal name is Rorqual 119
Current Model Serial Number:119245694330329
Construction Time and Completion: 7 years 9 months 21 days, completed in 2124, April 6th
Faction Constructed By: United Terran Defense Force
Function: Providing unit production while moving, useful for pushing front lines forward. A construction bay has been placed directly in the center of her belly, and the belly can unhinge platform that lowers onto the ground, allowing transport in and out of the bay. This model comes with an artillery cannon on the left shoulder and anti-air laser turrets lining the spine, although it has trouble with ground and naval units since it has no defenses prepared against them.
Height from head to toe (quadropedially): 190 meters
Length from farthest point of leg to tip of the nose: 425 meters
Width from left side of hip to right: 65.5 meters
Weight: Variable from 10900 tons to 15775 tons from stored units
Mobility: Usually quadropedially (on all fours), the arms and legs have been replaced with mechanical rhinolike limbs to suit this style of travel. The Rorqual's hands and feet have been replaced with hooflike mechanical structures (like the ones on those AT-ATs in Star Wars) to make travelling stable. Can travel on most forms of land and seal itself for long-term underwater operation. Has trouble with sand, and cannot fly (obviously).
Hair color: Brunette Brown
Hair length: To shoulders, exact length unconfirmed
Mechanical Chassis Paint: Steel Gray with Navy Blue polygonal streaks.
Eye color: White with glowing blue polygonal shapes depending on user. Default is navy blue glow with squares.
Diet: Primarily minerals brought in from extractor robots, but biomass can also be digested for extra resources.
Intelligence form: AI CPU, capable of learning from mistakes and acting independantly but can be reprogrammed to change opinions and beliefs.
With the economy flowing again in 2019, wars were slowly dying out on Earth and expansion had ignited again. But with the 5 years of peace that followed, space and resources soon ran low on Earth, and wars ignited again. Using the funds that the countries around the world had, a second Space Race ensued to see who could actually colonize the moon for its precious energy source Helium^3, which could power a city the size of Tokyo with little more than a few kilos of the substance. America won again with supreme effort and determination, Russia and China soon following.
In 2029, the countries of the world were now crawling all over the Moon, now dubbed Luna, in search of resourceful ground. However, little attention was payed to Earth, geurrilla fights soon broke into full-scale wars. With this, more attention was now paid to humanity on Earth, the wars were brought down by the major countries of the world using diplomacy and surgical missile weaponry. Humans were now faced with a dillema, how do they control themselves while expanding to the stars?
The UTDF was established in 2047 as a means to protect humanity as a whole from any threat that would endanger it, including itself. Already they had colonized Luna and had just hit the polar ice caps of Mars, expansion was intensely growing both in popularity and profitability. In 2083, the nations of Earth had finally gotten the funds to colonize the outer planets of Sol all the way to Neptune. Using the newly researched Warpgate technology, which enabled them to teleport matter vast distances across space, the brave colonists soon landed at the moons of Jupiter and Saturn and constructed orbital space stations around Uranus and Neptune. By 2092 fully functional colonies had been built and the colonization industry was booming again.
However, in 2098, riots started breaking out in the outer systems. Workers were being forced to labor under very undesireable and even lethal conditions, and their jobs had very low pay. At first, it was simple strikes, it grew into fights in the street quelled by nonlethal weaponry, and soon automatic weapons were being used frequently. By 2101, the most common item in an outer system inhabitant's home was an ALD10 Military Grade Pulse Rifle. Soon, the UTDF lost control of the outer systems, the four planets joining up into a faction named New Terra. Battles of massive scale broke out very quickly.
With the UTDF having a very solid foothold of Earth and defense technology researched at excelling rates, the UTDF now needed a new way to push forward during planetary assaults. Simply throwing units wouldn't cut it, they needed a way to actively supply an army with soldiers. The solution: The Rorqual. Initially designed as a massive troop transport, the Rorqual quickly evolved into being a titanic mobile factory capable of mass producing troops at a very quick rate. It resembled a human female moving quadropedially, its arms and legs modified for this movement. It was supposed to be low to the ground, after all, no sense in trying to drop a tank hundreds of feet in the air. Units would be constructed within a chamber in her belly, and when ready the Rorqual's belly would open into a platform for the units to roll out of. When all of them are deployed, the belly seals again and continues construction. For larger units such as megatransports and spacecraft, her womb is the construction site instead of the standard chamber. These take a longer time to construct, ranging from 3 weeks to 6 years, but when ready will independantly make their way from the vagina and into the new world that awaits them. Later versions had weaponry attached to them, most of them excelling in taking down one or two types of units very well. Armor was also improved, Rorquals could easily shake off artillery fire by 2119.
This particular model, Rorqual 119, was constructed with the latest in warfare technology. A megacannon was placed on the back of her left shoulder for long-range artillery, and several anti-air laser turrets line across her spine. Her personality at first was sweet, innocent, and carefree, although with war training implanted into her memory, she blossomed from her childlike mindset, becoming serious, responsible, and independant. Naturally, she had also been programmed to believe the UTDF serve the greater good and the New Terra were nothing but marauders and terrorists. Although just before we could send her into her first battle on Titan, we lost her signature in the hangar she was stationed in. It was like she disappeared! We had no trace of where she went and no clue as to where she could've gone, there were no witnesses to see what had happened, and cameras went temporarily offline, so we couldn't see how she could've possibly vanished! Every effort is being made to try to reclaim this model, 1.2 billion euros were put into that monster, and losing her would prove economically devistating.
We do have her signature, though. She is somewhere on Earth in the northern Americas. We can't exactly pinpoint where she is, but there's plenty of biomass in her general area. It is entirely possible she could survive by ingesting and digesting the local flora and fauna, but only time will tell if she can hold out until we extract her and get her back to the front lines. I pray for the safety of those that dwell near her, she hasn't been programmed with friend/foe responses yet.
[Battle Systems Info]
Anti-Air Pulse Turrets (x8): These long-range laser pulse turrets were mounted onto the Rorqual to counter gunships, which would normally rip her to bits. However, this takes up precious turret slots, which makes anti-ground weaponry short at hand. This is where the drones come in.
TU6 Anti-Personel Chainguns (x2) (Newly Aquired, thanks to the efforts of SMPM_Chimera): The TU6 Anti-Personel Chaingun, or simply Chaingun, is a rapid fire heavy weapon meant for engaging personel and light vehicles like jeeps and trucks. It can easily shred those unprepared for the hailstorm of bullets coming from these guns, and it has the ammo capacity to keep firing for extended periods of time before a short reload period. Unfortunately, what is has in speed and ammo capacity it lacks in raw power, it can't take on other mechs of large size with efficiency. It's also inaccurate at long ranges, making it unideal for long-range combat.
Megacannon: This huge cannon mounted on the Rorqual's back left shoulder can easily level a structure in one hit, and its immense firepower and range makes it ideal for long-range artillery. However, the gun is too large to efficiently handle singular small targets, and it is too high to hit them at close range. It cannot handle air units, either, as it is far too slow to keep up with one, and it can't aim high enough to make a hit on one. Naval units are managable, should they be large and slow. It's easy to shell a large battleship, but it's also easy for that large battleship to shell you.
(Energy shielding and reactor updates have been made possible by the efforts of Techpriestess_Ilia and Paderson)
VCII6 Energy Shielding Module: After extensive updating of the Rorqual's chassis while docked in the hangar of Stryker Industries, this Rorqual module has been given an energy shielding module, which wraps her body in a shield that protects against kinetic and some magic attacks. While it may be more than excellent at repelling kinetic damage, explosive damage, thermal damage, and most of the elements of nature, ionic attacks seem to
directly inflict damage to the module, either causing the shields to take massive damage or (if the damage is great enough) shut down entirely. While this may be the case, the shielding can still take a hell of a beating before blowing out.
Hypermatter Reactor: While undergoing renovations in the Stryker Industries hangar, the old Cold Fusion reactor has been interchanged with a newer Hypermatter Reactor, which generates a lot more electricity for a much smaller energy cost. There really is no downside to this module, it's bigger and stronger than its predecessor. Although with greater quality comes greater expense should it get damaged or entirely totalled, so it's located in the center of the chest for maximum protection (which is anatomically fitting, since her reactor is technically her heart). It's nearly impossible to rip straight through the Rorqual's chest at her size and strength.
HW900 Doppelganger Drone: The Doppelganger differs from the other drones because it is used as a sort of 'second form' for the Rorqual, she is able to fully copy her mind into the select Doppelganger and manually control it. The Doppelganger is fully capable of fighting, and actually excels quite well at it. She's just under 7 feet tall, weighing in at 240 pounds (mainly due to mechanized addons, she is still quite agile), and usually weilding an auto-scattergun. Despite her entire body being mechanized, her skull seems to be wrapped in a synthetic polymer that simulates a human face. It does this with great success, the feeling is almost unintelligable from real skin, the only sign that it is fake is the mecha body under the neck. The hair is midnight black and ponytailed. It is silky smooth and fixated firmly on the scalp of the Doppelganger, the hair being made of a synthetic material differing from the skin. She has an acidic taste, since her internal systems have basic, conductive liquid running through them to transmit energy and electricity. Although with the blood being basic, the digestive process doesn't take instant action on her, almost constantly resulting in slowed and painful digestion. Instead of her blood being red, it is a milky white, having a small tinge of yellow with it. ((Basically I made this drone to interact with others on a human scale, and thus is avaiable as prey. Sex is also a possibility, but it would require a deep relationship, and any attempt at rape will result in being scattergunned in the face. Pic is not mine and will be removed on request))
MT21 Nosferatu Drone IV: This drone can be released from its bay at any time the Rorqual pleases. This type of drone is meant for engaging ground targets at far ranges, although it has a backup low-power pulse ray for close encounters. It is easily killed with short range weapons like shotguns, and explosives like tripmines and rocket launchers, and thus receives 200% additional damage from them. This drone looks somewhat spiderlike in appearance, and can climb on walls as well. This drone measures in at 3 feet in height, but 8 in width.
OLL9 Thrasher Assault Bot: These robots are meant for getting up close and personal, armed with two arm-mounted autoshotguns and extremely thick armor that reduces incoming damage from the front by 65%. Large bayonets are also added to the bottom of the shotguns for a nasty melee attack, and advanced hydraulics make running and jumping an easy task for the assault bot, allowing for maximum speed and manuverability. This drone looks humanoid with a bulky body, and stands at a towering 12 feet.
VBfa54 Archon Electronic Warfare Drone II: These drones are equipped with ECM devices which can disrupt and even fry nearby electronics. Not only that, but they can produce a shield that can protect other nearby units and they have a shoulder-mounted 'target painter' which marks the target with a tag, increasing incoming damage by an estimated 70%. However, they are poor at combat by themselves, they do not have any actual weaponry and the most they can do is pull a 'divine wind' move that does explosive damage depending on its condition. The more beat up it is, the less explosive damage the opponent will take. This drone looks somewhat like a verticle-facing dragonfly, thrusters hovering it over obsticals for maximum mobility. This drone measures at 5 and a half feet tall.
LK4 Turtle Engineer Drone XII: When the Rorqual can't actively take in units for repairs, the Turtle plays its part in combat. While it has no real weapons, it can heal other nearby units with a repair beam. On top of that, it has really impressive armor that can take quite a beating before failing, decreasing any incoming kinetic, thermal, and explosive damage by 80%, but increasing incoming acid damage by 45%. The turtle actually looks more like a beetle, a large shell covering an abdomen attatched to a relatively tiny head. The drones measure at around 4 feet tall. Also, the Turtle is the only drone that can swim underwater and has the ability to harvest minerals for the Rorqual to ingest.
[Prototype Mech Construction Bay]
The Prototype Mech Construction Bay, or simply referred to as the Protobay, is a chamber located in the Ovaries, more specifically the womb. Inside, it is very warm and humid, and the womb retains its organic, fleshy chamber instead of a mechanical room with wires and tubes. This is where other mechs are created, it takes around 3 weeks to complete the most basic ones. While under construction, the Rorqual seems to take the appearance of pregnancy, the bloat of her belly determining how complete the mech inside is. When ready, the Rorqual will shift itself from the standard quadropedial travel to the human birthgiving position to make labor easier. With assistance from the newborn mech, one can easily be birthed in less than 20 seconds. What makes the protobay even more strategically beneficial is that it can even store other mechs, up to 3 of small size, 2 of medium, and 1 of large. Of course the definition of small to the Rorqual is actually quite large, and she can store hundreds of human-sized mechs.
Experimental HGP1000 Megalith
The Megalith was designed to be a cost efficient turret platform mechagirl, sporting enough guns to fend off a small army. Of course with all the time and resources spent on making sure the Megalith had a huge arsenal of weaponry, it came at the cost of protection. While relatively speedy, the Megalith cannot take much punishment before falling. It measures to be 120 feet in length, 55 in height, and travels on all fours like its mother. Its arms and legs have been modified as well, but the mechanical structure of them is more like an insect's, a short, jointed limb attached to a large, straight metal structure with a sharp spearlike end. This also appears symmetrically, making her look like a sort of arachnid missing four of its legs. Her chassis paint is gray with blue lines painted in mechanical, polygonal patterns, her hair is brunette and short, and her eyes are a luminous cyan.
Megalith Weapon Systems
8 Rib mounted pulse laser turrets, meant for anti-missile and anti-air combat, albiet much less effective at the former
2 Photonic beam cannons, 1 for each shoulder they are mounted on. Very effective at attacking large enemies and large groups of small enemies.
1 Plasma cannon mounted inside the maw. Releases a superhot ball of plasma that burns through most armors and energy shields at over 15000 degrees Kelvin.
Prototype CR92 APATM
The CR92 Anti-Personel All Terrain Mech is meant for hunting down and killing infantry, and thus is used frequently in offensive strategies. Standing at a mere 40 feet, this mechagirl has more power than meets the eye. She takes the appearance and behavior of a child, often carefree and seldom serious. She seems to take delight in slaughtering her enemies in horrific ways, claiming them to be her 'toys'. She's also rigged with a fully functional digestive system, made to give those inside a feeling of pain so intense that death would be a preferable option to agonizing life. She seems to have an irrational fear of flying things with large weaponry on them, often running away to the Rorqual and hiding beneath her while the anti-air guns on the Rorqual manage the attacking aircraft. This is because the CR92 is not meant for engaging flying things, and thus is left completely vulnerable when facing them. Fear is generally the best protector. Normally, she is not enthusiastic about being piloted by those unauthorized, but she is more than happy to for those with proper authorization. She has little mechanical modification, although her nethers and chest are kept hidden beneath well-protected armor, and her entire body is coated heavily with energy shields. Also, unlike most of her sisters and mother, she can walk bipedially, making her the fastest ground unit constructable.
CR92 APATM Weapon Systems
4 Shoulder mounted Miniguns (2 for each respective shoulder), used primarily to engage lightweight vehicles and groups of humans.
1 Arm mounted Flamethrower, mounted on the right arm and used for exterminating groups of humans or small targets.
1 Arm mounted Spidermine Launcher, mounted on the left arm. The Spidermines can skitter and crawl their way through almost anywhere, exploding when reaching their target. Used for flushing out humans or small targets in hiding.
ILW21.22 Paragon Mobile Antimatter Plant
The ILW21.22 Paragon is one of the only constructable mechagirls not meant for warfare, and is also the only constructable that self-destructs on death. Standing at about 120 feet and weighing in at 2405 tons, the Paragon is meant for generating incredible amounts of resources at very little cost and in minute amounts of time, she's loaded with multiple resource processors and antimatter reactors. Antimatter produces more than three times what a hypermatter reactor could generate, but it comes with a cost. Antimatter is also very unstable, and should the Paragon become too heavily damaged, kaboom. The Paragon seems to be fairly social and friendly considering her size, but it's not exactly good to make enemies when you're not meant for the slightest bit of combat, now is it? She's usually kind and gentle to those either smaller than her or that pose little threat to her. She doesn't have much mechanical addons and she walks bipedally, although a plexiglass cylinder occupies the center of the belly, half of it visible outside of the skin. A black lightning bolt with a purple-ish glow maintains itself within the chamber, this is the antimatter flowing through it.
QR1 Ymir Prototype Colossus Mechagirl
The Ymir is by far the largest constructable mechagirl, so large that it needs its own bay outside of the Rorqual's body for construction! It does take a while to build her, but once she's built, there is no stopping her. She's nearly half a mile in height alone, standing at 800 meters in height and about 140 in width. She's nearly indestructable to nearly all weapons fire, and can only be dangerously harmed by doomsday scale killing machines. She can give as much as she can get, too, her arsenal is the most destructive the term 'destructive' can be applicable to. She's the biggest and the toughest of all the constructable mechagirls, and also simulates the greatest age. She acts as the big sister when around her smaller siblings, protecting them and keeping them away from trouble. A vindicative giga-mechagirl is probably the last thing you want to and will see. She has received minor mechanical modifications, her shoulder-length hair has been turned to bleach white. She also sports mechanical armor, sprayed with a base of white and stripes of dark green. Her hands have been entirely replaced with plasma cannons, more info on that just below on the weapons systems info.
Ymir Weapons Systems
2 Hand-replacing Plasma Cannons, capable of launching balls of electronically charged plasma at 56200 degrees Kelvin (mind you, the surface of the sun is 5800 degrees Kelvin).
1 Interior-Eye mounted Wormhole Cannon, basically an eyebeam that fires a blindingly bright stream of physics-breaking destruction. Anything it touches can be considered destroyed in every manner it is possible to be destroyed, and even some in which it is theoretically impossible.
Sheer size, I think when you're half a mile tall, you can get away with pancaking other buildings in a single stomp.
KT94rg231 Experimental MMP Mechagirl
The KT94rg231 Experimental Multi-Matter-Phase Mechagirl (or simply Katie) is probably the most complex constructable mechagirl avaiable. Katie does not have any weapons systems and stands at a relatively small 6 stories, but her weak appearance comes with good reason. She can literally turn to a movable liquid, capable of modifying any of its properties to her desire. This fact, of course, makes her completely immune to all kinetic and explosive based attacks, she can only be dangerously harmed by thermal and magical attacks. It also makes her extremely mobile and flexable, allowing her to enter places where under normal circumstances it would be impossible. Her liquid phase is completely chrome and capable of splitting into multiple pieces, although the liquid needs to be in one whole mass before she can solidify. Katie herself is quick and comprehensive, she can grasp and understand new concepts with speed and precision, and thus she is particularly adaptive. Using her combination of her extraordinary power and her intelligent brain, she is capable of surviving even in the most hostile of climates, ones that would normally kill her instantly. She is naturally distrustful of those she does not know as a result, you never know who will turn around and stab you in the back. But wise thinking and charisma will quickly earn you a friend (a particularly useful one at that).
KT94's Weapon Systems
1 Matter Phaser, allows her to change from a solid to a liquid and into a solid again. The energy cost of using this device is surprisingly low, and its speed is equally impressive, allowing KT94 to completely melt and reform in less than 8 seconds.
If you're small and brave enough to dismantle me from the inside, go for it. The Doppelganger drone is also avaiable as prey, softvore or hard.
Not in a scene please, although the doppelganger drone is just a machine, it can be replaced.
Oral Vore
The favored way in.
If you're going in to aid in the construction of one of my larger units or if you're going to be repaired yourself, sure. The Doppelganger drone can be unbirthed as well, if you have the ovaries for it.
Cock Vore
oh god what
Anal Vore
Digestive systems don't work that way, bro.
Tail Vore
I don't have one, although feel free to preform this on my Doppelganger drone (or if you have the stones, directly on the Rorqual)
Breast Vore
Breasts are not meant for consuming other things. It looks weird as hell and very uncomfortable.
Vampiric Vore
Electical vampirism against me is fine, in fact it is quite logical that stealing energy from me could be called vampirism. I won't do it, though.
Soul Vore
Machines don't have souls, and I don't have soul catchers installed on this thing.
Unconventional Vore
Always open to new ideas.
I don't bleed blood, I bleed various industrial liquids.
I don't know anyone that wants to die a horrible death in someone's digestive system, and I don't either.
For vore? A must. You don't need to be bigger than me, either, just be small enough to get inside somewhere other than my mouth.
Same Size
For social purposes, perfectly acceptable. I can talk to those smaller or (god forbid) larger than me, as well.