
Likes: Her father, learning magic, humans, hugs, face rubs, sunlight, water, Plant food.
Dislikes: Plant haters, fire, sharp things, deserts

Rose was born a normal rose from a normal seed around the usual spot that Gallent would often hang out. Since he nutured and protected her, she considers him to be her father and looks up to him. She gained a humanoid figure after a battle with artificially made plant like beings took place around her flower bed. Gallent had slain a rather large plant beast which fell near her and expelled spores from its body which seemed to have properties to mutate plantlife. Now she lives with Gallent as his daughter, learning magic from him as well as the ways of humans.

Family and friends

Father: Gallent
Brother(s): N/A
Sister(s): N/A
Friends: N/A

Rose is a part of Alts_of_a_Skitty