VorarbeiterMonty alts

Extract from Galerpidia
1. a device which ensures the correct positioning of a bullet or shell in the barrel of a gun, attached either to the projectile or inside the barrel and falling away as it leaves the muzzle.

1.a person or thing that sucks, in particular:
2.a gullible or easily deceived person.

in the year 2210 the first solar war happened leaving a large number of disabled civilians and soliders this represted a problem for any government and the problem plagued the allied government for years to come. it was only in moscow universtiy that a solution was reached by two hackers, a mechanical student and a programer.
By combining a internal processor cybernetics and a thin exoskelton they where able to restore many people to a Reasonable degree of full mental and phycsail health with the treatment being dubed outborg program.
Though the idea was not a new the way it was exected allowed it to be down cheaply and realiable.

this is why the SABOTSUCKERS come in all 4 [ picture above taken before the war all 4 mouse anthros ]and the 2 attachments [see below ] are ex-armoured grenadiers dispelled and suffering from the effects of a Spug shell burst while it did not do any great physcail damage the shell burst inflect a great deal of internal damage causing the 4 too have a large amount of medical resources devoted to helping them recover. the damage to the girls where:
internal bleeding
internal organ failure and damage
damage to brain
borken bones - many rangeing from skull to ribs to feet
pyshcasil trauma
damage to bone marrow
musale damage
after a large deal of therapy all six where provide with the outborg program which allowed all six to return to normal life. though the are "all there" with little body loss the six stuffer from muscale damage and heavy scaring and trauma alwell as the resulting cubernetics from surgery. with thoses being the reasons for the programs use on them.

the outborg program
in sense what the outborg program is in sense a out layer of cycbertnecics this allows it to be done cheaply with little need of medical operations thou a few are needed.
the process leaves the person with a light but thin vitual a none hindrance exosketlon attrached to there body [ wihcih can be romved think this but more thin and less noticeable you would only notice it upclose [ that but minus the pistons]
the exoskleton evern gives the perosn a some extra streght and speed but only some.
the finail an dmost important bit is the processor that regulates truamic thought and nightmares this is one the outside as a little module and is wired to the brain with advanced ones being internal. this allows as well for other things such as increase of thought but only by a little.

after many years of wondering from outjob to oddjob the group as come to nexus to seek there work and hopeful home untile then there live aboard the Consular-class_cruiser CLASS lance "the snub" or the other ship the grace produce by the NSL trying to get by

The fireteam the unit patch

APCBC or leather [ the one in the leather on the left ]
Occupation - leader- pilot
prevoous role - team leader - colour sargent
is the fireteams leader during the sabar capamigh and led the SABOTSUCKERS 1st fireteam - 1st section -2nd platoon -4th company -1st battalion -the royal hounrable amoured regiment.
on the campaign before the wound took her and theteam out of the war. wshe is the groups leader and mother acting like a mixture of mom, leader and sister to the watching over them and deciding there every move. she is large a perosn to act rationial useless angered making her one to watch. thou she has a soft side and likes jothing more than to relax thou reading pulp books, thrilaers, buble bath or loving making to a good firedn [ with benefits ]

SMArt 155 or smarts [ one below white one with set on the chest ]
occupation - tech- hacker
previous role - team hacker and tech support -hacker - chosen man
is the teasm hacker and general tech before wounds took her the team out of the war sending her to a med station of operations and over support. in the team she functions as the group tech support and no suprise is the most cybernecti altered of them all as well as only one with hacking charges. she is keeps large to herself and is very level head and rationail but she friendly and like quiet company surprising she opends up to close friends and is the most horny of the lot.
she like nothing more than to unwinded with games and a good book preferable sharpe series. when gaming she finds it helps to having some one in the belly to help.

High-explosive squash head or sweets [ the juming one at the top with yellowish heair with the word fun on ]
occpution- navagtior - greeter
previous occutaption- scout - sniper - point woman - chosen man
is the teams scout and navigator and functions by helping peapel move form one area to the other with out dieing like the rest of the team she was discharged form wounds. she is the most out going an friendly of the group thou slightly light head thou not stupid [ phd is agriculture ] but surprising the least horny and judgmentaly. she never holds a grudge and rarly gets angery or ruthless but behiand a sniper or sharpershotter rifle her world turns to red and blue and all the worlds is full of pop up targets.
she likes nothing more than to relax by jogging or exersing [ with a belly ] or hunting thou is is rarly to kill unless forced to and tending to her plants .

Kinetic energy penetrator or fists [ the grey one with bsa shirt on the right ]
occupation- weapon expert - muscle - gunner
previous occupation - gunner - demotions -heavy support - chosen man
is the team muscle and rock she is a joke cracking and gun loving woman but still the most loved of the group despite her parnks. liek the rest of the team she was invalided at the sabre campaign and has been in the outborg programme ever since.
she is easliy the most loved of the team and loves her team like her own but easliy turn to anger if you go between her team.
she likes llong walks, boxing, bikes, big guns and a pred that is bigger and easily more domaiting [ yet loving and gentle ] thiu she has yet to beat some one who can out box her.

attachments or wiafs
arrow or night
occupation - unknown ceo maybe she flashs a lot of credits around
previous occupation - unknown maybe assain or specail forces judging by the level of cybernetics
is the teams manger and nagiatier able to get the team out of anything with a wink and a nod. she is polite,funny and kind to people even strangers and foes but manipulative and back stabing to hated enemies where as fists will duff you over, night will lead you some where then slowly break you in forceing evey oucnce of dignity out of you before causing pain and letting you she is never the less despite this ruthless streak good to her friends and despite her hirling her way on is well liked and a firm friend.
like the team she is also a useer of the outborg program but where and what caused it reamnis to be told.
she likes fine dining, yachets, tug boats and train spotting and surpisngly pen and papers rpgs

jacker or vixes
occupation - mech piolt - medic - support
previous occupation - mech piolt - valkeyre - lance flyer - centaur pilot
is the teams mech piolt and takes up cloese palce as the tech expert and out strips sweets in the level of cybernetics. lkie night she won't say where she been wounded or hows she on the outborg program.
she cold and distant but once know she takes a liking to you and is easliy tempted to bed. she seems to mind her own business and helps when need which is how she's on the ship but by and large thast it thou her medical skilsls swig it in her favour allowing her to stay on past her fee.
she likes mechs, robot, robot battle, medical dramas, history books and pottery [ suprisng ]

the "screws" or the pair
previous occupation: denied
the pair are both scienist who have seem to be used picked up and have hitched a ride with the ship, while helpy and furfilling a use they keep hem sleves to them selvse and have not been forcoming on there history. this has been made worse by the fact that the two condunct weird experiments and have a wanted psoter with there names on it still their usefulness oes outweigh the danger.

the much more action based of the two

there cloths fetish

yielia or "maps"
occupation:second navagator
previous occupation: explorer, navigator, guide, hunter>
much like the screws maps is a mystery she keeps her self to her self and rarly mentions the past though she is some what more open than the screws. and at least they know that during solar war she was guide for ODS units and used to be a expoloer and hunter for UNICORP though unilike the screws she does not have some weird experiments or people hunting her down.

equipment used
personal armour for all occupants with it adapted for each occupants

module FKU weapon system

combat robot

vixs mech

ships they use the big ship produced is produced in NSL hip yards and is second hand from a corptarte league

dropship in use

profile inspired by
Tomorrows war
By dagger or talon
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As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Pain Always/Love
Transformation Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
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