Vampire, unmatched beauty..immortality, unable to killed by most things..if only very specific things, right? whether either one of those are true or not-its still a awesome ride, right? wrong, not for Severithia, in fact, she was turned against her will..By a vampire, and she wasn't even eight yet. Thus her life was changed forever, and she couldn't even comprehend it at that time. Her hair shortly after the bite turned white-she began to get impossibly thirsty constantly, she constantly drank out of any source that was available-not knowing ever what what it truly was that was inflicted upon her-her eyes soon turned red from not feeding, and she maintained a...less than normal appearance, that stuck with her throughout her childhood-and adulthood-and continuing on from there. And yes, she eventually started feeding, her first victim was unfortunately a child from school that decided to mander and pester her for far too long, and no, that didn't return her normal complexion, hair color, or normal eye color.
as stated, appearance wise shes got snow-white hair, and crimson eyes..and lips, her complexion is Pale, almost deathly like, but most people don't comment on her odd appearances, either out of respect-or they just think she did it on her own, the outfits she usually wears? she wears a corset underneath a dress-or a gown, she likes the fancy things..in a more modern setting? she would be wearing a T-shirt, and a skirt, her likes vary, and her dislikes are few-but it is not a very good idea to hit them. what are they? find out.
Personality wise, shes...a bit quiet, actually, she likes to keep to herself and away from people if she is able to-though some people are curious about her..or absolutely entranced by her beauty, and absolutely insist on coming over to her and getting to know her. This has given her quite a few friends over the years-she doesn't stick in one place for very long though, as her..blood lust tends to start making people disappear-Undesirable people, or good people, when people find a body completely drained of all of its life's blood-they tend to panic, and the most common way of finding out who did it..is to question the people who most recently came into town.. she of course, moves on before they can start pointing fingers..and its not like she
enjoys draining someone of their life, ..well, she does enjoy it, as it bring a certain pleasure to her by feeding-but she usually waits until blood lust takes her, and while that would be seen as a terrible idea to a lot of people, she see's it as a good one..even though it can take as much as three people's worth of blood to stop her hunger when she goes into bloodlust. She also secretly craves attention, and love-shes just really afraid to get close to someone..because they might see her as a monster, or she might drain them completely by accident someday....
Is she vore capable? Maybe, does she even know what 'vore' is? No. she does in a way 'eat' people when she feeds on them, though..as said, this char as predator is mostly for vampiric acts.
her weaknesses are odd-She was bitten by a fairly powerful vampire who had found a way past a few normal weaknesses-or at least, modified one...She can stay in sunlight, but not for very extended periods of time or her skin will start to turn red-and raw..and eventually, set aflame, cloudy days are best for her to stay outside, and even then..she prefers the shade. Every other vampire weakness is fair game, Holy artifacts, if only wielded by the devout-can kill her, the traditional stake to the heart..and the other things.
'Power' wise? she has the speed and agility of a vampire, and even has quite a bit of grace whenever she feels the need to move, she has a very decent amount of strength..and she -can- charm someone, though she rarely tries to so its rather..unhoned, all of the abilities double of course when shes turned into a raving blood-lusting monster from starving herself. But shes not unstoppable.
Severitha's body:
Age:"Ah....twenty-one." thats obviously a lie.
Personality: Keeps to herself,mostly-but shes easy to get along with..shes nice, or she can be mean-if someone offends her in any way at all, and can become secluded to a person she finds rude and not give them the time of day...otherwise, find out!
Skin color: Pale as death
Hair: Snow-white
Eyes: Crimson-red
Height: 6'0
Weight: She hasn't bothered to measure herself again-because she'll forget.
Bust: 40D, down to a B~C with a corset on.
Hair Length: neck-length.
Attire: Corset, dress/Gown/etc, Modern: T-shit, skirt, to other things-it depends.
Length of fangs: about 1.5 inches, easily hidden. and her mouth can gape pretty wide when shes ready to bite..
OOC Notes:
Talk to me like a person.
Player is Female
RP Statuses:
Online: Figuring out what I want to do, go ahead and talk to me.
Away: I'm away from the computer.
LFRP: Looking for a RP, public, or, private.
Do Not Disturb/DND: Do Not Disturb Me.
Prey: Prey-mood
Pred: Predatory mood
OOC: Likely will never use.
IC: In a RP, I can talk, but don't expect to RP with me.
Open: Open for just about anything.
Alt of Kinami
(her when she was younger, I'll add the body stats for it later-personality wise though? Naive, Innocent, and curious...and if a bit awkward.)