Silvanesh Government | Silvanesh has a long and illustrious monarchy with a council of lords to check the king or queen's power. This council is of course, the four lords of the currently strongest houses from the four great cities. Lord is also a general term, it is possible for a lord on the council to be female rather than male. The reigning monarch cannot make a decree without support from at least two of the four lords, and three lords together can remand or remove any decree or law made by the monarch. Once every ten years the monarch is allowed to make an 'absolute decree' that cannot be removed or deleted, and does not need the agreement of the rest of the council. However, an absolute decree cannot affect the monarch's limitations and controls with the council of lords. | ||
The Queen of Silvanesh The Illustrious half-elven maiden: Queen Areos Sylvania the Fourth | ![]() |
Height: 5' 5" | In eight hundred years of history, there's been a bit more than just four monarchs, there's been seven actually, between humans, elves, and half elves. Areos Sylvania is simply the Fourth to bear that specific name out of those seven monarchs. Still a bit young, barely into her twenties, she is nonetheless proving to be a smart girl, who could very well grow to be a very intelligent and capable ruler. She listens to her advisors, and studies hard, keeping up a good, calm, and queenly exterior during public functions or meetings with the four lords |
The High Lord of Ashandra The High elven lady: Lord Mia Oreina | ![]() |
Height: 5' 8" | The Oreina family has been the dominant noble house in Ashandra for some two hundred years, which is perhaps not too surprising, given that Mia has been the house head for those years, and used her uncanny intelligence to keep her house at the forefront, and a hefty dose of mancy based support to the Royal Military in a place that's constantly in battle never hurt to keep that position either. Mia, in addition to being a noble, has studied at the Mancer's College, and knows a bit of cryomancy and aeromancer, although she's hardly the most dangerous individual, it has been more than enough to stop any number of assassination attempts from villainous elements. |
The High Lord of Cetch The silken princess: Lelaine Damodred | ![]() |
Height: 5' 6" | At first glance, Lelaine seems like a bit of a prissy little noble, and while that's not entirely incorrect, her pampered appearance hides a shrewd and clever intellect. Cetch is by far the 'safest' of the four great cities, guarding the Southern Jungle. A terrible maze of plants, beasts, and amazonian tribes, but very rarely does anything threatening actually emerge from this jungle, which has allowed the noble houses there to set to competing unlike in any other city, and any house that rises to the position of High Lord, and the lady who does that, should be well feared for their prowess in manipulating the spoken word. |
The High Lord of Topan The Noble Rapscallion: James Alexander | ![]() |
Height: 5' 7" | In cities like Topan it's less a matter of who's corrupt so much as it is a matter of just how corrupt they are. James Alexander for example, is from a noble house that's only slightly corrupt. Their guards and staff accept bribes, but they aren't actually directly involved with the Smuggler's Guild that rules Topan's underground. Although one couldn't tell that from how James' dresses though! He's a pretty competent swordsman though, and just really loves the sea, his eye was lost during a duel as a youth, hence the eyepatch. |
The High Lord of Boram The petite dwarven Lady: Tacti Diamondheart | ![]() |
Height: 4' 1" | When most people think dwarves, they think of stout, heavily muscled brutes with massive beards...and well that's not too far from the truth, a lot of them look like that, and a lot of females are pretty stoutly built...but not all of them. Tacti for example, a rather young dwarf, and a somewhat tall one. Some people think there might be some elven blood in her family, and well perhaps that's true, perhaps it's not. Either way, Tacti is not just a clever politician, but actually surprisingly strong, having been trained in how to use that axe of hers, and often using it to defend herself against the many threats that spring up in the mountains that she lives in. |
The Silver Knights | One of the most recognizable symbols of Silvanesh, is the crest of the Silver Knights. The only knighthood in Silvanesh, it is noted for one particular feature, being exclusively female in its membership, with a heavy focus on agility and speed based fighting and movements, that separate them from most common perceptions of knights. With the Knight's Keep located in Abalisc, the Silver Knights keep keeps in every major city, and have outposts scattered throughout the land, with a contingent of knights kept in the military stronghold East of Ashandra, to help fend off the Orcs and other threats. The Silver Knights are led by the Knight Commander, a new one is chosen whenever the previous one dies, and is elected by popular vote by the entirety of the current order, based on skill in martial prowess and their grasp of tactics. | ||
Knight Commander Mabel Nirotane | ![]() |
Height: 5' 8" Race: Human | The current leader of the Silver Knights is a veteran warrior and skilled tactician as is only natural for the Knight Commander. She has served in just about every corner of Silvanesh, from fighting the revenants of Lanxen, fending off the pirates that plague Topan, facing down the orcs of the Frozen Spine, and has even led expeditions into Briarflame Swamp and brought out most of the group to tell the tale! Oh yes, that's not too unusual since trade was opened up with the Briarflame Swamp Dragons, but before that, the swamp was nearly a death trap, until Mabel went into it with her comrades, and found and established actual friendly relations with the head of the clan, Dahlia_Briarflame. | Other Silver Knights of note |
The Silver Centaur: Amarin Quicksand | ![]() |
Height: 6'8" Length: 7' 6" | Centaurs aren't exactly a common sight in just about any part of the world, but a centaur who is also one of the illustrious Silver Knights? Amarin tends to be the talk of any town she passes through, having come from the centaur who roam the lands East of the Mountains of Lanxin, she managed to gain entrance to the Silver Knights, and has since then made a name for herself in more than just uniqueness. She is a skilled knight, and one of the fastest to respond to a crisis or answer the call to battle, for fairly obvious reasons. |
The Heroine of the North: Allyra Jaeger | ![]() |
Height: 6' 1" | The knight to whom Marissa_Balthamel was squired, sister to the famous heroine Antoinette Jaeger, and a woman renowned for having gone to the castle of the vampiric lady and actually managing to put her back to sleep...there is much in the way to praise Allyra. A woman whose power comes from physical discipline, and a well developed style, utilizing straight sword and dagger, she is often described as a dance of steel, using speed and reach whenever either is needed with a veteran's eye for combat. |
The Elven Juggernaut: Samantha Augustine | ![]() |
Height: 5' 6" | Often remarked as an odd one out among the Silver Knights, Samantha is one who actually goes about in heavy plate mail, and wielding a heavy shield and a strong, sturdy claymore. She had them of dwarven make of course, and puts them to good use. Most often she's found in the North going toe to toe with orcs and ogres. How does she wield such armor so heavily? Well many claim she must be a ferromancer, and uses her control over metal to decrease the effects of such a heavy load upon her. |
The Disciples of Light | The dominant religion in Silvanesh, and one of those odd religions that doesn't actually have any deities. Indeed, rather than
worship any god, the Disciples preach the virtues and belief in the pure power of light itself. Whether that light comes from the
sun, or the glimmering light of the moon, it is equally worthy of respect and can guide one's way. Indeed, their devotion is such
that they even discovered a form of 'inner light' that certain individuals can manifest. Strangely this inner light can be harnessed
to produce miracles and powers similar to what clerics and paladins devoted to actual gods can perform! While this has caused
conflict with religious representatives from other lands, the Disciples of Light have nonetheless done great things for Silvanesh,
and the Tower of the Sun, situated in Abalisc, is one of the reasons why the city is nearly impregnable. Anyone who seeks to
besiege the capital city, would do best to find some way to cripple the disciples, lest they harness the sun from their tower and
bring its scorching rays down on the invader's army.
The Disciples are divided between priests/priestesses, and paladins. The priesthood run the churches and missions, and are the ones in charge of protecting the churches, and powering the ancient relics of sunlight and moonlight, such as the Tower of the Sun in Abalisc. The Paladins are comprised mostly of those with an 'inner light' to harness, although not all of them do. They possess great healing and protective powers, and travel Silvanesh seeking to smite creatures of darkness. Many often head to the Mountains of Lanxen to combat the revenants that roam the passes. The Paladins are led by three warriors, the Champion of Sunlight, the Champion of Moonlight, and the Champion of Starlight. While the priesthood is led by the Speaker of Light. These four individuals all work together, often with the queen of Silvanesh, to discuss the future policies and plans of the church and it's servants. |
The Speaker of Light, Romanda Abdain | ![]() |
Race: Elf Height: 5' 5" |
The qualities looked for in a new Speaker of Light are kindness, honesty, chastity, and a strong inner light, and an appreciation of all the lights, sun, moon, and stars. Romanda meets all of these with gusto, renowned for her kindness and generosity, she is surprisingly soft spoken...but even those soft words carry great wisdom. She is not much of a combatant, but she doesn't need to be, in times of crisis she would instead be found among the masses, trying to keep up morale and tend to the injured. |
The Champion of the Sun, Lucille Bombard | ![]() |
Race: Human Height: 5' 9" |
As the Champion of the Sun Lucille is expected to be at the forefront of every battle. Possessing the strongest of offensive abilities, the Paladins of Sunlight strike hard and relentlessly, and Lucille is no exception. While she holds hopeful ideas for a future where such as her will no longer be necessary, she knows that such a future cannot be, until holy sunlight has burnt such terrible creatures as revenants, or the fearsome northern trolls to naught but ash. In all of Silvanesh, it is doubtful that one could find a more dedicated and zealous warrior. |
The Champion of the Moon, Ginger Letoran | ![]() |
Race: Elf Height: 5' 4" | One of the warriors that accompanied Allyra when she slew the vampiric master Serena, Ginger took many notes from that. Moonlight is often seen to be a light of great defensive and shielding power, accompanying the oft used hyperbole of the 'cloak of night.' Yet, using what she found in the vampire's castle, Ginger has done something unusual...what some small elements might say is heretical. She found a way to turn exposure to the moon's light into raw physical power, increasing strength and speed, similar to the benefits vampires and werewolves experience during full moons or blood moons. Of course, while not as strong during the day, that has alas always been the case for any Paladin of the Moon. |
Champion of Starlight, Sakuya Imobei | ![]() |
Race: Elven Height: 5' 8" |
A secret known to only the other champions, the speaker of light, and the queen of Silvanesh herself, is that the Paladins of Starlight, are the crown's assassins. Starlight is the weakest of the three lights offensively, but its supporting powers grant great benefits to stealth and mobility, making these paladins exceptional for infiltrating and slaying. Sakuya embodies this perfectly, wielding a short, slightly curved blade, and very lightly clothed and armoured, she can move fast and silently, to slay any who would oppose Silvanesh, and the Light. |
The Royal Army | The very backbone of Silvanesh's military and defense against the numerous threats that assail it, is the army. Comprised of men, elves, dwarves, and even immigrants and races from strange lands who came seeking opportunity, it is well equipped and well trained. The Royal Army is divided in a method similar to most armies, with one Captain-General who is based in Abalisc, and then a Commander-General in each of the four great cities, or other locations deemed of particular note. The Royal Army doesn't often produce great heroes like the Silver Knights or Company of Heroes, but they hold the line. | ||
The Captain General Mithra Abande | ![]() |
Race: Unknown Gender: Female Age: Unknown | The Captain General, known only as the Captain General has long been a mysterious figure. All that's known is that she was once a great and strong silver knight, who left to join the military, and rose to the rank of Captain General. She's been the Captain General for nearly five hundred years. Rumor ranges everywhere from her being an elf, to having had the armour and title passed down from Captain-General to Captain-General and thus her being human. What's really known is that she never takes off her armour, at least not around any but the Queen, and perhaps the Knight Commander of the Silver Knights. What's also that there's no finest tactician in all of Silvanesh. |
Commander-General of Topan, Adam Malkon | ![]() |
Height: 5' 10" | In Topan it's very rare for a commoner to be anything but a commoner without them going into the corrupt territory of the Smuggler's Guild. Adam though, managed to do so with completely legitimate means. Being raised on the streets of Topan isn't easy, port cities always have crime and such, but he managed to grow of age without getting lured into any of the gangs, and enlisted in the Army. Sure, the Armada was the big military power in Topan, but he didn't much care for the sea...and well it seemed he made the right choice. He quickly rose to prominence tracking down bandits, and leading land assaults on the islands out in the sea. He really rose to prominence in Briarflame swamp though, practically pioneering the methods and tactics now commonly used to explore that dangerous morass. Eventually he rose to the rank of Commander-General, and uses his new role to try and keep corruption to a minimum...with minimal success. |
Commander-General of Boram, Tessa Auroris | ![]() |
Height: 5' 4" race: Elf | Being situated in the constantly undead plagued mountains of Lanxen, Boram, perhaps as much as the Northern cities, greatly needs skilled and capable commanders to help counter the creatures that constantly ooze out of the ruins of Lanxen. Boram has such a commander in the form of Tessa. An elf and solarmancer, she has had a long time to perfect her knowledge of combat, and uses it to great effect in the twisting, low riding mountains. Few can doubt her skills after the multiple successful campaigns she's lead to keep the undead numbers in Lanxen low. |
Commander-General of the North, Mothen Batrim | ![]() |
Height: 5' 8" Race: Elf | when Mothen Batrim graduated from the Mancer's College, as a master of both ferromancy and solarmancy he immediately set out for the Royal Army. He rose to prominence with a display of both powerful magic, combining light with metal to give his equipment dwarven durability, but incredible cutting power. He also learned quickly, honing his sense of tactics and battles until he eventually rose to prominence as the Commander General of the North. The northern regions of Silvanesh are basically divided between the Commander General of the North and the Commander General of Ashandra, due to its great length and the more frequently launched threats by dint of orcs and trolls. While Mothen does frequently confer with his counterpart in Ashandra, it is quite clear that he is the superior officer among them, a First Among Equals, as it were. |
Commander-General of Ashandra, Elayne Fireheart | ![]() |
Height: 5' 3" Race: human | It isn't easy being the youngest general in the army, even counting your human peers, and it especially isn't easy when you were only promoted recently. Elayne received early recognition for her strong grasp of squad tactics which she used to great effect in counter raids on the orc tribal grounds and strongholds, earning her great respect among the men. However, when the former Commander-General fell in the last Orc Assault, she found herself being promoted and on Mothen's own recommendation. She's still not too certain about being a Commander-General instead of just a simple Captain, but she's determined to do her best! |
Commander-General of Cetch, Nanay Boldeer | ![]() |
Height: 6' 2" Race: Human | While Commander-General Boldeer's amazonian like height and proportions, and her surprising knowledge of the amazonian tactics has started some unfortunate and not too flattering rumors about her, none can truly question her loyalty. Born in Cetch and likely having at least a bit of amazonian blood in her, she quickly rose to prominence helping to curb and beat down amazonian raids and strikes. While Cetch is perhaps the most laid back cities, the amazonian tribes, for all their danger have never actually seriously tried to assault Silvanesh, it is simply not in their nature, they nonetheless due strike out for goods and slaves, and so a commander-general of some skill was still needed. Besides which, she frequently is called to aid the commander-generals of Boram and Topan thanks to her location to the Mountains of Lanxen and the infamously dangerous Briarflame Swamp. |
The Shining Armada | The premiere Navy of Silvanesh, and a true powerhouse of the oceans, Silvanesh takes great pride in keeping its trade lanes safe. After all Topan is one of its great jewels by dint of the wealth it can bring in through trade with the distant Western Lands. Combine that with a number of islands a few hundred miles off the coast that constantly draw pirates and other suck ilk, and have even been known to host caves of Sahuagin, and there is a great need for a strong, large Navy, capable of moving troops about and patrolling the ocean waters. This is where the Shining Armada comes in, and it has fully recovered from the devastating war with the Pirate Queen Swordfish, and is stronger than ever! The Navy, while powerful is kept under simple controls due to the relatively small territory it commands despite its power. The Armada is led by the Admiral, and each ship has a Captain. A captain can be temporarily given command of multiple ships for the purpose of an action or wartime event, and is thus temporarily elevated to the status of Captain-Commander. AS of right now, there are no Captain-Commanders, although if anything were to happen, that might well change. | ||
Admiral of the Shining Armada, Rebecca Saltfoam | ![]() |
Height: 5' 7" Race: Elf | A commander of any military force does not need to be in peak physical condition to be a skilled commander, and Rebecca, with her...handicaps, is living proof of that. Of course, she wasn't always crippled so. No she earned those scars six years ago, when the Pirate Queen made her bid for control, and Rebecca led the fleet against her. While the pirate queen's fleet was broken and scattered, Rebecca herself suffered great injury, losing an arm and an eye, although she still controls the seas in Silvanesh's name, and intends to do so for awhile yet |
Captains of Note | |||
Captain Irelia Durou | ![]() |
Height: 6' 0" Race: Human | Irelia is something of a stand out, a premiere, unbelievably skilled swordsman, and taller even than most males. She made herself well known during a campaign against the Sahuagin that tend to infest the southern isles, and the northernmost shores of the Briarflame Swamp, taking out their religious leaders in a daring raid. |
Captain Taryk Brineheart | ![]() |
Height: 4' 2" Race: Dwarf | Even if Taryk were an absolutely terrible sailor his presence in the Armada would still be something to remark and note. After all dwarves are well known for avoiding and fleeing from water, not conquering it with steel and wood! This is what Taryk's done, one of the more skilled captains, and a surprisingly strong swimmer, to where people joke that he's a legendary 'sea dwarf.' With his strength he often helps his ship out in tight spots, and in fact once directly pushed the mast back up when it was crippled so that his crew could then nail boards to it to make it last just long enough to finish the fight. He is truly a fearsome...if incredibly odd, member of the Shining Armada. |
The Mancer's College | Unlike most other nations, there is no official, straight up mage's guild in Silvanesh. While mages are not forbidden, and there are many, some of whom are quite famous heroes. It's just, Silvanesh itself has no college or tower for learning it, most people who wish to learn actual magic find a mage to apprentice themselves to, and everyone else? They go to the Mancer's College. Mancy was something discovered four hundred years ago during the war with the barbarians and their strange spiritual guardians, the Primals. The Primals were powerful beings of raw elemental power, and in desperation, several citizens of Silvanesh sought to find the source of their power...and what they discovered were thirteen wholly unheard of planes, thirteen planes of raw elemental power, where one specific element ruled supreme, with only traces of any other there. This was the foundation of Mancy. Mancy is the manipulation of the Thirteen Elements of Magic, as they came to be called. Mancy means manipulation, a pyromancer is a manipulator of fire, and thus practices pyromancy, the manipulation of fire. The college teaches all forms of mancy and has developed many advanced and powerful techniques to learn. It is run by the Grandmancer, and the thirteen head mancers, one for each of the elements. The elements are as follows: Fire, Water, Ice, Earth, Metal, Wind, Lightning, Light, Dark, Shadow, Chaos, Time, Void. | ||
Grandmancer Siuan Toro | ![]() |
Height: 5' 6" Race: Elf | It takes a lot of effort to become the Grandmancer, and that is a role that Siuan fills with aplomb. In fact she was one of the first mancers, although not the genius that first discovered it, she has nonetheless mastered the craft. To become a grandmancer, the mancer has to have incredible mastery, not just over one element, but at least four of the elements must be absolutely mastered, and that's the minimum. Siuan has mastered seven of the thirteen elements...and crafted a Dominus. A Dominus is the pinnacle of mancy, the creation of a unique, custom seal that gives one absolute control over an element. No one's sure what her Dominus is though, it's been a long time since she had to use it, and the last time she one was really left to report it. The seven elements she has mastered though are known, and they are known as Light, Air, Metal, Fire, Shadow, Earth, and Lightning. Her Dominus must be of one of those...the question is which one. |
Head Aeromancer Malia Lour | ![]() |
Height: 5' 2" Race: Elf | One of the thirteen heads of the Mancer's College Malia is quite the skilled Aeromancer, a true master of wind and air, she has a bright and cheerful personality and is often seen simply floating about the mancer grounds, often encouraging those studying aeromancy to try and join her up in the air...while never letting on that that's actually a very advanced wind technique. Hey, students need challenges to really improve! Besides, she doesn't have them jump off cliffs, just tries to get them to float off the ground, the worst that'll happen is that someone's papers get blown everywhere! |
Head Chronomancer Egwene Marus | ![]() |
Height: 4' 5" Race: Human | When Egwene first became an advanced Chronomancer she immediately used her prowess and the knowledge she gained access to to reverse her own age, while at the same time preserving her memory. The result, was...well immortality, and the achievement was such that she was relevated to the rank of master, and when the old Head Chronomancer passed away, she was placed in their old role...that was one hundred years ago. Yep, Egwene is immortal, and only a small few chronomancers have managed the skill and raw power needed to perform the same feat. |
Head Cryomancer Abdulla Hoarfrost | ![]() |
Race: Half-dragon Height: 5' 8" | Half dragons are rare, and often shunned due to their terrible lineage, few dragons are kind after all. However, some few, through talent, great personality, and sheer endurance, rise to the heights. Abdulla is one such half dragon, still bearing her father's name as her surname, she has risen to the top as the head Cryomancer at the mancer's college, her lineage having given her a great understanding of ice to begin with. |
Head Ferromancer Tetra Yellix | ![]() | Height: 5' 8" Race: Human | One can immediately pick out the master of metal at the mancer's college by simply looking for the blonde woman clad entirely in steel, complete with a rather freaky looking helmet, that doesn't seem to hinder her in the slightest. She can touch her toes, jump and bounce, and even swim as if she were fully nude, all thanks to her skill in ferromancy. Of course, threatening her is difficult even if you somehow catch her without the armour, as metal weapons will quickly find themselves useless against her. |
Head Hydromancer Rachel Bilora | ![]() | Height: 5' 3" Race: Human | As a manipulator of water, and the master of it, Rachel finds herself often fielding requests from the Shining Armada for aid in their more dangerous sea based endeavours. Being a kind soul she often accepts, and thus has a surprising knowledge of naval tactics as a result in addition to her mastery of water, which is on the point where she's demonstrated an ability to create floods seemingly out of thin air, or more lethally, pull the water straight from someone else's body. |
Head Nihilimancer Debra Thriss | ![]() | Height: 5' 5" Race: Elf | Void of the more esoteric elements, ranking alongside Chaos in terms of difficulty and abstract concepts. Void is...nothing, it is emptiness, nonexistence...but also hunger. Debra uses this to great advantage, her pinnacle technique was a great hole of sucking force, a void so empty and devoid of anything that it desperately pulls everything around in an attempt to fill itself. It can cause terrible devestation if left unchecked, and few Nihilimancers can match Debra's terrible achievement. |
Head Obscuramancer Gretchen Hildegard | ![]() | Height: 5' 4" Race: Human | Darkness is forefront of the two elements the Disciples of Light lobby to forbid the teaching of at the Mancer's College. So far, they have not succeeded, and Gretchen herself stands firmly against them. Darkness does not mesh well with light, they are opposites for a reason, one cannot exist, where the other dwells. Yet what exactly can an obscuramancer do? Well they can put out lights for one, and not just physical lights, they can extinguish the 'light' from your eyes and render you blind, or they can extinguish the light of your soul, and kill you, or drastically alter you. Obscuramancy has been used in the past to enslave the minds of others, and many believe it has some connection to the means vampires use to ensnare the minds of others. |
Head Pyromancer Bartholomew Jameson | ![]() | Height: 5' 8" Race: Human | When one thinks of fire, they think of someone possessed of an intense and fiery temperament of great passion and burning anger...the exact opposite of the cool and levelheaded Bartholomew. He staunchly maintains that those who let emotions rule their mancy, will be burned to cinders before they can ever reach master class, and while many masters are quite emotion driven, none are as powerful as the careful, calculating flames of Jameson, so perhaps there is something to his speech of emotional control. |
Head Rudismancer Leya Grimm | ![]() | Height: 5' 11" Race: Human | IF one were to ask Leya just what Chaos can do, she'd likely reply, "well what can't it do?" Chaos is the element of change, of entropy and random chance. One can utilize a thunderstorm to summon a barrage of lightning bolts, or seek out faults and see if an earthquake might be caused. They can try and summon tsunami's...but the trick is that it's a gamble. There's no guarantees that that barrage of lightning bolts will land solely in the enemy army, it might land in both armies, or entirely in yours, that earthquake might split open the ground at your army's feet while not touching the enemy's. It takes a skilled and masterful hand to stack the odds of rudismancy but Leya can do that. Of course, some say she's looked into darker things, how to make something descend into random, destructive ruin...or how to change and mutate others in horrifying and strange ways...but if any know the truth of that...they likely aren't available to speak on it. |
Head Solarmancer Jacquelynn Weaver | ![]() | Height: 5' 3" Race: Elf | Solarmancy is declared by the Disciples of Light to be the greatest element of the thirteen, but the more levelheaded Jacquelynn, head of Solarmancy, is more reasonable. She understands the balance between the elements well, and is known to have a Dominus towards her element, although none are sure just how powerful it is or if it has any unique effects upon activation. Either way that alone elevates her to an incredible status of mastery, that well earns her her place as Head Solarmancer. |
Head Terramancer Luke Aberdeen | ![]() | Height: 5' 1" Race: Elf | One hundred years ago, give or take, Luke revolutionized the field of Terramancy when he revealed that enough skill and talent with Earth could be used not just to shift the ground, soil, rock, and sand, but could be used to grow and to at least some extent, control the very plants that grow up from it! It was a revolutionary discover, and that combined with his peerless skill at bending the rock of the world to his will, easily cemented his place as the Head of Terramancy. |
Head Tonismancer Noel Thallian | ![]() | Height: 5' 3" Race: Human | Lightning is one of the more dangerous elements, ranking along with lightning in terms of the most dangerous to use while a novice. It can easily turn on the wielder or fork and spread in unexpected ways outside the bounds of one spell. Noel though has mastered it, and can aim her lightnings and fields of arcing electricity with an unbelievable amount of skill and accuracy, far beyond what anyone else can do. Some say that she uses a Dominus to achieve such incredible accuracy...but whether that's true or not, well she's not saying. |
Head Umbramancer Tsukiko Kyouko | ![]() | Height: 5' 9" Race: Human | In Tsukiko's opinion there are few things more tragic than the misunderstanding of Shadow that exists in Silvanesh. The Disciples of Light try harder to get Obscuramancy forbidden, but not by much. If only they could realize what she has, that light is essential for shadow to exist, that light and shadow are symbiotes. Yes, shadows have been used by evil and as symbols of evil for millennia, but shadows themselves are not inherently evil, in her opinion their dependency upon light, the way they work and synergize with it, make them entirely the opposite, but alas, few are willing to agree with her point of view, no matter how useful they find the varied uses of Umbramancers. |
The Company of Heroes | Founded four centuries ago, a group of great heroes who had come to aid the newly formed nation of Silvanesh. As they explored the land and slew villain great and small, they eventually settled down to create a means for young aspiring heroes to get the training and equipment they'd need, a place where more veteran heroes could teach them the tricks of the trade, and thus greatly cut down on the number of youths killed when they attempted to play the hero while woefully unprepared. This organization came to be known as the Company of Heroes. Supposedly its numbers were roughly one hundred back when it was founded...but nowadays it numbers far more, with a Company hall in each of the great cities, and the Grand Company Hall in Abalisc itself, it numbers hundreds of members, from skilled veteran heroes, to rookies who are only just cutting their teeth. | ||
Grand Captain Adrynia Foroxy | ![]() | Height: 5' 7" Race: Human | The Grand Captain is the leader of the Company of Heroes. Her role is generally superficial during 'peaceful times' when there's no grand or great threats, she just functions like a normal captain, overseeing affairs in the Abalisc company hall, and handing out promotions or overseeing the handing out of powerful relic weapons to those who seem to deserve it. During wartime though she leads the whole Company as a whole, becoming the Commander of them as if they were one unified military body. Adrynia, being human hasn't been around long enough for such a major conflict, but none can doubt her valor and skill. She's in good favor with the Disciples of Light, and was one of the warriors that accompanied Allyra Jaeger to slay the vampire that ruled up in the frozen mountains. The fact that she was one of those great heroes more than earns her a place as a skilled hero. |
Cetch Company Captain Aurora Cobalt | ![]() | Height: 5' 11" Race: Human | Aurora is the captain in charge of the Company Hall in the southern city of Cetch, she's a resident Rudismancer, conjurer, and some people say she might have dabbled in necromancy, but of course she wouldn't do's illegal after all! Still she does a good job, keeps current on the affairs, and often steps into the jungles herself, conjuring up beasts from rather tropical planes, panther spirits, or snakes, or things like that, that would be at home in the jungle and stronger than most things that naturally dwell there. |
Boram Company Captain Ruenoc Lightningforge | ![]() | Height: 4'4" Race: Dwarf | It is perhaps not too surprising that the company captain of Boram is a dwarf. Ruenoc is a paladin, and not of the Light either. The dwarves of Mitrandril are official and close allies with Silvanesh, but they are not a part of its nation, officially. Ruenoc is a paladin of one of the dwarfish gods, and a damn good one, he also has a great deal of experience with the many threats of the Lanxen range, from deep dwelling kobolds and hook horrors, to the numerous undead threats that come from the ancient city. He was a surefire choice for the role of captain, and it's one he's fulfilled well for the past thirty years, and will likely keep filling for the forseeable future. |
Topan Company Captain Silvy Quickdraw | ![]() | Height: 5' 8" Race: Elf | Out near Topan, where a lot of assignments and baddies are on islands or somewhat aquatic in some fashion, skill with a ranged weapon is a great boon, and sometimes even a requirement, and Silvy is probably one of the best archers in Silvanesh. She's done a good job, she's hunted sharks, sahuagin, pirates, and even some of the unnameable...things in Briarflame Swamp, and has taken up the rains of Company captain in Topan, training newcomers in the bow if that's what they wish to take up, or directing them towards javelin users or hatchet users depending on which they prefer. |
Ashandra Company Captain Silent Blue | ![]() | Height: 5' 5" Race: Human | Silent Blue is a mysterious girl, one of those people from a far off, more primitive culture that don't use 'proper' names as most people think of them. How she got out of her primitive lands and came to Silvanesh armed with an enchanted blade and enough skill to beat most of the current heroes is a story in and of itself, and she's settled into the role of captain of perhaps the most dangerous area of Silvanesh rather well, she doesn't talk much, but she does a good job, and makes sure that heroes in the company get what they deserve, and is usually willing to teach her skill with the bastard sword if you ask politely. |
Heroes of Note | |||
Laura Rause | ![]() | Height: 5' 6" Race: Elf | Perhaps the single strongest mage in the Company of Heroes, if not in Silvanesh itself, Laura is easily of an arch mage class. She could likely start the first actual school or guild for actual mages in Silvanesh, if she could actually be bothered to. She's given it some thought, and has admitted that while she might one day create such a tower, for now, she will merely take on up to three apprentices at a time, while she continues her duties as a hero, and she is a skilled one. It was her who made up the fourth and final member of Allyra's group when they went to face the vampire of the North, and it is her who believes that that vampire has returned...although just how even she is not sure yet. |
Jasmine | ![]() | Height: 5'9" Race: Human | "Jasmine" as she calls herself is from the mysterious desert lands south of the tropical jungle. She came to Silvanesh with her strange clothing, her sword, and a barrelful of skill as a swordsman. While many of the other heroes are suspicious of her refusal to give a last name, and the strange circumstances under which she arrived, her skill with her sword, and her ability to easily infiltrate criminal groups like the many smuggler's and thieves of Topan does make her a valuable hero...if not exactly the most trustworthy one. |
Akane Muramasa | ![]() | Height: 6' 1" Race: Human | Coming from the same, distant land as Tsukiko Wakahisa of Those Who Hunt Predators, Akane nonetheless is of no relation, and doesn't seem to know her at all. She is however the single most skilled swordsman in the company, and like Tsukiko wields a strange energy called ki that can greatly enhance her physical abilities. Strangely she is also the single most sneaky individual in the company, outperforming even some of the craftiest rogues the Company has to boast, that combined with her swordsmanship tends to make her an utterly lethal hero to have sent after you. |
Allies and Neutrals | Not every group in Silvanesh is an enemy, or directly under Silvanesh control, there are in fact a couple groups who are allied or neutral towards the fine elves and humans of Silvanesh, but not directly a part of their kingdom. | ||
Mitrandril | The Dwarven Mountain Kingdom of Mitrandril has existed for long before Silvanesh ever came into being, constantly fighting the undead and other horrors of the Lanxen mountains they have a strong paladin foundation in devotion to their gods, as well as a strong military. Naturally their blacksmithing is amazing as well, and they are firm allies of Silvanesh ever since they first worked together with that strange group of humans and elves to clear the land and make this country a better place for all of them. | ||
King of Mitrandril Brochus Goldaxe | ![]() | Height: 4' 3" Race: Dwarf | The king of Mitrandril has always been selected from between the five great Thane houses, and the Goldaxes have held the throne slightly more often than the other houses. Brochus is the latest king to sit the throne and does his absolute best to lead his people. Thanks to Silvanesh having Mitrandril's back, his focuses are more on the affairs of his people, supplies of silver, iron, platinum, mythril and other items, as well as what's going on in the newer, deeper tunnels and how matters are going against the constant, never ending struggle against the undead of Lanxen. He holds a court once every week where he will hear the plight or case of any who currently reside in Mitrandril, and always seeks to give judgements fairly. |
Commander of the army Dakus Magmacore | ![]() | Height: 4' 5" Race: Dwarf | Dakus has been in charge of the army of Mitrandril for some forty years, and as such has a wealth of experience regarding the denizens of the mountains. It's not uncommon for heroes, disciples and mancers alike who pass through to come to him for advice or see if there's any task he needs accomplished. In his years he's well seen the value a well placed hero can do, even compared to veteran dwarven fighters, there's just something about them, and he knows how to use them. |
Head Paladin Bruenor Stonestrike | ![]() | Height: 4' 2" Race: Dwarf | All who have met the leader of the Paladins of Mitrandril would agree he is a formidable and intimidating man. Stern of countenance and seemingly wielding a hammer of storm made manifest he has done great things for his people and against the undead of Lanxen. Such are his deeds that he once even did battle with the Arch-revenant of Lanxen, and lived to tell the tale, however, much to his dismay he was unable to put the terrible undead to rest, and that particular fact still haunts him to this day. |
The Briarflames | It was only recently discovered that the inhospitable, dangerous Briarflame Swamp was inhabited by civilized creatures. It was only recently known that they were quite willing to communicate with the folk of silvanesh and even establish trade of a sorts, even if they refused to give them any alliance except in regards to saving travelers from the dangers of their swamp, that the Briarflames basically have completely under wraps. It is unknown just how much Dragon is actually in the Swamp Dragons, they claim to be more akin to a type of lizardmen, but the sweeping horns, the fact that every last one has black scales, excepting the brightly colored scales of chest and belly, and that all can spit out acid with ease is most suspect. However, if they do have any draconic ancestry or even continued relations with actual black dragons...they are not saying. | ||
Clan Matriarch Dahlia_Briarflame | ![]() | Height: 6' 1" Race: Swamp Dragon | The leader of the mysterious swamp dragons, Dahlia is a skilled alchemist, seemingly knowing everything there is to know about the multiple materials of 'her' swamp. She brews many potent things from poisons to medicines, and already demand is high for the miraculous concoctions that she and the other swamp dragons of her swamp can produce. She was the one to open up trade with Silvanesh, but that may well have been simply to keep Silvanesh from bringing its might down on her clan...whatever her reasons, they remain locked away in that black scaled head of hers. |
Mangrove Briarflame | ![]() | Height: 6' 6" Race: Swamp Dragon | While Dahlia runs the clan as a whole, the most prominent member, at least from what Silvanesh knows, is Mangrove. Most believe he is a mate of Dahlia's, but what is known is that he is the closest to a 'commander' that the warriors of the Briarflame clan have, and seems to exemplify the argument that there must be some form of draconic ancestry in the Briarflame's past. Some say they've even seen him with wings, running through the swamps...but such is surely foolish, he's never had any such thing when meeting with Silvanesh officials, and you know how people like to talk. |
Enemies of the State | Silvanesh has many enemies, of course it does, they've caused it no end of trouble and have shaped the creation of many of its organizations. From the pirates of the Western waters, to the great Orc tribes of the Frozen Spine, and to the sinister undead forces that constantly permeate Lanxen, Silvanesh has its fair share of threats...and whispers have begun in recent years...that those forces have all started to get stronger, in numbers, in leaders, or in power...and some even say that old threats believed dealt with...are also starting to resurface... | ||
The Orcs of the Spine | It seems that Orcs are everywhere, it's simply a fact of life, they were in Silvanesh when those folks first arrived, ruling over a great swathe of territory in the Frozen Spine and a great swathe of land south of those great mountains. However, they were beaten and pushed back by the dwarves of Mitrandril and the men and elves of Silvanesh, and since those distant days have tried countless times to reclaim their territory. They are as fierce as any orc anywhere else in the world, and are particularly tough in cold climates, and hae close alliances with the frost trolls and ogres of the mountains. They're even decent sailors, many times has the Shining Armada had to send ships to deal with Orcish corsairs raiding coastal villages up North. However, they've gone...quiet of recent months, they still send out regular raiding parties...but no large scale movements have been seen in quite some time...and the officers in charge of defending the North are getting antsy. | ||
Chieftain Lorga Gash | ![]() | Height: 6' 2" Race: Orc | Rumors abound that the Orcs have a new leader, but the scouts haven't been able to get much confirmation other than conflicting rumors of a redheaded orc woman. Lorga is that woman, wielding a massive axe she is more...cunning than your normal orc, to where instead of constant raids to weaken Silvanesh in a futile struggle, she's actually pulled most of her tribe back, and has focused on building up their forces and training for a more powerful and concentrated strike. While just a great assault on a city would likely end badly, considering the intelligence she's shown so far, it would be foolish to assume she didn't have some form of tactic or plan to utilize her strengthened and developed clan to better effect. |
The Vanderville Family | Far into the Frozen Spine there lurks a great castle, that is in surprisingly pristine condition given its isolated location, but naturally the owners of this castle go to great pains to keep it in working matter how many enslaved Silvaneshi it takes to do such. This castle is home to the Vanderville family, a family of vampires, who were dealt a serious and painful blow several years back when a group of four heroes, led by Allyra Jaeger, invaded and slew the current family head. However, people have been vanishing in the Northern villages again, and rumor abounds that the family has a new head..or that the previous head has somehow dragged herself back out from hell. | ||
Family Matriarch Retina Vanderville | ![]() | Height: 6' 2" Race: Vampire | Retina is an infamous figure in Silvanesh's history, the most recent ruler of the feared and hated Vanderville vampire family, she was known for raising an army of demons, werewolves, and other terrible spirits, for sending them to attack the northern communities of Silvanesh, to spirit away young, and supple bodied individuals, and especially children. She was eventually slain by the combined efforts of Silver Knight Allyra Jaeger, The Champion of the Moon Ginger Letoran, the Great Hero Adrynia Foroxy, and the archmage Laura Rause. In a daring raid they infiltrated the Vanderville castle and slew her in a pitched, terrible battle that nearly cost them their lives...and yet, rumor says that she rules her home once again. That somehow...Retina has returned, and is gathering her forces in that ancient, mountainbound castle once again. |
Dracina Vanderville | ![]() | Height: 5' 10" Race: Vampire | The 'daughter' of Retina Vanderville. Dracina was a Silvaneshi who was kidnapped as but a tiny girl. She was then raised and essentially brainwashed by the vampires into viewing the world as they did as she grew up. Then when she reached adulthood, her adoptive mother, REtina, turned her, welcoming her to the family properly. Having been separated from the other people of Silvanesh all her life except for their attempts to root the Vanderville's out she has a fascination with them, wondering why such weak, fleshy creatures would resist. They would be so much happier if they would simply accept the vampires natural place above them, and even join the folds of the vampires. |
Sabrina Vanderville | ![]() | Height: 5' 7" Race: Vampire | Currently the Vanderville's are rather low on members, at least of full, official family members. Sabrina, Retina, and Dracina are the only official, big Vanderville members, the rest are servants or slaves, albeit servants are well treated and respected in the Vanderville castle, but even then, only a few servants actually get the right to call themselves Vanderville as lesser members. Sabrina though is a full fledged member, and thus quite the powerful vampire in her own right. She is especially skilled in hypnosis, using her vision or even her voice to try and draw her victims, to put them in a limp and submissive ease that she might do as she wishes with them. |
Vanderville Servants | To be a servant in the Vanderville is to have a priveleged life, fine clothes, fine food (if you actually eat), and both the Vandervilles themselves and visitors are forbidden from taking advantage of you. Oh they can ask, and be as flirtatious and forward as they wish...but if the servant says no they can't actually force the issue. Even Retina doesn't breech this line of conduct, although very few servants actually have the stones to refuse an advance from her illustrious personage. | ||
First Maid Tonya Vanderville | ![]() | Height: 5' 9" Race: Vampire | The head maid at the Vanderville castle, she is one of the three servants with the right to call themselves 'Vanderville' and is also one of the protectors of the main Vanderville's, but that is not too surprising, nearly all of the servants have such a combative role, and hers is in premiere swordsmanship, she was once a hero, who fell during one of the many efforts to cleanse the castle, she was turned, and in the two hundred years since then, has become fully acclimated to her role, and is one of the most loyal servants the Vanderville's have. |
Twin Butlers, Troy and Lucius Vanderville | ![]() | Troy(on the left)'s height: 6' 1" Race: Vampire Lucius(on the right)'s height: 6' Race: Vampire | The only two servants also allowed to bear the name Vanderville as lesser members are the twin butlers Troy and Lucius. In addition to being the premiere servants when it comes to keeping the household clean and running smoothly, they are also the servants most often asked to entertain guests with a leaning more towards the male bent, regardless of who that guest is. Naturally they have the right to refuse, but they rarely do. In addition, they're rather terrifying combatants, having seemingly gotten an extra dose of that supernatural speed vampires so often boast, and use it to great effect in close combat. |
Fallen Angel Gabriel | ![]() | Height: 6' 6" Race: Angel | Almost nothing is known about Gabriel, other than that he was the singular strongest guard that Retina had when Allyra and company invaded, and that he is apparently some manner of fallen angel. Rumors fly though, that after his defeat in an honorable duel between himself and Allyra, he used his angelic powers to bring Retina back, fueling the claim that he is some twisted Angel of Death. However, those could be wild rumors, but what is known for sure is that he can fly, his armor is incredibly sturdy, and he's a terrifying swordsman. |
Lycan Alpha, Trigger | ![]() | Height: 6' 9" Race: Werewolf | The vampires of the Vanderville have long been allies and friends with the lycans, to the point where there castle is the only place where the lycans are safe at all. EVeryone else, even the orcs, hunted them down for fear of their 'disease' spreading. Not only do the Vanderville's respect them, but Trigger was offered the right to take their name, something he declined, for reasons regarding his pack. However, they are free to breed, feed on the slaves, and even turn those that are brought back if they seem worthwhile. Trigger himself has been the alpha for over a hundred years, and is a fast, devious, and vicious fighter. He is an opponent that any would be wary to fight, and he and his pack nearly defeated Allyra and her allies when they first tried to infiltrate the castle. |
Lycan Butler, Vulcan | ![]() | Height: 5' 9"(human)6' 3"(lycan) Race: Werewolf | The second in command to Trigger, Vulcan is one of the top werewolves in the pack, but also a pristine butler, with a specialty in setting tables and preparing meals or tea. His hand to hand abilities are impressive, and he's actually incredibly skilled at transforming from human to wolf, to the point where his clothing even remains intact when he does transform, much to the bafflement of even his pack leader and everyone around him. |
The Primal Tribes | The Primal Plains were, back before the Silvaneshi arrived, nearly five times the size they are now, stretching from North to South in endless, sweeping grasslands. However, they have shrunk considerably, and the only reason these sweeping grasslands haven't vanished altogether, is thanks to the stubborn ferocity and durability of the primal tribes, the primal barbarians. These barbarians represent and revere the thirteen primals, thirteen beings of incredible elemental power, practically demi-gods or even lesser gods depending on who you ask. They rule over thirteen elemental planes, and it is from there power and knowledge that mancy was first derived to combat them. The tribes are much smaller, in fact they're practically just one tribe that is significantly larger than the tribes were before, unifying all thirteen aspects of the elements, and they dream of one day reclaiming Silvanesh, and punishing the humans and elves that so ravaged their home. | ||
Chieftain Tarkra | ![]() | Height: 6' 3" Race: Human | To be the Chieftain of the primal barbarians during the reign of Silvanesh is to be the rare, incredibly powerful and forceful being that can lead the remnants of what were once thirteen unique and powerful tribes, now forced into one large tribe with thirteen different 'clans' comprising it's members. Tarkra is such a being. When she was born the shaman reported an immediate sign, a foretelling of great power and great things to come, and she has lived up to that. It seems the primals have blessed her greatly, she has the strength of earth, the speed of water, the agility of the dancing winds! She can think like lightning, and her passion and ambition burns like the brightest of flames! Without even the slightest enchanted gear she has physical and mental power to outmatch even the strongest of champions of other civilizations. Metal folds at her touch as if it were tin, and she can send whole groups of warriors scattering with a swing of her club. She has not done much yet, but already raids on the few people who travel through the plains have increased, and rumor speaks of the clan preparing...preparing for war. |
Shaman Letaka | ![]() | Height: 5' 11" Race: Human | The head shaman of the Primal Barbarians cannot represent any one primal unless they have been literally made into the avatar of a primal. Letaka is just that, she is an avatar of Ramuh, the Primal of Lightning. As the avatar of not just an elemental being of lightning, but perhaps one could say THE elemental being of lightning, she is quite confident that the heathen 'mancers' of Silvanesh cannot hold a candle to her, and indeed that seems so. Tonismancy, when compared to the pure primal lightning she can conjure and control with seeming ease, seems far less powerful, far less capable than what she can command. As an avatar of one of the primals, she speaks for them, and they are quite pleased with the preparations being made by the current chieftain, and Letaka herself is taking measures, measures not seen since the original Primal War, that first spawned Mancy. |
Primal Champion Alanna | ![]() | Height: 6' 0" Race: Human | A champion of the primals is a barbarian of incredible power, blessed by them and given a portion of their strength, they are not quite avatars, but are terrifying foes to face nonetheless. Alanna was blessed by the primals of Earth and Metal, her body is as hard as steel, and she has strength to rival if not even surpass the chieftain, even if she can't actually best the chieftain in battle. She strides almost nude into battle, showing her faith in the powers granted her by the great primals, and in the few raids she's been seen in, reports speak of arrows bouncing off her skin, of swords glancing aside and maces denting when they strike her, while her own axe and mace rend steel, shatter stone, and break down entire gates with one single blow! |
Primal Champion Konun | ![]() | Height: 6' 6" Race: Human | Konun is the other champion in the tribe, where Alanna was blessed by Earth and Steel, he has been blessed by Earth, Fire and Wind. He has strength incredible just like the others, but he is fast and agile, roaring into a berserk rage that is a sight to behold. Reports have him as snatching arrows literally out of the air before hurling them back in anger, of him leaping fortified walls to plow into the enemies below and continuing even after sustaining terrible, grievous wounds. A berserker that all would be wise to be watchful for, it is hard to say whether he's less or better than Alanna, or whether the two are equal. |
Ruined Lanxen | The ancient city of Lanxen, as near as those who have actually gone to the place and survived can tell, it was once a civilization of men, once a place of learning, and power, with advanced and powerful magics. However, as of yet no one yet has quite figured out how it fell, only what it has come to. Lanxen is a city half entombed, half of it buried in the mountains of Lanxen. It is a city of sweeping spires, great rounded domes, and beautiful, half fallen architecture...and it is also a city of the dead. For whatever reason, the men and women who lived in this city still wander as tormented spirits, and the military, the mighty soldiers and knights who once defended it, defend it still, bound as terrifying revenants of great and horrific power. Many times have the dwarves of Mitrandril and the men and elves of Silvanesh, and they can attest that the centuries if not millennia have not worn down the prowess of these horrific revenants. Rumor speaks though, of a living creature, who has used the arts of necromancy to take the city over, binding its army to her bidding...but for what nefarious purpose...few can say. | High Necromancer, Leliana Thorelma | ![]() | Height: 5' 6" Race: Elf | Leliana is a villain that's actually well known to the company, as they have foiled her before. She was Silvaneshi, hailing from Cetch. As near as anyone can tell she picked up her parent's craft after they were executed for necromancy, she tried several small operations which were shut down, but with her managing to escape each time, and then she vanished for several long decades...and now she's reappeared. Her power has increased to a horrifying level, to the point where she seems to have taken complete command and control of the ruins of Lanxen, to where she commands that terrible army of dread revenants, and people are worried. There's no telling what she might do with such power, and heroes are forming together to try and slip in and execute her, before she does something terrible. |
Revenant Lord, Kirill Malkovich | ![]() | Height: 7' 1" Race: Revenant | Little is known about Kirill, it is presumed that he was some knight commander, or leader of the standard military forces of Lanxen back in its prime. What is known for sure though is that he does command the whole of the revenants in the ruined city. His armor is swollen with terrible power, deformed by necromantic magic, to where he is a hideous undead parody of the man he once was. He commands terrible magic, having been known to stop hearts with a word, and revive fallen revenants and corpses to his call. Yet, he is also a terrifying combatant, swinging about his massive greatsword, ironically named 'Justice' about with complete ease. Few have stood against him and lived, and none have accomplished the feat of actually defeating him. He is capable of speech, and has at times had intelligent conversations with heroes who have come to slay whatever being has taken control of the revenants...but about the past of Lanxen he refuses to speak, the only comment ever recorded is that, "Mistakes were made, mistakes that I will not let be repeated." |
The Lady in the Tower | ![]() | Height: 5' 7" Race: Human | If one were to travel into the great cave that holds a part of the submerged and buried sections of Lanxen, one can find a great tower. A massive, spiral tower set amidst the ruins of what was once a palace. guarded by the truly elite of the revenants, and by witness accounts often the Revenant Lord itself, very, very few have ever managed to reach this tower, let alone travel to the room at its peak. Those who have though, speak of having seen a strange woman, her body bound in ropes, and the hands of spirits seen gripping and clawing at her body, as if trying to drag her away. No one seems to know what she's doing there, for she does not speak...but the Revenant Lord's personal interest in protecting her, and her strange, almost living body, paint a strange mystery. |
Defender of the Gates, Kazimir | ![]() | Height: 5' 9" Race: Revenant | Lanxen is surrounded by a crumbling wall that was once clearly massive and thick, it must have been a terrifying fortification back in tis prime, but now it is broken in many locations, and thanks to the caves and tunnels there are many other ways into the city. Which is good, for the city's great gate holds a revenant of great power. A being named Kazimir, with golden coloured armor and weapons, he defends his gate with a terrifying, unnatural fervour, refusing to give any ground...and he doesn't defend just the one gate. Heroes have reported defeating him at one of the outer gates, only to have him reappear at an inner gate into the submerged parts of the city. Whatever unnatural force pervades this city, it is clear that for whatever reason, it continually brings Kazimir back again and again, or perhaps it merely allows him to take his duty to an entirely new level of dedication. Either way, any who seek to explore Lanxen, would be wise to avoid any of its great gates...and the specter that guards them. |
The Reaper Entombed | ![]() | Race: Unknown | When those traveling to Lanxen for the first time, for whatever reason, ask for advice, there is always one piece of advice always given. "Don't go into the catacombs." These catacombs run the whole length of the city, and would seemingly be a great way to surpass most of the city's undead defenders, as almost nothing is down there...nothing but the Reaper. Trapped down there by ancient magics that even Laura of the Company could not comprehend, 'The Reaper Entombed' as it has been named, does seem to be just that. A Reaper, it's not even certain if the thing can even BE hurt let alone slain, and it haunts the catacombs, wandering the roaming halls and corridors, and any who trespass there, undead or living, fall to its scythe. |
The Amazons | The Southern Jungle that lies below Cetch is a dangerous region, full of large predators, carnivorous plants, and strange, lethal predators. However, of all of its many dangers, none are quite so notable or dangerous as the many amazon tribes that live in this massive jungle. Known for their great rivalries and their desire for slaves both for labor and sex, they have been a constant nuisance in the side of Silvanesh. They attack and raid caravans, settlements, merchant trains and camps, whether they be in the jungle itself, or just a few miles outside of its reach. They have been known to attack places nearly fifty miles out from the jungle, but never further than a hundred. The tribes vary, and have rarely ever banded together, the one time was when the peoples of the Southern desert led a campaign to actually take control of the forest and remove the amazons for all time, all the tribes united, and Silvanesh could only watch as their combined might shattered the desert peoples, before they went back to their bickering, now with many more slaves to enjoy. Their culture is female dominated, tall and strong, with males relegated to slaves of labor and pleasure and breeding, and even females from rival tribes or outside the amazon's entirely are used for this as well. Some of the tribes though, are also very cannibalistic, and find the flesh of Silvaneshi to be particularly delightful. | ||
Ironhide Queen, Telraba | ![]() | Height: 6' 6" Race: Human | The name for the leader of any one tribe of amazons fluctuates from clan to clan, some go by chieftian, others by Queen, a few are actually led by the shaman herself. The Ironhide tribe is one led by a 'queen' and Telraba is the current one. An amazon of incredible strength and size, her tribe is one of the largest tribes, and one of the most well known. While not as cannibalistic as others, they have a strong slave culture, men are taught to only speak when spoken to and used solely for manual labor or the pleasure of the bigger, stronger amazon's. They have a distaste for elvish men, considering elves smaller and weaker than humans, and those, while used for pleasure, are more often traded to other tribes for and pleasing examples of men. They do deal in women as well, more for pleasure, but they also have a habit of taking a woman, and through strange magicks that none outside the tribe seem to know, slowly turning them into a proper, strong amazon. |
Snaketongue Queen, Sasara | ![]() | Height: 6' 3" Race: Human | The Snaketongue tribe is so named for their ability to 'talk to snakes.' That's not actually what it is, but that's what rumor and myth says it is. Counted as one of the less honorable tribes, they don't have as many strong warriors, but instead tame and train the many large and dangerous snakes of the forest, venomous and constrictors alike. These do most of their fighting for them, coiling around warriors and crushing them, poisoning dangerous targets, and only the most beautiful and lovely of slaves are spared the fate of being food for their pet snakes. Sasara has no desire to change any of that, and has tamed a member of one of the most lethal snakes in the forest, known as the magma viper. It is so named as its venom has been described as 'having magma injected into your veins'. It's venom causes a massive overheating reaction that essentially 'cooks' the victim from the inside out, paralyzing them with incredible pain and fatigue, before they finally die, usually while being ingested. |
Windfeather Chieftain, Tokoro | ![]() | Height: 6' 0" Race: Harpy | Not all the amazons are human, at least, not completely human. The Windfeather tribe is a perfect example of that. They, are harpies, humans with bird like feet and wings, although they have hand like talons at the end of their wings. They are the smallest of the amazons, which isn't saying much, and are significantly more agile thanks to their aerial leanings. They often tend to dual wield light, quick weapons, and use their flight to ambush caravans, grab anything that looks useful or interesting, and then fly off before any kind of defense can be mounted. Oftentimes a caravan will find itself worn down over the course of a few days rather than attacked and crushed in one big ambush. |
Quickstride Shaman, Etola | ![]() | Height: 6' 4" Race: Human | Comprised mostly of ranged archers with very few close fighter units, the Quickstrides got their name through sheer agility and speed. They can run as fast as prized horses with absolute ease, and for longer too, they're also nimble enough to run on and through trees with ease, while still aiming and firing their impressive long bows, which only seem small in comparison to their own heights. They are still one of the smaller tribes however, due to their relative lack of overall physical strength compared to others, causing them to only be able to carry away so many slaves during a raid, limiting the number of breeders they have. They are lead by shamans, who use a bow that is at the same time a staff that conjured and channels their magic. Most often this is used to heighten their accuracy or even ensure that the arrow will never miss, but it is also used to communicate with the spirits, and the shamans have the ability to project out of their bodies to survey their surroundings in an invisible spirit form. |
Scalerider Chieftain, Andra | ![]() | Height: 6' 5" Race: Human | The Silvaneshi can always tell when the Scaleriders are about to descend on them, for any horses they have will go wild, rearing as they get the scent of the great lizards they ride. Massive, bipedal beasts with long, slender clawed hands, these lizards are fierce, but their riders are fiercer. They have tamed these creatures and use them as the Silvaneshi use horses, but these are far dangerous, even the most docile far more dangerous than even the finest warhorse, they descend in great sweeping charges on their mounts, running down caravans and scooping up slaves, cutting down guards with long reaching swords while the beasts attack animal and man alike, only stopped if the amazon finds the one being attacked suitable to be kept as a slave. |
Panther Shaman, Roroka | ![]() | Height: 6' 5" Race: Werepanther | The Lycans, the werewolves, are not the only werecreature to prey upon Silvanesh's fine folk. Where as the lycans prowl the North, the south is prowled by the amazonian tribe known as the Panthers, due to the fact that every last one of them, is in fact, a werepanther, able to turn into a large, powerful, black furred feline predator. They, like the Ironhides, turn worthwhile females into one of their own, although their methods are far, far more obvious than the Ironhides. Their shamans can summon the spirits of the primordial panthers, great supernatural felines of incredible strength and ferocity, as well as command all manner of other jungle cats. |
The West Sea Pirates | The pirates of the West Sea have been a thorn in Silvanesh's side since the beginning of Topan. Originally they were fugitives and criminals, corsairs from a distant land far to the West, as well as the occasional group of orc raiders sailing down from far up North. However, as time went on and Silvanesh wore through the centuries, native criminals joined up and now it's heavily dominated by criminals and ne'er do wells from Silvanesh's own stock. A few years ago, the current Pirate Queen made a bid for complete dominance, a bid that was stopped by Admiral Saltfoam. She still rules, bit discontent has started amongst her subordinates, especially as the pirates have slowly started to recover from their crushing defeat six years ago. | Pirate Queen, Mollaya Swordfish | ![]() | Height: 5' 6" Race: Elf | When Mollaya first joined up with a pirate crew, wielding not a scimitar, saber, handaxe or cutlass, like most used, but a rapier, she was laughed at and joked about. It was playful yes, they still taught her and took her along, it was light teasing about how that 'slender little toothpick' made her look like a swordfish, and so the name stuck. Even when she proved her skill and rose through the ranks the name stuck, and she kept it, as a badge of honor representing her past. She was often remarked though, as a shrewd manipulator and tactician and a fantastic duelist. When she rose to the rank of queen she actually reduced raids and shipboarding to concentrate their forces, until she started her invasion, her great wager...and lost. Though she took that accursed Saltfoam's eye and arm in close combat, Saltfoam proved the better strategist, and Swordfish was lucky to escape with her life. In those six years she has been slowly working to bring the pirates back up to full strength...but other captains and crews have started treasonous murmurs, about how maybe it's time they got a new queen, or king. |
Captain Nissica "Pureheart" | ![]() | Height: 5' 4" Race: Human | Nissica is someone who understands the value of morale, so she dresses on the wrong side of reserved, and acts the constant optimist, she gives great heartfelt speeches, is very kind to her crew, never surrenders, nad never ever stops smiling, giving her the nickname 'pureheart.' While some believe it's just a ruse, it's a ruse she never lets down, because that smiling visage spurring her crew on, has led to many a daring escape or turnaround in vicious ship boarding actions. |
Captain Jacob 'Tidecaller' | ![]() | Height: 5' 9" Race: Human | What happens when a mancer, instead of taking up research, or a job in the military goes rogue? Captain Tidecaller is what happens. He's a hydromancer and aeromancer, and a damn good one, people say he has the fastest ship in the West Sea, but in reality, all he's doing is giving himself the best tides and the best winds, while stalling out the other vessels. He can attack one boat in a whole group of six, and while his crew is busy ransacking it, the other ships are dead in the water, or even being forced further away by the tides that have suddenly turned against them. Rumor has it that he's also one of the biggest contenders for Swordfish's throne...but if he has any desire to usurp it himself...well then he's done a damn good job of keeping that a secret. |
Captain Smith 'Heartmaker' | ![]() | Height: 5' 8" Race: Human | "Heartmaker" is a renowned ladies' man as one might guess. He often targets big, high class cruising ships that are likely to have nobles, so that he can whisk away any beautiful nobles aboard and try to woo them. With a charismatic personality he has a large crew, and actually captains three ships, with his crew very loyal. Supposedly he once tried to go after Pureheart and was rejected, something he's not too used to. Ever since he's privately lusted after the smiling pirate. |
Captain Seawolf | ![]() | Height: 5' 4" Race: Lycan | One can immediately tell that the Seawolf's name is very well earned, her hat is adjusted to fit her fluffy ears, and her tail often wags freely, either when she's drunk and excited, or when she has a bloodthirsty grin as she prepares to board a ship with her crew. Oh yes, this captain is a werewolf, and one who is always just ever so slightly transformed, just so that she is never caught without at least that slight physical edge that her lycan bloodline grants her. Jovial and high spirited when just drinking on an island inn with her crew, but bloodthirsty and damn near psychotic when ransacking a boat. She has a penchant for picking out attractive young men from ransacked ships and raping them, not even trying to woo them like Heartmaker does. |
The Smuggler's Guild | The idea of the big bustling trading gem port town having a guild of thieves and crooks is not exactly a new one. Just about every town with a great deal of wealth and constant strangers and travelers coming through seems to attract such types, and the great port city of Topan is no different. The Smuggler's Guild is essentially a Thieves Guild in all but name. The only 'good' thing about them is that they have a slightly higher focus on smuggling illegal or cheaper goods into Silvanesh rather than focusing entirely on theft. They control the brothels and their 'less than free' whores and harlots, they control the markets on illicit drugs and combat potions, as well as thieves willing to steal things from high profile figures or low profile for the right price. They extort, they steal, they bribe, and they've corrupted a great deal of the local nobility. The Smuggler's Guild nonetheless has a surprising rivalry with the pirates, who have often attacked ships that contain their smuggled goods. | ||
Guildmaster Moria Allens | ![]() | Height: 5' 7" Race: Human | One of the most wanted figures in Silvanesh, the leader and master of the Smuggler's Guild is an elusive figure, who even those working for it don't often get to see. She is a figure who has ruled for some years now, the title passed to her from the previous guildmaster. She is the one who knows all the ins and outs, which thieves are on their side, which brothels can hold smuggled goods, or people, and she herself commands almost half of the ships that are used to smuggle goods in and out of Topan. Needless to say she'd prefer it if the pirates simply vanished, as they attack any ship they find, smuggling or no, much to her constant annoyance. |
Guildmaster Liaison, Dornithello Rivedi | ![]() | Height: 6' 3" Race: Vampire | Most people don't meet with the guildmaster, they meet with her representative, her liaison. While many individuals are given some measure of authority over operations big or small, but none are allowed to speak on the guildmaster's behalf, none are allowed to do that...except for Dornithello. A vampire of mysterious origin, he is big, intimidating, very, very powerful, and a surprisingly fun man to get a drink with, even if he himself can't get drunk. Even during times when one gets to meet the guildmaster, her liaison is always in the room, a silent, smirking bodyguard as business is taken care of. |
Thief Master James Rogby | ![]() | Height: 5' 8" Race: Human | While the Smuggler's Guild does focus solely on the smuggling of well...just about anything. They do have some thief works, and do attempt to monitor those and control them, if only to keep their smuggled goods from being targeted, and hey sometimes, a valuable commodity isn't easily available, and having a few thieves on hand can help get some of those smuggled goods to the ship. In charge of regulating, tasking, and keeping control of the thieves is the Thief Master, who is currently one James Rogby. Wanted almost as much as the guildmaster he himself was a very skilled thief, and he still has many of his old skills, although he hasn't put them into practice in quite some time. |
Sneakthief, Alyssa Borey | ![]() | Height: 5' 4" Race: Elf | There are many thieves, some good, some bad, some big time, some more small time focused. However, perhaps the single best thief is Alyssa, she is an umbramancer and obscuramancer, as well as very skilled with her twin long knives. She's a premiere thief, good at outwitting others, sneaking around them, and using her mancy to outmaneuver any who would try to stop her from getting her targets. |
Guild assassin, Sakuya | ![]() | Height: 5' 5" Race: Human | Sometimes, bribery just doesn't work, sometimes you can't blackmail an official, or they just refuse to be corrupted through other means. In those cases, the Smuggler's Guild will often pull out their pet assassin, a woman from the lands far out West, named Sakuya. Little is known about her, other than that she too uses ki, and specializes in infiltration and assassination, the guildmaster often imports specialized poisons purely for her prized assassin. She can't get after anyone, she has yet to successfully assassinate the commander of the military here in Topan, but she has assassinated many other nuisances, and...she'll get her chance eventually, patience is half of the game after all. |
Guild Enforcer, Seong Ba | ![]() | Height: 5' 7" Race: Human | Yet another woman from the mysterious lands across the Western Sea, Seong fulfills a different role than Sakuya. She's the premiere enforcer, not the only one, but definitely the best, she's more...charming than others, but also dangerous and skilled enough to collect on anything owed, protection money, goods that they're trying to withhold or anything else that should belong to the guild. If any starts trying to break in or defy them, Seong is often sent in to 'convince' them otherwise, with smiles, or with a few missing limbs if they simply won't listen to reason. |
Sex Trader, Lady Lily | ![]() | Height: 5' 9" Race: Human | Few can claim to have power even beginning to compare to the guildmaster, but Lady Lily is not most people. She's the premiere sex trader, she holds most of the brothels of Topan in an iron grip, and her smuggling is almost entirely in supple, delightful bodies, male or female, human or otherwise, to be used purely for the sexual perversions of the many clients of her brothels. More often than not problem individuals have vanished only for suspiciously similar whores to appear in this or that brothel, and the guildmaster actually respects her a great deal, they're purportedly good friends and get along amiably, rather than form some bitter rivalry that might wind up taking the entire guild down! |
The Lily's Maid, Iberna | ![]() | Height: 5' 11" Race: Demon | Just how Lady Lily got a demon, possibly even a succubus as her own personal handmaiden is likely a story in and of itself, but she has one, and Iberna is no slouch. She is the lady's personal enforcer, informant, and liaison, visiting brothels frequently to check in. It's not uncommon for a troublesome brothel owner to get a visit from this cold faced lady's maid...and for them to then vanish, or even worse, come out of a room with her sometime later somehow completely and utterly compliant with everything Iberna's lady wants, although they're never quite as efficient, intelligent or capable as they were before, and often die after a few more years of 'loyal' service. |
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Soft Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Hard Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Digestion | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Fatality | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Reforming | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Oral Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unbirthing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Cock Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Anal Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Tail Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Breast Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Vampiric Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Soul Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unconventional Vore | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Stretchy | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Realistic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Cooking | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Food Related | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Rough | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Gentle | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Sex | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Pain | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Transformation | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Blood | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Scat | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Disposal | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Watersports | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Bondage | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Magic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Willing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Unwilling | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Micro/Macro | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Same Size | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Male Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Female Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Herm Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Human Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Demi Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Fur Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Scaly Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Feathered Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Plants | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Animal / Non-morphic | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Non-Sentient Partner | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | |
Underage Character | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |