
Simple Template

A simple template designed to be fast loading on both desktop and mobile. An image element has been added, but if you have uploaded a profile image it will appear in this top area.


Comes with a few easy to edit variables. Get it HERE

How to make it your own

  • --accent-color-rgb: This variable determines the accent color used across various elements for highlighting purposes. The color is specified in Red, Green, Blue format.
  • --background-image: This specifies the image that will be used as the background. The image can be changed by replacing the URL between the quotation marks.
  • --background-size: Determines the size of the background image. It can be set to:
    • Exact dimensions like '300px 300px' for width and height.
    • 'contain' to make sure the entire image fits within the container.
    • 'cover' to ensure the image covers the entire container without distorting the image's aspect ratio.
  • --background-repeat: Defines how the background image is repeated or tiled. Options include 'repeat', 'no-repeat', 'repeat-x', 'repeat-y'. If 'cover' or 'contain' is used for background-size, this property may not have an effect.
  • --background-blur-amount: Specifies the amount of blur applied to the background image. The higher the value, the more blurred the image becomes.
  • --background-tint-amount: Sets the opacity level of the tint (based on the accent color) applied over the background image. A value of 0 means no tint, while a value of 1 applies a full tint.

Section 4

You can simple add and remove sections if you know HTML basics. The menu item wil have a HREF which can be set to the ID of the section. Or you know just rename what's there! :)

Section 5

Write your section 5 content here.

Section 6

Write your section 6 content here.

Section 7

Write your section 7 content here.


Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike If you mention vore to me I will projectile vomit on you.
Being Stolen Always/Love
Never/Dislike Steal me. Improve. Devolve. Ruin. Break. Enhance. Learn. Whatever. Just make your profile nice friend-o.

Introduction Where to Get How to Edit Menu Items? Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Preferences