
((Yes, this account about Slivers from Magic. This race is created by Wizards of the coast.))

The Slivers finally made it to nexus. These Hive mind creatures are vicious and ever adapting. They communicate by a means of clicks and hisses. They can speak and understand any human language. When a new Sliver enters the hive. It shares its enhancements to the hive and they adapt.

This is just a regular sliver.

Even their own kind can become their own resources to become stronger.

They can be poisonous as well. They can have venom to paralysis the victim to just kill them.

They can even bring out webbing like a spider.

And they can hide in darkness

Even death cannot stop them.

Sliver with 2 heads.

Flying sliver.

This is the leader in the fields.

And the queen of the Sliver hive.

Each sliver has the capacity to oral vore (believe it or not.)

This is the symbol of the Sliver.