
"Rejoice~! Soathi, the Protector of Life has come to save you all! Ehehe~<3 Why are you all running away?"
Combining one of the mightiest creatures across the land with one of the weakest monsters known to exist doesn't exactly sound like a great idea to most people. Why create a zombie dragon if one had the option to create a more potent undead? Soathi is a good example of why a necromancer might prefer a zombie compared to a lich or vampire however. Formerly a mighty protector of virtue and life, Soathi was well known for her holy flame breath that could send demons scurrying back to their hidey-holes, even ones made of fire! A well-known and respected defender of mortals and it was considered a true tragedy when she passed away, the world seeming a little less bright. AHowever it was when her body was mysteriously abducted from its resting place that many feared something nefarious was afoot, waiting any day for the news of some great new evil arisen in the wildlands to reveal that the champion of justice had been warped into a mighty dark lord. Imagine the confusion when that simply didn't happen, leaving a great mystery about what had happened and why.
Enter a certain Lichette, who had sealed the body away in a tomb to prevent maluse and to study those unique silver-flame properties.
For a long time the lichette was content with her path of study but eventually she hit upon a curious fact about her method of zombification. It didn't necessarily have to result in a brainless undead minion, the process of becoming such a form of undead merely cost the zombie a tremendous amount of brain power. Enough so that for most it would result in that easily controllable, brain-dead state. What if one used a highly intelligent base though? One reknowned as a bastion of willpower? This question nestled in the lichette's mind long enough that eventually she had to test her theory and created her first zombie in a couple of centuries. And Soathi was, by the lichette's judgement, a resounding success! The dragon became an intelligent (if dim-witted) zombie and, being a dragon, was quite a bit more powerful than your bog standard undead. Unfortunately her silver flames weren't rekindled with undeath, now Soathi's breath is a thick miasma that rots the mind and willpower of those that breath it in. Leaves them panting, lusty beasts if their lucky and if they aren't...well...those who's minds are completely eroded become zombies themselves. Hence some of the concern about the seven-foot tall ditzy dragon zombie, she can quite easily and accidentally cause a zombie outbreak all on her lonesome.
And she's quite liberal with her breath when she feels threatened or sees a friend being threatened by another. 'Friend' often being defined as much by recent sexual conquests as it is by actual friends these days. So maybe not a traditional success, but hey! A sexy, ditzy dragon zombie girl! That's got to count for something, right?