
"I hand you strength, so that you may strike down the wicked."

Whirring steel rips through the air, a blade clad in sapphire radiance tears through the armor of its wielder's enemies with the ease that hands sift through sand. Only a charred, smoldering gash is left in the wake of the crushing blows.

"I hand you courage, for you will be the aurulent dawn that cuts through the darkness."

The warrior rides on, unwavering in the face of an insurmountable, unrelenting horde. His mount is struck by a stray arrow which pierces through its leg, the pair tumbling to the ground with a muddy squelch. Regardless, his plates ricketing in distress as they reach their limit- he stands up, sword in hand, and walks with purpose towards a tidal wave of men and steel.

"I hand you wisdom, it will be *your* outstretched hand which shall mend those who need it the most."

Kneeling before an exiled, sickly child who lay, arms outstretched across the filth-mucked pavement, his alabaster fingers tease the boy's head; searching through his slick hair. In a few minutes time, the young one awakens, his ashen skin turned a vibrant peach. The boy the boy rubs his eyes, wailing all the while at his sudden deluge of emotions; at his nigh-impossible recovery. "Come with me, we'll find you a place. I promise." the knight says, flashing the child a warm smile as his hand laid gently to rest on the boy's shoulder, firm and reassuring. Things were better now, he was here.

"The Kingdom of Luxefor's Captain of the Royal Guard, The Right Hand of Victorina I, The Bringer of Dawn." These are but a few titles allotted to the knight known as Sorin. Though it's unknown if they're fiction or reality, some tales claim he felled a dragon as high as the kingdom's castle itself in one swing. Some stories say that he's blessed by the Gods themselves; that he's visited and touched them. Others even claim he grew up together with the Queen, that *that's* why he aided her in retaking this land for the people; why his devotion to her is absolute. None can truly say, but one thing holds for certain: Sorin's love for his Kingdom and those who reside in it is accepted more as fact than opinion. Each and every citizen *knows* without question: should the Dawnbringer look into your eyes with his own, glaring sapphire orbs- and say, "It'll be alright-" things would be alright.

Quick stats:

Age: 26 years old

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Powers: Physical combat training (as one would expect of a knight). The Goddess' blessing (A collection of abilities, really)- 1) Sorin's sword gains the ability to carve through any material effortlessly for a short period- during this time any swing of his sword that he *wills* can launch a "slash" with the same properties as his empowered melee-range swing. 2) Magnetized- he gains the ability to manipulate any remotely metallic alloy; useful for stopping bullets or sword swings in their tracks. 3) Restorative magic- the ability to cure any affliction or wound provided that the one being healed isn't dead yet; this can also be used during combat so it's not as if he has to be stationary as it's taking effect. There *is* a limit to how much/how long he can heal for, though.

Height: 6 feet 4 inches

Relationships(* denotes a canon relationship):

An_IRL_Cat alt.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Butts. <3 Clean or messy is fine with this, by the way.
Soul Vore Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sex is always a good thing, yup~
Pain Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike Oh jeez what to say about these things? I don't really *love* scat/disp/ws but I don't hate it either. I probably won't bring it up but if my partner wants to do it I usually will.
Disposal Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Note: that this is for femboys/traps, I don't usually play with males otherwise. If you're not one of those but you're a male, message me and I'll see what I think!
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike Feel free to talk to me! I don't bite, only nibble. I also love flirting.
Sweat/Musk Always/Love
Never/Dislike Always hot, always welcome. <3
Facesitting Always/Love
Petplay Always/Love