Sully is a massive, female bridge troll of towering size and overly large claws, and feet. Nuff' said, learn the rest through interaction.
No RP requests via Whispers. This Character is open to approach only!That Means if Sully is out and about, fair game. If not, kindly leave me the fuck alone. I don't know how much clearer I can be. "I Hate Fucking Whispers"
• Sully is Sully. She will do what she wants. She is a character first and foremost.
• Sully will eat nearly anything. This is of coarse when, and if she chooses to.
• Sully is not for sex. Her orientation? Male Trolls probably.
• Sully usually swallows her meals whole. But she as an affinity to bite the heads of stubborn prey.
• Sully is just as likely to just crush or outright kill someone as eat them; and will do so in a way convenient to her. Weather it be via stomping, sitting, biting there heads off, or crushing them with her titanic hands. She does not do so for any kind of thrill.