
Hi there! Welcome! I've been rping for the past years now, and I'm willing to rp as any of these characters so don't be afraid to ask me. I'm into most types of vore, and I especially love the ones that aren't common. If you have any suggestions, I'll be quite eager to listen. ^ ^

Super A human who adventures throughout the dimensions in search of adventure and helping anyone he comes across.

DarkGeno Is an entity inside Super that can be awakened. He is an agent of darkness and wants nothing more than to destroy anything in his path.

RedTheDragon A fire dragon that was a part of Super at one point(read later in Super's bio for more info) and walks around Nexus, exploring new places, and enjoying fun from anyone he comes across.

RaveHawk A large brown hawk with quite the history surrounding him, he wanders around the Nexus, looking for friends and a mate for himself.

RosaFox A large orange and white Vixen looking for males willing to entertain her, and please her, trying to find her way around Nexus.

ChaosTheDragon A black dragon that is very serious and likes to hang around Nexus.

Braven A teenage wolf that likes to wander about Nexus, and can get himself into the most awkward and pleasant situations.

Wolara A dragon goddess that is randomly seen throughout Nexus. Known for sexual encounters and meeting new creatures to devour or be consumed if lucky.

Hico A micro Lizard that is known for wandering around Nexus and even used to amuse larger preds and prey. He is 100% prey, and can be used for anything. ^ ^