
An Igniz alt. Do not approach in character. Always ask no matter who you are if I will do an rp. I don't go out and actively seek out rps, but I do respond to others coming to me.

Sureiya Nirvana, a humanoid super weapon created by a corrupt government for global conquest, and she proved to be more capable than any other weapon in existence during her time serving that government...

Nirvana was created and grown in a test tube, thoughts and teachings being brought to her by a brain wave manipulation device for six years, learning everything the government's scientists were paid to teach her, lies and truths, deceptions that would turn her into a loyal weapon for their disposal... When she was finally let ready to interact with living beings they tested out her capabilities and limits, finding out that she out performs any living creature they have made before, all other super soldiers that existed paled in comparison to her, in fact her seemingly unparalleled speed and strength made the the scientists make a weapon that could be used against her if something were to happen and cause her to go out of control, which was a very smart move for the future, but...

When she was finally revealed to the world, it was on every news channel in the world, a video showing single handily wipe out an entire army formed of the greatest military of all time... well she was assigned a special backup just in case, though it was not needed... Infantry, tanks, aircraft, missiles, ICBM's, lasers, naval fleet, it all fell before her. She moved faster and hit harder than anything that was ever created by man, skyrocketing into the air with a jump and streaking past even the fastest of planes and tearing them in half with her bare hands, taking ICBMs to the face and just shrugging them off, she was a terrifying force to be reckon with and soon with her loyalty to her government the entire world was soon under the control of one leadership...

All was well for that one government for fourteen years until they decided that they did not need Nirvana anymore, and set her up for termination, being a weapon too powerful to exist any longer, besides they now had an army of super soldiers who served with undying loyalty. Nirvana was ordered to report to a special facility the same one she was created in, and was ambushed by an army of super soldiers armed with the special weapon made to defeat her... It soon proved futile though, her capabilities now far exceeded what she was theorized to reach. Within minutes the facility was a flaming crater of molten metal and blood, and it was during this event where she got a taste for human, having been pinned down for a minute until she tore a chunk off of the soldier atop of her with her teeth that could cut through even the hardest of metals... The apocalypse was unleashed upon the world...

In a matter of one week, all cities on the planet were in ruins, famine ran through the lands, forests were turned to desert and the oceans painted red, life on the planet as it was known was on the brink of extinction, she finally started calming down enough for the scientist who was labeled as her father by the device that she learned everything from to met her and try and persuade her stop this madness, and he succeeded, having her turn a shoulder finally after a two day long talk, though one condition was to be met, the information on all the scientists and governmental leaders who she was created by, and for the better of the world, all was given to her and she hunted them down and massacred them before seemingly leaving the world...

Nirvana now walks the nexus, having decided it would be better for her to just have vanished from her world. How she got here you may ask, she used a special device made by her father, her father also knew one final thing, his life to must be forfeited and she turn that down, claiming "You were the one who calmed the mighty beast and rid of her from the land, and for that you are allowed to live as a hero.", referring to herself as a beast and that he should live before going through the portal... what he did afterward or what would become of him is not known to her.

She is now a relatively calm being, freakishly powerful, but kind. She is trying to live out a normal life now as well...
She needs someone to teach how to live a normal life...
She is subject to change through rp...

Her stats:
She has the strength to dish out megatons of force behind her blows, her strongest recorded blow measured three gigatons of force... though that has never been done again by her, not even another blow at least a gigaton has been seen again.
She can move at mach 21 on land and air with jumps, sonic booms erupting from her every movement while in combat or moving about quickly.
Her durability showed she can come out of a 100 megaton nuclear explosion seemingly unharmed, a little reddened skin but nothing too serious, the radiation seemingly doesn't affect her at all.
She has instant regeneration, most of the time, there was a time one of her limbs didn't regenerate immediately, though it did eventually come back, maybe after taking enough damage that ability loses effectiveness.
She has high resistances across the board, very deadly and toxic weapons have been made to combat her though, but with her overwhelming power it proved futile besides forcing her to recover afterward. That is also the reason she has a gas mask, most of those weapons were airborne, she also got herself a rifle so she does not have to get close to those who use those weapons.
She has proven her capabilities when it comes to air combat, even though she can't actually fly, her leaps and bounds give the the appearance of doing so.
She stands at 6'3" and weighs about 710 pounds, why the weigh is so much, answer: very compact and powerful muscle mass. Fact, she weighed more when she was being used for world domination, kept well feed, very much so, some said her strength depends on how much she is fed and her total weight.
She doesn't feel pleasure or pain...

She is subject to acquiring new abilities through rp.

Also her genes prevent any change other than making her more powerful or getting more abilities.

Also, one more thing, you see, she is incredibly strong, both outside and in, if she would swallow someone down whole, they would feel extreme pressure from all around, enough to compact cars quite easily if she could fit them... You can imagine what this would do to a person of flesh and bone right... before they even reach her stomach, her jaws wrapping around them would be crushing yet alone the muscles of her throat and stomach...

Her Battle Theme:
Casual Battle:

Going all out:

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike She is a weapon capable of bringing a planet to its knees within days... Then again there are quite some powerful beings in the Nexus as well...
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Best tell me how detailed your willing to go, but it will be painful.
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike Don't mind. No Perma...
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Most likely the only way you'll go. Player welcomes all kinds of vore though.
Pain Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Gender does not matter.
Demi Partner Always/Love
Evolving Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike She is subject to change during rp...
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love