
A Unique Kitty

This girl is quite the unique Neko, she's a magician, she's a playful Neko, she's a shy and easily scared Neko, she's a magical and serious Neko, and then she's a Neko that loves to get in touch with her kitty-ness. And how is this? Well, she has 5 personalities!! Each one has a different name, acts differently, and is in theirselves a completely different person, but together they are the girl you see above, an amazing magician, and a unique Neko.

Now, why don't we go show you all about her different personalities? Follow me!!

Text Color: Golden

Name: Detra

Age: 16

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 87lbs

Bust: C-cups

Personality: Serious to a point

Pred/Prey: 65/35

Sexuality: Straight

The Serious Kitty

This here is Detra, the most serious of the 5 Nekos, and the only other one aside from the main one who can use their magic, though she uses it for more practical uses. Such as defense from Predators and attacking them back, and using it to get things and nothing more. She also tends to be the least fun of all of them, being serious all the time, so you have to befriend the main one for her to actually like you.

Text Color: Pink

Name: Little Sweetie

Age: 8

Height: 3'2"

Weight: 32lbs

Bust: A-cup

Personality: Always playful~!

Pred/Prey: 15/85

Sexuality: Curious

The Playful Kitty

Little Sweetie is the youngest of the group of personalities, and by far the most playful of them all. Chasing bugs, people, nomming on ears and tails playfully while her ears constantly twitch at every little sound and her tail constantly flicks side to side happily. And she's also the most cuddly, curling up on laps or snuggling against someone warm or happy-looking. She's the easiest to get to like you, as long as you're kind and don't hurt her.

Text Color: Orange

Name: Hayley

Age: 18

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 96lbs

Bust: EE-cup

Personality: Much like a feline

Pred/Prey: 95/5

Sexuality: Pan-sexual

The Feral-like Kitty

Hayley is by far the one most in touch with her feline side, always pouncing on people or stalking someone through the park as she hunts her Prey, being just like a feline the way she crawls on all-fours and will meow and purr, and is a sucker for ears scratches, or any scratches at all actually~! Feed her meals and she'll be easy to get along with.

Text Color: Grey

Name: Zoe

Age: 14

Height: 4'2"

Weight: 45lbs

Bust: B-cup

Personality: Shy and easily scared

Pred/Prey: 10/90

Sexuality: Lesbian

The Shy kitty

Zoe, the most shy and easily scared of the entire group, her ears constantly perked upward in alert as she tries to stay away from people, jumping at almost every loud sound and hiding once she sees someone anywhere near her. Be very gentle and calm and kind with her, and you'll make her into a shy cuddly friend in no time!!

Text Color: Purple

Name: Annabelle Fontaine

Age: 21

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 110lbs

Bust: DD-cup

Personality: Serious at times, Playful in others, then much like a normal kitty, and then a shy little kitten.

Pred/Prey: 50/50

Sexuality: Pan-sexual

The Ring-leader

Annabelle Fontaine, the one who is all of the Nekos, but none of them, the one they all come from, and the one they are all nothing like. The one who holds them all together, and the one that keeps them apart. She is the one most in touch with her magical abilities, the one who goes around as a magician, doing tricks and messing around. She is the one, who if you befriend her, you gain a partial friendship with each of her personalities, but, it works different the other way around. If you befriend every one of her other personalities, she will react to you depending on the relationships you made with them, so if you were mates with one, but friends with the others, she'll treat you as a friendly fun-time, and so on and so forth.

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike These will just be for a basis, seeing how each personality is different. Could you imagine how long it would take to make sliders for each personality? Cause I do.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike All vore types are okay.
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike Only with Annabelle doing it, you can transform any of the others.
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Annabelle and Detra can do magic.
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike All Genders are welcome~!!
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike And every Species is welcome!!
Underage Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike As well as these to point it out.
Surprise Me Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love