Sat on a rocking chair outside a small hut was a Kitsune. He twiddles a tobacco pipe around his long slender fingers, before popping it back into his mouth, puffing a few rings of smoke. Plastered upon the top of his little hut was a sign. "Tenshu's potion emporium." It read.
Don't really know what the above is, I guess it can serve as a setting?
Anyway, Tenshu is a shopkeeper, appearing in random locations when he believes there may be customers.
He's an extremely flirtatious salesman, often found attempting to seduce either sex.
His shop mainly sells potions, so there's that. I've decided to make it a dice game too.
At the moment, you roll a die of 12. Whatever potion you get, somebody has to drink. You can always force Tenshu to drink it, but you'd need to roll a 14 or higher with a 20 die.
So, here they are:
1. Belly inflation
2. Breast inflation
3. Butt inflation
4. Body inflation
5. Insta pregnancy
6. Gender swap!
7. Species swap?
8. Shrinking potion!
9. Growth!
10. Arousal potion!
11. Age regression (shota/lolilization)
12. Rapid weight gain
The player is
Spud. All kinks and preferences should be there.
Bonus shota form for you sick fucks <3