

(Umbra witches are the witch clan form the Bayonetta game series)

An alternative version of Thomas which became an Umbra witch in an parallel world like Viola. The Umbra witches being a predominantly female society, Thomas had to lie in order to join them and thanks to his more natural feminine appearence and some clevers tricks and lie (as he know them~) he manadge to enter their brutal courses of training. Upon finding the truth, his incredible potential for The Dark Arts already shown themself and like Bayonetta/Cereza which was still accepted thanks to her talent despite being an outcast, Thomas was still kept to pursue his training. Obviously the elders were really reluctant, as he was the first ever man to join them, being called "The Umbra Wizard" but he liked the title of witch too much. Since being accepted (even if not totally) by this clans boosted his confidence in his feminine expression a lot so he would work even more on it, as it seemed overtime that the mastery over the drak arts by themself made work on his appareance, something of course no elders expected. However, some elders made the training extra hard on him, they intended to make him go through even harsher courses and trails than what was needed, but instead of breaking him, it awaken him even more both physically and mentally, gaining in power and wisdom and knowledge in many different field the Umbra witches learn.

After he survived and finished his training he became the strongest "witch" of his parallel world, how ironic. So when his universe was decimated by the Homunculi, he fought as much as he could but his sisters wanted to save his potential so he could try to defeat them again along side stronger witches of other worlds and against his will they sent him into another world, giving him this power to travel between worlds (which made him fall into the Nexus) while making him the sole survivor...

Outside of his battles with Homunculi and the likes, Thomas also enjoy being a fashionista, he appreciate the simple pleasure of life and find great enjoyement in all forms of arts as spectator or creator himself. Includings even his battles where he often try to put up a show of himself thanks to his strengh and grace.

If you are curious about the dark arts, you can check them right here. And Thomas weapon of choice (outside of the 4 iconic guns he can cast various powers over their bullets~) are usually Alruna (a whip laced with thorns) or Simoon (pairs of fans lighter than paper yet more durable than steel).


Name : Thomas Kotonda
Age : 23
Height : 5 ' 3'' / 1m61 (He doesn't like changing his size too much)
Gender : Male Herm
Occupation : Starting stage actor

Intro :
Femboys often are subby and weak preys that are seen as easy and sweet snacks... and Thomas love seeing overconfident preds coming to get eaten. Cause Thomas Kotonda is a cute but still tough femboy that isn't the kind to let himself be pushed around. He's a joyful, childlish, mischievous boy that like to lie and trick people, he's also very voracious but otherwise he's pretty friendly and doesn't devour everyone all the time even if when he's given the oppotunity he can turn a bit cruel.
He became a dangerous pred when he get into witchcraft and learning powerful dark magic he really went full on using his powers to be a trickster and have fun, especially with really advenced transformation and shapeshifting.
He's a student in an acting school, his dream is to become a famous stage actor, he actually use his acting skills to be naughty to people around him. He's still a student but during his holydays he like to work at a very special maid cafe (look "Settings" for more detail).

Likes : Girl clothing, Makeup, Sweet food, Witchcraft, Voodoo, Pranks, Confusing and Frightening peoples, Getting praised/pet, Horror/Underground media, Turning overconfident pred into his prey
Dislikes : One sided relations, Getting ignored, Predictable things, Spicy food, Too sunny day, Losing his glasses

Incudragon :
- After meeting and getting close to Lilith_Ryu_Ryuusei transformed him into the mix of an incubus and a dragon with similar powers and one you could expect from a mix of those species.

Headtaur form :
- Thanks to Bryce_edwards that accepted to merge and make one with Thomas, giving him this gorgeous and strong 12ft body (in expection of Thomas's torso being on top).

- Transformation : The magic he've mastered the most, he can change his body (or individual part of his body) into anything he want, with little/no limit. He mastered this one for so long he developped 2 new magic abilities : "Internal vore morph" and "Soul Morph".

- Soul Morph : He can steal the soul of anyone he digest, they will stay conscious in him and he can interact and speak to them. He can also morph in their form and even let them take some control or he can summon them while they keep their will. Since he created this one, Thomas is much more adventurous to founds interesting species to devour and keep their soul (check the button to see them, you can open the pics to see them in full size).

If you are interested in any of the forms let me know so i can play with them (either with Thomas using them like his body or actually becoming them fully even on personality).
If you rather want to play as them as a stand alone play i'm 100% open for this. This or ask for Thomas to transform you into one of those (with the 'Internal Vore Morph' magic)
Forms without names are one i never used before
If you wanna get permavored i can add your character as a form if you are okay with this of course

All the transformation
NoneSwitch with strong pred lean7ft5 futa that Thomas eat because she was hard bullying his friend.
NoneStrong pred leanSemi giant sadistic white lamia.
NoneStrong pred leanScylla male with "eels" like tentacles that was a very strong warrior, that Thomas challenged to a "vore battle".
NoneStrong pred leanMale sea serpent mermaid.
NoneSwitchTropical arachne girl that lived on an island.
NoneSwitchHandsome Cuntboy incubus Thomas summonned.
NoneSwitchA gorgeous futa succubus with a... funny looking tail.
LindaPred lean12ft very hungry girl that is Thomas ex girlfriend.
NonePred lean but subbyLarge but kind hearted travelling centaur with a good sens of fashion.
NonePred leanVery dangerous Demon slime sphinx with a maternal instinct that like to transform human like her.
NonePred leanStrong and muscular centauress.
NonePrey leanCuntboy Chimera.
NonePred leanHoly feral dragon with a face in its mouth and great magic powers... but this one is a nice and shy dragon.
NonePrey leanCute and small mermaid boy that loves kimono.
NoneSwitchA long black serpent Thomas eat cause of its sheer beauty.
NonePred leanFemboy lamia with a large "hips mouth".
NonePred leanMarine feral dragon.
NonePred leanFour arms strong dragontaur with a scary belly mouth.
NoneSwitchGorgeous Jabberwock monster girl and Thomas' old classmate he had a crush on but she spit on his feeling.
NonePred leanMuscular horse anthro demon with hypnotizing eyes and tentacles hair.
NonePred leanMonster taur maid and old collegues of Thomas at the Maelstorm.
NonePred leanHuge lamia from a royal family of a desert region.
NonePred leanSlimy and gooey giant feral snake female.
NonePred leanArachne Demoness.
NoneSwitchA pretty chill lamia girl with a snake "hips mouth".
NonePred leanMonster girl from the desert that offer travellers (including Thomas before he ate her) a safe ay to pass the desert.
NoneSwitchNight feral dragon that let himself getting devoured.
NoneSwitchBee girl Queen that tried to emprisonned Thomas when he visited her hive for cultural exchange.
NoneSwitchCow boy with a special way to treat food that Thomas though was too fun to let go.
NonePred leanVoid dragon from another dimension Thomas manadge to open a portal to only once. He have a black hole on his tail that can suck and digest almost anything.
NonePrey leanCute femboy skilled with water magic Thomas figured would taste great.
NonePred leanA well packed futa wild centauress.
NonePred leanGiant futa fox demi god that was willing and shrink to get eaten.
NoneSwitchLocal demi god dragontaur boy that control electricity that Thomas ate only for his power (and his handsomeness).
NoneSwitchFluffy, playful and kind hearted lamia.
NonePred leanGiant sea monster girl with multiples monster heads that was known as a local legend and that Thomas spend a long time searching.
QuvanPrey leanCute fem dragon boy and old Thomas' friend that was willing.
NonePred leanGiant dragon wolf yokai with tentacles on the back.
NoneSwitchStrong demon male maid with tentacles hair that Thomas summoned.
NonePred leanSlime feral dragon and probably Thomas' most difficult catch.
NoneSwitchMermaid neko boy that tried to eat Thomas when he was relaxing at the beach.
NonePred leanVery voracious three headed feral dragon.
NonePred leanGiant slug demoness.
NonePrey leanCute maid that was Thomas' friend and was willing with the Soul morph.
NoneSwitchSphinx Harpy that willingly let herself eaten.
NoneSwitchDemi dragon boy that was too arrogant and smugly for Thomas' taste.

- Internal vore morph : Anyone he vore can be transform inside his body into anything Thomas want. On top of that he can merge them with his own body, mixing them (while still keep them conscious) with his body or take some of their attributes.

- Illusion : His second favorite. Like it a lot to spook people or deceive them. His illusions are not only visual, but they affect all senses

- Acid control : He can fully control his stomach acid : can change it color or give it a taste, making them harmless or strong enough to disolve in seconds, change the pain it inflinct and even control them in telekinetic way.

- Teleportation : He can teleport himself or other things when he touch them.

- Black magic in general, like Demons/spirit summonning, Shadow control, Hypnosis, Soul manipulation and others...

- Magic pregnancy : He can impregnate people of every gender, including male of course. When impregnating other, he can change the state and speed of the pregnacy at will.
- Weak cheater :
Thomas have tried to swindle you by cheating in a game (or simply pickpocketing you) but you caught him in the act and want to punish him by voring him in a private spot (before having a little bit of fun with his cute and delicate body). Thomas play the weak and desperate one until he reveal himself and turn the tables.

- Summoning a prey (or pred ?) :
Thomas try on a night to perform a ritual that according to his spellbook "Will summon a sacrifice of lust and hunger". After reciting the spell you appear at the center of the chalk magic circle, what will happen next ?

- Kinky streamer :
Thomas is a famous vore streamer that use his transformation magic to do kinky streams with (you) his top donators, with camera pre placed in his stomachs, balls and womb (This setting can be heavily altered as long as you and him are gonna ended up in a stream, like you're a fan of him and he just got transfer into your school for example to add "Relationship").

- Let the game begin :
Thomas just want to chill from his day on multiplayer games, but you start to be toxic and insult him in the chat room, not knowing he's using a dark magic called "Stalker eyes" to know your location and teleporting in your house, with now the intention of playing a whole new game with you.

- Adventure goes wrong :
A medieval fantasy settings where you (or your party) and going deep in the forest for a quest that ask you to kill a sorcerer that terrorize the kingdom, but you haven't reach his cabin yet that the forest already seems to... watch you ?

- Maid cafe Brothel:
During his holidays Thomas work at a special, fancy and prestigious establishment called "The Maelstörm" : A maid cafe brothel where every maid can be prostitute. In this cafe you can order drinks (and snacks) mixed with kinky liquid from Demi/Monster girls (be creative cause they probably have what you want. And customers can watch and take part into the production). When you enter one maid (Thomas) is taking care of you specially and you take you to a private room where you drink and eat with them while you're allowed to touch and gropp them and even paying the formula + to get several maids and a sex pass for you and your "girls" and of course vore is allowed. (In this seetings multiples sexual and vore partner can be engaged, if you want a "Vorgie" this one fit)

- Trickster gang
Thomas is running a small group of 10 mage theif trickster that plan large-scale heist and pranks to create chaos in town and have fun and you're just new to it. At this point there are many possibilities like you failed your mission and have to report to Thomas or simply following their operations that may include voring witness, guard or important people (feel free to imagine things and tell me ^^).
- Daughter through unbirth :

Alice_TheOrphan : was a one of Thomas's best friend, but he was feeling sorry for her to miss something as important as a family. So he decide to give her one by unbirthing her to make her his own daughter.

- Lover :

Roksas_the_dark/span> : meet Thomas by visiting the Maelstorm and was taking a meal (and fun) with Thomas and several of his monster girls maid colleagues. But Roksas saw that he had only eyes for the boy, he asked to get eaten by him, and since Thomas was feeling the same they start a relationship that ended up in them adventuring (in a medieval fantasy setting) together to face great danger !

- Slave/Pet :

Yamone : is a girl Thomas spotted right next to a massive tower when he was hiking (in a medieval fantasy setting). He broke into the tower and after humuliate it, reduce its sole occupant in a slave/toy for him and now live in her (his now) tower.

- Bodypet :

Nexusalts (played as Grant, a boy that is good friend with Thomas) : Grant and Thomas were great friend, but the boy learn Thomas' magic, specially about absorption and transformation and he decide to give himself to the Thomas. Accepting, the femboy absorbed him and made him a part of his body forever, while keeping him conscious. Now Grant is kept inside Thomas, that he can transform himself to make him come out as a second head, a taur body that Grant control, and many more crazy transformations ideas, while still respecting his will and intimacy.

Will probably forgot to update this

Don't hesitate to open the link in Imgur to get the pics at a proper size


Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike He's a total switch and my prey prefs match perfectly my pred one
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike He doesn't like killing his friends, but if you're not that's at your own risk
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike He like to transform his body to reform his prey into all kinds of differents ways
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike With his powerful tranformation magic, you can guess he can pull out pretty much any type of vore, and he loves all of them (exception made for Vampiric vore)
Side notes : Anal vore is clean only
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Soul play are likeable, including Soul Endo post digestion
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Maybe you're interested into him voring you with a mouth that open on his belly, shadow vore, teleportation vore, tentacule vore... his magic allow him to pull out many possibilities so feel free to ask ^^
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Is vore suppose to be realistic ?
Cooking Always/Love
Never/Dislike Never
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike A slight bit of pain can be very nice when mixed with pleasure (when getting fucked a bit too hard for example) or when a fight occur
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike He like to tranform his body to create unique situation. But he can also tranform you if you're inside him or merge you with part of him. Not required
Blood Always/Love
Never/Dislike No way... never
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike Don't even mention it
Disposal Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike He doesn't like this, but can be open if we talk about it before (exception made for lamia's coils, that a full yes !)
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Morphing, Hypnosis, Illusion... magic is gonna be involved for sure
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike He can change his size with magic and i loooove to play him as a 10-11 feet mini giant so if you're in lets go with that <3
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Best from both world !
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Especially lamia, those are always yes
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not very fun either
Underage Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can be good if done without sexual content
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike I'm not a native english speaker so i'm good at 2-4 lines on average and if you reply with 1 sentence that are half a line in average, this is just not gonna be fun for me. /!\ Otherwise for a quick play, short reply are likeable
Multi-Session Always/Love
Never/Dislike Loved to build relationship
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike Only for friends
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike Very whisper friendly, don’t be anxious about approaching (in OOC please IC is only for friends)
And you can approch me even for just chatting, setup a scene or to discuss kinks and preferences
Pregnancy/Impregnation Always/Love
College scenes Always/Love
Story based RP Always/Love
Romance Always/Love
Vorish/Sexual teasing Always/Love
Post-vore chatting Always/Love
Never/Dislike A bit of chat with his prey, to tell them how tasty they were, how they feel inside him or how they make him full, no matter is that's a friend or a simple meal is always really nice (can be linked with relationship or fearplay)
Full Tour Always/Love
Never/Dislike Clean only
Fearplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Making Prey falling into despair (or acting as when he's the prey) is something he never get bored of
Very active Stomach Always/Love
Never/Dislike Gassy, churning, loud and sloshing, noisy, mucousy and slimy, massaging, movements when is walking and full of half digested food....
False hope Always/Love
Never/Dislike Even fake is okay
Unwilling/Willing switchs Always/Love
Belly Play / Belly Worship Always/Love
NPC Vore Always/Love
Mawplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Mawplay is awesome ! Making maw a big step, drool and lick tease, showing it to the prey, licking their hands, salivating over them, teasing with food
Anal Stuffing Always/Love
Never/Dislike That's probably a bit lewd, but he loves to get objects, food or people shoved up there... and he'll probably do it himself otherwise
Pseudo-Hammerspace Always/Love
Never/Dislike I love bulges but i don't like my chars being paralized by their tummy. So he use his magic to make himself bigger inside, letting out a good bulge, but that probably won't pass down his knees.

Still love a big tummy to use it as a bed of course <3