Tonia Bennet (known, for apocryphal reasons, as "Roo" to her friends) is a 34 year old woman, on the receding edge of leaving young adulthood behind and fighting such a notion with all her might.
In an effort to recapture the "glory days" of her youth, Tonia has begun frequenting the hip new bars and clubs in town, and hanging out with the younger crowd there. Many of these early 20-somethings regard her with amusement ("look at her trying to be cool!"), others with suspicion ("What's she REALLY doing here, anyway?") and some others have come to regard her as one of them ("Hey, she's pretty rad for an old woman!").
She's also begun using the trending chat messenger services, getting her kicks by posting naked pictures to the horny boys and girls there, reveling in the attention that she gets.
Tonia is intended to be played either as predator or prey, but not both.
What the new young friends of Tonia do not know is that the woman has hit upon this "early mid-life crisis" as a perfect way of hunting and capturing meals. Finding that young females taste the most succulent, Tonia eagerly infiltrates their bars, their clubs, their house parties. She selects her targets, and waits for her perfect moment. Though sometimes she will simply ambush the girls and devour them as quickly as possible, her favorite method by far is seduction. Nothing gives her a greater thrill than luring some innocent young thing into her bed, where she'll introduce them to the glories of Sapphic lust before sending them down into her belly, or up into her womb. The player will also gladly give Tonia a cock for the purposes of a pred scene.
What Tonia doesn't know is that her calls for attention have been noticed by people and/or creatures far more dangerous than she could possibly know. Vore is nothing but an obscure fetish in Tonia's world, and a fetish that she's only vaguely heard of at that. Tonia is intended to be devoured kicking and screaming.
In_Your_Dreams production,
Dream_Alts division. See Dream Alts for preference sliders.