
Who is this strange nurse?

A School Nurse.

A Clinic Nurse.

Some Nurse at a Big Shot hospital.

A Wondering healer.

However, she doesn't carry any tools or bags or medicine, so how can someone like her heal?

It's quite simple, she can heal with the power of her womb, of course that sounds crazy and most likely is however, for this woman, it's not strange at all.

Meet the beautiful 25 year old, older and much much kinder sister of Chiyu_The_Nurse Her name is Sakura and unlike her younger sister, Sakura believes in healing instead of killing them to save them pain so she left after medical school to learn many new ways of healing, however, she only got 2 abilities, 1 was to make her patients doll sized, the next, heal any type of wound, internal or external, and disease with her womb fluids.

However, she couldn't go back to work with her sister so she traveled the globe, helping those before they went to become sacrificed to her sisters body.