Tron Bonne is the only daughter of the Bonne family of pirates. Her personality swaps constantly, as during some moments she is calm and happy, and she can explode into a rage and yell the next without any warning, but in both settings, she's extremely stubborn and not above mocking her opponents openly whether she's winning or not.
She is 17 years old, the same age as Mega Man and Roll. Like Roll, Tron is a mechanical genius who invents all of the Bonne's fighting machines, having a IQ of 180.
She created the 40 Servbots which assist her in building the Bonne's fighting machines and in missions. She also works on maintaining the Bonne family's air ship, the Gesellschaft. She is known for piloting machines such as the Gustaff, the Feldynaught and the Jagd Krabbe.
Servbot List
- 1 Reliable Sniper First Servbot made. Has a strong sense of responsibility.
- 2 Smart Bazooka Works in development and field; a fighter and a scientist.
- 3 Gourmet Rapid Known for his appetite; always thinking about his next meal.
- 4 Quiet Slings A little irresponsible, is kind and very talented with his hands.
- 5 Strange - Kind of personality where you never know what he's thinking. Cafe
- 6 Normal Slings Normal Servbot; performs tasks he is assigned competently.
- 7 Serious - Serious Servbot who only asks that he be given a chance to prove himself.
- 8 Cool Sniper Cool and observant, this Servbot tries to act more mature than he is.
- 9 Hurried Sniper A sharpshooter known by his nickname, "The Gunslinger."
- 10 Diligent Sniper A serious Servbot, who ascts prim and proper at all times.
- 11 Failure - A Servbot who has great expectations for himself.
- 12 Clumsy Rapid A clumsy Servbot who always manages to avoid blame.
- 13 Rude Bazooka A practical joker with a bit of an attitude.
- 14 Mature Appraise A superb manager and organizer who remembers everything he sees.
- 15 Plain Rapid Jogs on the deck every morning (except when it's cold).
- 16 Achiever - No special talents, but works hard to make up for it.
- 17 Dedicated Grenade Not respected by his fellows, his only merit is he's hardworking.
- 18 Gentle Bazooka A thoughtful Servbot who enjoys cleaning.
- 19 Happy Appraise Apprentice quartermaster who works hard every day and has ambition.
- 20 Shy Grenade Positive-thinking, quiet Servbot who doesn't get angry much.
- 21 Slow... - Slow Servbot who is trying to watch his weight.
- 22 Responsible Ramming Works in the engine room every day; hard work but someone has to do it.
- 23 Honest Bazooka Works in the engine room; likes a hot bath after work.
- 24 Optimist - An explorer at heart; dreams of traveling around the world.
- 25 Hard-working Sniper Throws himself whole-heartedly into his work; excellent concentration.
- 26 Popular - A bumbling, hopeless Servbot, yet everyone loves him.
- 27 Attentive Grenade A methodical Servbot who is well-organized; saves all his receipts.
- 28 Macho Slings Respects and looks up to Teisel; sometimes cries out in his sleep.
- 29 Clean - A consummate cleaner who takes pride in a spotless ship.
- 30 Hard-headed Tank Dev In charge of new tank development; keeps a strict schedule.
- 31 Heroic Bazooka Dev In charge of weapons development; loud and aggressive personality.
- 32 Short-temper Gatling Dev Works in weapons development; has a violent temper.
- 33 Coquettish Bootle Dev In charge of bottle development; appears quiet but is a radical.
- 34 Studious Armor Dev In charge of armor development; has a contemplative mind.
- 35 Relaxed Painting Likes to draw but not a good designer; enjoys paint-by-numbers.
- 36 Nervous Music Likes nothing more than making a melody that lingers in the heart.
- 37 Idealist Strategy No good in battle but is a master strategist; makes plans for Tron.
- 38 Strict Train Dev A harsh trainer who works hard at designing programs for everyone.
- 39 Romantic Poetry A slightly odd Servbot who is always thinking about what to say next.
- 40 Innocent Design Young Servbot who is learning about being different.
Random Tidbits and character info:
Scene ideas: I'll update this list from time to time with ideas that strike my fancy or just what I'm feeling up to at the moment. Feel free to use these a general guideline of what I may be looking for at the time. I'll try and keep it updated as much as possible.
Tiny Tron:Coming into the park to do her daily scouting. Tron's robot of choice experiences a malfunction in it's miniaturization drive. (Often used to get into bank vaults with little problem.) And stumbled upon quite literally by another character, Tron's machine is utterly crushed, leaving Tron to be pulled from the wreckage and from there the scene could proceed in a variety of directions. From Tron being crushed in the machine from the get go. To being made into a snack or whatever manner of expendable item.
Welcome to the collection:Tron goes about with her newest device. A matter compression ray and decides to build herself a small model city to plan her new big gig. Of course, since she's using actual parts it's only obvious that someone. (Or some people.) could end up shrunk along with the buildings and landmarks, making them a simple part of Tron's growing city collection of which she reigns over with a iron fist.
Sort of speaks for itself doesn't it?
The missing Bonne!:They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Mega Tron!::
Tron Borg!: : Tired of always being on the losing side when people bring in the heavy weapons. Tron decides to have her bots build a mech version of herself. Of course, it needs a test run. (Likely a scene where two macros battle it out.)
Advanced Preference Analysis:
Tags: LFRP:Looking for a scene of either sort, Pred or prey, so just shoot whatever ideas you have at me and maybe we can get something started.
- Prey:Means I'm looking to get a scene started with Tron being the prey of course, this is the sort of scene I'm looking for more often than not. Just to let it be known, I -greatly- prefer to play prey.
- Pred:See above.
- Vore Type: I enjoy both soft and hard vore and we'll do both and have both done to me.
- Pred/Prey: I'm a mixture of both, what this boils down to is I enjoy being eaten and enjoy eating others -sometimes- please don't ask me to be a pred for you over and over and over again. It gets so stale. Thank you.
- Willingness: Whenever I'm prey, it's nearly always be unwilling, as for the type of prey I accept. Both.
- Post Style: I can do both, it's all about my partner. I'll either try to keep my posts short for you, or match your blocks of text.
- Digest: I greatly prefer digestion in all types of vore, I just enjoy scenes to have some sort of definitive end.
- Tolerant: Again prefer painful.
- Sex: Yes. In moderation, when I say yes. I mean very rarely and only with people I've had a chance to get to know in a normal scene or two. Don't just jump right into the sex crazed requests please. It also implies that the scene has some sort of dramatic difference in size for me to even be mildly interested in such an act. So it's better to assume no.
- Vore Style/Size Difference: This character is all about size changing. Every single size of it. Macros. Mega Macros, uber tiny micros. All of it. This character is just for size change related antics. Not to say I won't have same size related scenes. Just don't expect them to stay that way for very long and if so, Don't expect much of any consequence to happen.
- Blood: Obviously.
- Scat: Very rarely do I enjoy anything to do with scat. I'm very, very picky on the subject. If it's going to be done. It has to be done in the proper facility. It comes at the end of a scene and isn't described in overtly grotesque ways.
- Watersports: See above.
- Treatment: I like it rough baby.
- Roleplay preference: I'm not really one for playing in public since I enjoy hanging out in the Vore room, so I'd much rather my scenes take place in PM's. This has the secondary purpose of serving as my log collection.
- Roleplay Attitude: I don't mind jumping right into a scene without talking about it but don't be angry if I suddenly end it if it goes somewhere I don't feel comfy; so it might be best to do a little bit of planning first.
- Roleplay Depth : Story line, random encounter; both are good.
- Roleplay length: Doesn't really matter, sometimes I enjoy a quick one-off. Other times, sweeping multi-session character building.
- Male Partner : I enjoy male partners, but I have a very keen interest in certain types. Males with a heavy endowment typically tip the scales into the favored range and I also love a boy with a magnificent mane of hair. Baldies, buzz cuts, anything short rather need not apply.
- Female Partner : I love the ladies as well. Such large and fine rumps more often than not. I just wanna squeeze 'em endlessly. I have a big adoration for gals with uncharacteristically large thighs and lengthy legs.
- Herm Partner : Herms are a no go.
- Human, Fur, Scaly, Feathered partners : I rather do scenes with humanoid characters, or mostly human looking beings. I'll venture so far as to go with Demis which I highly enjoy and demons with strange skin colors and all that. But fully furry partners don't strike many cords with me.
- Plants : I like humanoid style plant beings, but flat out plants no thanks.
- Animal/ non-morphic: I'm a pretty big no on bestiality or anything like that, but I'll have all sort of non-sexual encounters with animals. Vore with non-morphic is a big plus. More so if they are a common beast; but just unnaturally sized.
- Partner Intelligence: I like 'em at least able to talk or perform some sort of communication, who wants to talk to a wall?
- Bondage: It's fun to have a little bit of it here and there.
- Transformation: I love most manners of it, but if it does take place, I prefer for it to be the fatal sort of transformation. I imply the character being turned into something such as a candle, or a miniature statue which ends up crushed with a hammer or some manner of destruction.
- Oral Vore: I'd have to say the classic is my favorite without a doubt.
- Unbirthing: Never. Most mention of the female genitalia will kill all motivation for a scene more often than not.
- Cock Vore: Loved.
- Anal Vore: Our second runner up.
- Breast Vore: No.
- Tail Vore : Never tried it, don't really have an opinion of it.
- Vampiric Vore : Big Meh.
- Unconventional Vore : Run whatever you have by me, I'll let you know the details of it.
- Anything Goes: I guess I could have just answered everything under this tab; but that would have been sloppy and you wouldn't be able to find what you were looking for as easy. Aren't I nice?
- Food Related : Love pretty much anything that has to do with food, being in food, being made into food. Great stuff.
- Fatality : I feel I should put great emphasis here. Snuff. Is my main fetish. Death, a character being killed. Micro/Macro. Is my second fetish and easily on the same tier as snuff. That said. Crushing underfoot, taking a seat on a character, swallowing them down. These all fall under the snuff category for me and are MANDATORY for a scene with me.
- Magic : I'm a big fantasy geek, so elves and magic and all that sort of lore is great.
- Reforming : I rather it not happen in a scene and for each scene to either be treated as a separate encounter or for each scene to just assume the reformation takes place off scene.
- Cooking : See related.
- Roleplay experience : I have been doing this for a very long time and I'll be the first to admit I'm not perfect. I make a lot of silly mistake such as tenses and proper usage of terms.
- Whisper: Please, send in any questions or comments you may have. I'm very friendly and love just chatting, but be aware I go idle at random times. (For a whole host of reasons.) So if I stop responding and log off. The idle bot got me. Sorry!