Vore battle profile for
AliceOConnel. Profile is constantly evolving and more will be added in time.
Vore battle
Vore styles
Oral: Alice holds B >>> B is in Alice's mouth >>> B is in alice's throat and takes 1 constriction damage >>> B is in Alice's stomach and takes 3 digestion damage per round, requiting a 16+ to escape.
Anal: Alice holds B >>> B is in Alice's rectum >>> B is in alice's intestines and takes 1 constriction damage >>> B moves deeper inside Alices's intestines >>> B is in Alice's stomach and takes 3 digestion damage per round, requiring a 16+ to escape via throat and 18+ to escape the way they came.
Vaginal: Alice holds B >>> B is in Alice's mouth >>> B is in alice's throat and takes 1 constriction damage >>> B is in Alice's stomach and takes 3 digestion damage per round, requiring a 16+ to escape.
Breast: Alice holds B >>> B enters Alice's breast >>> B is taken completely inside alices breast and takes 2 digestion damage per round, requiring 14+ to escape.
Cock: Alice holds B >>> B enters Alice's cock >>> B is in alice's cock and takes 1 constriction damage >>> B is in Alice's testicles and takes 3 digestion damage per round, requiring a 14+ to escape.
Tail: Alice holds B >>> B enters alices tail >>> B is completely in alice's tail and takes 1 constriction damage >>> B is in Alice's stomach and takes 3 digestion damage per round, requiting a 16+ to escape.
Passive abilities
Starting form: Alice may forgo the first round to her opponent in order to assume the species/size etc of her choice
Size matters 1: The bigger alice is, the tougher she is. her current size will modify her current and max health. a reduction in size will never reduce her health below 0.
-Tiny: -4 max health
-Small: -2 max health
-Normal: no changes
-Large: +2 to max health
-Gigantic: +4 to max health
Size matters 2: Depending on how much bigger or smaller alice is than her opponent she will gain modifiers to her roles.
-each stage of size smaller gives alice a -1
-each stage of size larger gives alice a +1
Copycat: After a battle Alice may role a D6 and on a 3+ she gains 1 ability the opponent used that match wether it is a passive of active.
Active abilities
Size change: alice may attempt to use her ring to increase her size using her ring:
1-3: alice gets the setting wrong and shrinks herself by 1 size stage.
4-16: alice is unable to change the settings in the confusion and nothing happens.
17-20: Alice manages to increase her size by 1 stage.
Species change: Alice attempts to change her species using one of her pills. Role a dice and consult the chart:
1-3: Alice gets the wrong pill, alice transforms into one of three random species (chosen by opponent) with an equal chance of each.
4-13: Alice gets the wrong pill and rolls randomly on the chart below to decide which form she takes.
14-20: Alice is able to take the correct pill and transforms to the species of her choice (these forms will have their own abilities etc eventually).
Random species chart.
1. Demi
2. Naga
3. Drider
4. Harpy
5. Dragoness
6. Shadow girl
7. Neko
8. Mermaid
9. Octo girl
10. Wolf girl
11. Centauress
12. Tanuki
Originally human
Originally being human Alice doesn't automatically know how to fight as other species. Over her battles she can gain experience at using the different forms, "leveling up" her ability to use them. At the end of a battle Alice will gain exp based on a few different factors and when she hits the required exp threshholds she will level up with that form. Each level also has a modifier associated with it.
EXP gain:
-Won the battle +5
-Same species bonus +2
-Perfect victory +4
-lost the battle +2
-10 rounds or more +2
Level 0
exp required: 0
modifier: -2
Level 1
exp required:10
modifier: -1
Level 2
exp required:30
modifier: 0
Level 3
exp required:60
modifier: +1
Level 4
exp required: 100
modifier: +2
Demi's Alice has access to a multitude of demi forms such as cats, dogs, lizards etc. In vore battles these forms enable the use of stuff like tail and wing vore based on the form. Some may have specific abilities which will be listed below.
Size: large.
Level: 0
EXP: 0
Long body (passive): Alice's long naga body means that it takes 2 extra turns to swallow her completely once she reaches the final stage of ingestion. as long as she isnt swallowed completely she gains +2 to attempts to escape .
Tail squeeze (active): If alice is holding her opponent in a grapple she can squeeze them with her tail, dealing 1 constriction damage and giving her opponent a -1 for the next turn.
Size: large.
Level: 0
EXP: 0
Size: normal.
Level: 0
EXP: 0
Size: large.
Level: 0
EXP: 4
Tail squeeze (active): If alice is holding her opponent in a grapple she can squeeze them with her tail, dealing 1 constriction damage and giving her opponent a -1 for the next turn.
Shadow girl
Size: normal.
Level: 0
EXP: 0
Size: normal.
Level: 0
EXP: 0
Size: normal.
Level: 0
EXP: 0
Aquatic (passive): If alice is on land in her mermaid form she suffers a -2 to all rolls. if she is in water she gains +3 to all rolls
Octo girl
Size: large.
Level: 0
EXP: 0
Second maw: Alice doesnt have an anus as her octo form, instead she had a second mouth beneath her tentacles she can use. This mouth follows the same rules as oral vore but skips the throat stage. This maw can only be used after using a tentacle squeeze.
Soft body (passive): As an octo girl Alice's body is very soft, enemies do not take constriction damage from being swallowed.
Strong acids (passive): Alice's octo form has incredibly strong acids, increacing the damage from digestion by 2 per round.
Tentacle squeeze (active): If alice is holding her opponent in a grapple she can squeeze them with her tentacles, dealing 1 constriction damage and giving her opponent a -1 for the next turn.
Wolf girl
Size: normal.
Level: 0
EXP: 0
Huntress-She is an expert at stalking her prey, and knows how to use the first moments of battle to get the drop on her target. She gets +1 on her first grapple roll.
Size: large.
Level: 0
EXP: 0
Tanuki (both demi and anthro)
Size: normal.
Level: 0
EXP: 0
Tanuki scent (passive): Alice's body releases a constant wave of nearly addictive musk. Her opponents take negatives to rolls equal to the turn/round number divided by three and rounded down (ex. Turn 3 = -1 Turn 6 = -2 Turn 9 = -3) This ability becomes inactive if already inside the opponents body. If she manages to wiggle free once more, the ability starts back up as if the battle had just began. If she manages to get the opponent inside her it also stops and resets, meaning prey dont suffer a penalty for escaping.
VB_Saika - Swallowed and digested alice in her naga form with ease.
VB_Milli - Alice used her octo form to squeeze the wolf girl with her tentacles before devouring her using her lower maw.
SophieIro_VB - Drider alice was no match for Sophies tail which swallowed her up to be digested
Mirae - Alice the herm anthro wolf had a contest of cock vore against the well endowed tanuki. She was easily defeated but managed to learn how to release pheremones as a tanuki ((skill gain successful))
Zev_Okami - Alice assumed her dragoness form but was swiftly overwhelmed by the wolf woman, stuffed up her ass. Alice almost managed to escape by pushing out of the womans mouth but was swiftly swallowed back down. ((Huntress skill learned. Gained 4 experience for dragoness form))