
Valerie is a 21 year old, 5'4,rather short human, female, with with crystal-white hair, with amethyst colored eyes. Wherever she goes she is always carrying her rifle and backpack, and usually wearing her headphones.


Valerie, at the age of 18, was enlisted in the army to go fight off beasts from the Ethyrid in a tundra, her and a platoon of men were hiking out in the tundra in search of their targets, when suddenly a Ethyrid tear opened up and pulled the whole platoon in, Including Valerie! Inside the Ethyrid they found unimaginable things, and after long, gruesome hours, all had died, except for Valerie, for she had found a hiding spot when a mountainous like creature came by and killed what was left of the platoon, And ever since then she had been alone.

So now. . .after many years of struggling to survive, Valerie had made her own camp in the Ethyrid, and managed to stay alive, and eventually found out how to control the tear's floating around, and now can travel through them, Wherever they spit her out though, is not up to her.

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