Name: Variel
Species: High Elf
Age: 133 years (Young for his species. He appears as a thirteen year old youth)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'0
Weight: 90 lbs
!!COLOR CODES!! PLEASE READ Character is akin to three characters in one, depending on play, playing partner, and environment. Different colors used while typing do determine which Variel is being used. They are as follows.
Young Variel
Adult Variel
V'Ari El
Variel is an "Elder Starchild" by his people's standards - still having yet to reach 'elven' maturity, but now older than even the longest lived of humans, and that much wiser as well.
Hailing from the High Elven city of Ba'laan, Variel is the son and only offspring of the city's prestigious leader, Teladrius. Living a life of honor and exultation, Variel attended the city's finest schools, enjoyed the finest foods and delights, and in the last few years in particular, attracted the most confident of romantic pursuers, and learned from the most skilled of magus' to master the elven craft of renown: Magic, which Variel excelled at. Despite all this, Variel somehow managed to not grow up into a shallow person ... in fact, Variel began to feel something was wrong with it all. The special treatment, the fakeness of the girls pursuing him, the contrived essence of the "fine foods" he was eating...
...And at a young age of 92, he ceased to be what you would expect of the prodigal son of Teladrius. Getting involved in petty crime, mischievous adventures, theft, and destruction of property, Variel lashed out in a desperate attempt to feel alive, to feel like a normal elf - to feel free of the burden his position had placed on him. For a good ten years, he even hid out in a local wood-elven village with a friend, just trying to experience what he would call "real life".
Now 133 years of age, Variel's age is beginning to be considered for enough maturity to pass on the elves' greater knowledge - knowledge kept hidden for adults. This includes greater responsibilities, as the son of Teladrius, and that was the final straw.
Convinced that he was a normal being, and was undeserving of special treatment or hollow friendships inspired by his fame, Variel opened a portal using his own power to a foreign land...not even caring to remember the portal's exact formula, for he had no intention of returning. Slipping away into a new land, filled with gluttonous and sometimes lethally hungry behavior...the high-elven youth attempts to make sense of everything, his life, and who he wishes to be.
Using a satchel filled with gold and precious gems, Variel managed to actually buy a very decent three-story house in an upscale neighborhood, whilst using his magical skill to bring in money. As he found out, eating junkfood and living in what he considered a small space ran against the grain of what he was raised with, and became used to, but this is not to say that Variel became what he was trying to escape.
The youth now often leaves his house for destinations varied and unknown, simply trying to experience more of life, instead of being shelled up and protected within his father's palace. Of course, a certain high-elven arrogance pervades his can't be helped!
~@~The Forbidden Arts~@~
Some time ago, before Variel had left his father's palace, or hadeven began to seriously harbor resentment towards him and the artificial lifestyle to which he had become accustomed, he was quite the adventurer and explorer!
It makes sense - mild disappointment, a desire for solace from the mundane - took him to varied places far and wide, ancient buried cities, sites of power, and renown.
One day, near the beginning of Variel's true insurrection against the social order, his travels had taken him to a rather un-interesting, yet hitherto-unknown High Elven ruin, near his own home city of Ba'laan. The entrance was unearthed by a rather forceful earthquake, and it seemed to the adventurous elf, who explored at first, that these new ruins were really not so much different from other primitive elven cities. Sure, he brought down a few colleagues and friends - artifacts recovered, tomes archived. It was a normal scene...until...
The quake's damage had done more than just opened the way to the ruins - it opened the ruin itself, further into the earth - a crack in it's deepest cellar, to something more. Rooted not only in the rock, but fused with it in an unnatural way - as if it was a scar upon space and time itself, was a void-black structure - a "micro city" if you will - that the ruins appeared to have been intentionally built on top of. Disturbing visages, statues that moved, an ever changing layout, Variel soon regretted in tears and in screams that he ever ventured into the dark unknown, as each escape to freedom would seal itself off, and tunnels deeper into the abyss would open where there was nothing before.
But fortune was with the elf - for despite the likelihood that the "structure" would consume him, he did manage to crawl back up to the cellar...and with an artifact in tow. It was a tome - of midnight-black obsidian, bound in rings of gold. Eldritch runes carved into it's surface - letters that dance upon the slates, threatening to drive mad any who dare try to peer into their otherworldly wisdom.
This artifact was never returned - never "recovered" - no, Variel kept it for himself, and steeling his mind with training and with spellcraft, did dare to peer into the abominable wisdom of the book...and so did recover it's true purpose.
It was a text on 'Golemancy'. And it was written by otherworldly hands, before time and space, energy and matter, light and dark were the formless primordial chaos that all springs from, it detailed the "Perfect Golem" - it's structure, and how to create it.
Variel hid this secret for years, studying in the twilight hours of his father's palace, doing everything he could to defend, and repair his sanity from the book's effects. Now that he has left and joined the Nexus, it is here the young-elf dares to bring the book's wisdom to life.
But what kind of Golems are these? Animated clay? It is doubtful, for such terrible wisdom likely has a terrible purpose...
Recently, a figure has been seen using magics much like the young elf, but worlds apart in their potency and variety. Usually visiting areas the young prince has, and setting up strange rune-stones. The visitor bears striking resemblance to the prince, and appears to have some agenda...
Visible Differences: Hair now reaches to his feet, clothing is less like that of a tunic for a youth, and more like like regal white silken robes with a gold-embroidered cloak. He has lost his small quartz wand - and now bears a long staff of exotic silver and gold, embroidered with Elven writ and bearing the images of winged beings. The small quartz is now a large, foot-long pyramidal quartz affixed to the head of the staff. Voice is deeper, conduct is significantly more mature.
Name: V'Ari El
Species: Vagabond Ainur(Valar)/Seraphim/Celestial Being
Age: ∞
Gender: N/A
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
A mysterious being, somehow associated with the Elven prince Variel. Extremely rare occurrence.
(WIP) Pure Energy. Pure Thought.
~-=Physical Description=-~
There is a multiplicity of forms that cannot be numbered. What follows are the most common forms, listed in no particular order.
Form 1 - Spirit: Omnipresent frequency. Cannot be interacted with, detached from normal reality.
Form 2 - Light: Blinding light. White, White/Aqua or Aqua in color. Presence shifted into one location. Cannot be looked upon without killing it's beholder.
Form 3 - Seraph: Energy compressed down into material density. Size and height variable, wings optional. Usually 6'0 solid.
DESCRIPTION: Before you stands a radiant being of fair features, porcelain skin, with a mane of shock-white hair longer than it is tall. Silken wrap, glowing with it's own light and shimmering with a rainbow sparkling seems to spiral closely around it in the air, covering part of it's legs, it's pelvis, chest and around it's arms.
It is very lithe of build, slender, with a perfectly androgynous body and beautiful face. No nipples, belly button, or genitalia are formed. Eyes are radiant aqua in color, with glowing white spirals that circle in from the outer edge of the iris, into the pupil which also glows white. There are a total of six spiral lines converging on the one pupil in each eye.
There is a third eye that normally remains closed. The eyelid is vertical, and not horizontal, and is located in his forehead. When closed, it is perfectly hidden and does not appear to be there.
If wings are present, six massive wings spread from the entity's back, shock white in color. Wings are covered in eyes that normally remain closed - they may open. Eyes are blood red, with black, dark spirals converging on black pupils.
Being has been known to spontaneously acquire genders and altered forms.