This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
Captain of Bad Blood Venus Raifuria Battlefleet Satanic ![]() "The only ghul ever, tu rule over us prime-brutall bitch is our top brass so all hands on deck, you lazy scum mass! Ya better work hard! Or she'll kick yer ass! We sail with armada! Hungry for loot! Gunfire and plunder - our labour's be fruit! May cutlas mine shine, leaving you mute! May your cut-off-head rest under her boot!" |
![]() "I shall enjoy your flesh!" Name: Venus Raifuria Rank: Captain of Bad Blood in BATTLEFLEET_SATANIC. She is a fine example of Sangui'Mortan society that rewards even ghuls with really high ranks IF they are worthy enaugh. And Venus is astonishing warrior! A great captain, fearless and vicious - even most vampires bow before her. In her mortal life, she was a politician and scientist, who invented a vaccine to enslave and mentaly restrict male population - yes... a feminist. Age: She comes from year 2633, lives in Abyss for almost hundread years. Has general apperance of a young woman, as she died in her 40's and grew young in Abyss. Race, Origin: She is a Ghul, a strong Ghul! Unlike vampires ghuls eat flesh and got to eat a lot, at least as much as they weight every two days, what makes quite a lot pounds every day. They don't eat meat... it's boring, just like drinking blood from a glass. They enjoy bitting whole huge chunks off their victims, ripping flesh from bones with their sharp teeth. They are as strong... some times even stronger than Vampires, though they do not regenerate as fast, or aren't as agile or fast. Ghuls have however a fine sense of smell, they can track anyone's scent from miles. It is also a talent Captain Venus uses in battles, aspeciauly during battles in fog, clouds or mist, tracking enemies by their smell, when they can't see her ship. Ghuls are interesting type of monsters... They were sent to Abyss for special kinds of crimes. During mortal lifes ghuls were maniacs who did harm to people, often killed milions, believing they were serving a good cause, they justified their crimes with value of ideologies, even after death they are obsessed with this mania. They REALLY ensure themselves that killing people they do them a favour - you better fear them, be sure when Ghuls believe your death is a grand work to be done in name of justice - they will never stop untill it's done. Flesh eating obsession is their own curse - a metaphore of what they were as mortals. Those who need to eat kin's flesh, for it is their only reason to live, only way to survive. Abbilities: Unlike other Ghuls that are mostly pushed to the edge of society by vampire kind, some, who are strong and skilled, are granted honor of being a privileged class, they receive better food, more Black Opium, better training. Ghuls however got one big weakness and advantage at same time. They can't be harmed by magic, but also can't use any kind of magic... their bodies are like empty voids where magic reality does not exist - black holes in world of misticism, one can say, magicly empty. They cannot weild magic, cannot cast a tiniest spell, powerfull artifacts are nothing but toys for them. However! They can't be aided with magic, cannot be healed with magic, can't use magic deffence.
Look: One of tallest women you ever saw. About 8 feet tall - as a ghul she has her bit 'extended' size. She wears quite slutty clothing, one may guess, but on the other hand it's very flexible and great for battle. What can be said? She is a 100% corsair. As a Ghul her skin is pale and eyes are green - she also lacks her nose. No one knows why is that common among ghuls, perhaps a rule of Abyss to make them more visible among vampires. By the look you can say she's a prime example of a bitch. Those thighs says that! Don't they? Armament:
![]() History Why she was sentenced to be a Ghul in first place? In a distant future where Venus came from, world was at a brink of biological destruction. Overpopulation and many genetick mutations that were effects of life in crowded cities - called for quick reaction. Venus was a very strong and influential businesswoman who was also a scientist. She and her research team found out that most of those sicknesses were connected to recesive genes connected to chromosome 'Y'. Instead of curing genepool of unwanted element, Venus used a chance to force many companies to uptake a research of technology that would allow to inseminate Female ovum with genes drawn from another Female ovum. Despite the fact cure for mutation was almost ready, Venus and her team was much faster and using political influence along with whole machine of propaganda, she enabled Women to bread among themselves, what made men literaly useless. Twenty years later when world male population reached less then 10% and most of World's governments was led by Women only, Men started an uprising, trying to regain their former position. It was a masacre and by the end of insurection half of them died. Venus, in gesture of good will, offered them a chance of survival, under condition of compulsory castration. From that day forward men were 'tank-bred' geneticly modified toys, produced for amusement of female-only population. Genetic changes made them steril and took their ability of speach, leaving them obediant servants. Whole this time Venus believed her work was suppose to help humanity and fix it. She was assasinated in desperate symbolic act by last underground remnants of old Men Resistance. You can guess that when she was sent to Abyss, her recomendation was really impressive. She still hates all Men and if you are one - well... your fucked. Before she eventualy eats you, you will surely experience pain so agonising you'll start to see sounds and hear colors. Venus was lucky to appeare in Sangui'Mortan when hundread years ago, count Vladislavus Dragulia led a campaign against Cybertians - who almost all happen to be males, of very patriarchal attitude, what teased Ghul Feminist and pissed her off so much her name ended up on hall of fames of those who killed most. She played a significant role in this conquest, giving BATTLEFLEET_SATANIC an upper hand. After years of service as a corsair, count Dragulia himself rewaded her with captain's honors, giving her one of fastest ships in fleet - Sky Moloch Bad Blood. ![]() |
![]() OOC Notes: This is a bitch. Clear enaugh? Predator... a bitch predator? No nice lady... not a bit. She loves to bite her victims, to sink her long sharp teeth in their flesh and, like sharks do, tear them from their bones! It means a lot of Hard Vore... and if you are a male - you are pretty much... dead in the end. Oh, and she is evil, really, really evil, after all she's in Hell. Understand? Your counting on compassion? No way, if she thinks you annoy her, she'll kill you in the middle of a session and won't make exceptions. More of interesting stuff, I write only with people who can write, I mean do write fine long and juicy posts... if all you can do is max 3 sentences, than get lost. Also I do battles, but not with power-gamers. Let your skills speak, not silly dragonball-like-magic. Also, as a fighter, don't try any stupid wall-jumping from chinese martial-art-movies... I don't buy this shit and think it's rather boring. Venus is rather Straight. If she plays with females it's mostly about fight and vore. If Venus meets a man, she want's to do a lot to him... things pleasant for her, not really for him. Ah yes, write in third person, please. She's not nice, never will be (how many times do I have to repeat she's a bitch?) anyway, if you don't like people who treat you as trash ALWAYS till the end of time - don't ask her for a round. Her and symphaty are like Reason and Alternative medicine - they hate eachother. |
As Pred
Being PredBeing Prey | Always/Love |
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Soft Vore | Always/Love |
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Hard Vore | Always/Love |
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Fatality | Always/Love |
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Oral Vore | Always/Love |
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Unbirthing | Always/Love |
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Anal Vore | Always/Love |
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Vampiric Vore | Always/Love |
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Unconventional Vore | Always/Love |
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Rough | Always/Love |
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Blood | Always/Love |
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