
"1 Peter 2:2 Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation.” ~Verusha Alkaev
Name: Verusha Alkaev.
Age: Twenty-three.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: Fluctuates.
Position: Special - As an incarnation of the Grail, Verusha is held in high regard but is otherwise a regular sister.
Birthplace: ???, Russia.
Current Location: Unknown...
The young woman known as Verusha Alkaev was born in a small countryside village in Siberia where life is hard and the people harder, though she proved to be the exception to that last part in the long run. Her father was a well-known bandit in the region and made a living plundering old Soviet bases before selling the goods on the black market while her mother was a ransom victim who fell for her captor in an almost storybook romance. As she grew up, Verusha would accompany her father's trips when she could, usually bundled up in furs, which is where she learned how to track, shoot, and skin rabbits for both tasty rabbit stew and cozy slippers. When she wasn't with her father, she was learning how to keep a tidy home from her mother, learning all sorts of handy domestic skills that are really a stark counterpoint to her other skills. Eventually something had to come to a head because her father crossed the wrong group of peasants and got himself cursed by a gnarly old woman who claimed to be a witch...turns out she was. Raids started to go poorly, encountering more and more government resistance and the fateful day came when Verusha was forced to defend herself from an armed soldier who had every intent of taking her life.
Verusha stopped going on the raids after that.
She stopped doing a lot of things after that, because everything seemed to get worse very quickly as the curse took hold. Well...except for Verusha anyway, she had to watch while her village fell to poverty and ruin before having no choice aside from moving to the city to start a new life. A trip she never finished actually as she came across a small convent with a peculiar sect of nuns who were able to explain why she hadn't fallen to the same bad luck that had befallen her family and friends. About how she was the physical embodiment of the 'the grail' and what that meant, instructing her on how to use her gifts for the betterment of humanity. Verusha found a measure of peace and solace in that quiet little convent but eventually she began to feel like...she could do more, help people in a more direct way. So one night she stole away in the night and embarked on a starry-eyed quest to make up for her past transgressions with the holy gifts that she had been blessed with. Somehow she ended up wandering into the Park though, so don't hold your breath...
To sum up Verusha in a few phrases? She is shy, polite, and struggles with her constant dirty thoughts of pleasure. Believes procreation is a gift from God in part because of her education as an incarnation of the Grail itself.
A minor note: Verusha can reach 'Massive' on the BRA Scale through a combination of getting pent up and dirty thoughts. Could she go bigger? Well...maybe? But 'massive' is her personal record.
A SugarySweetAlts production. Don't have much to say OOC yet, made this alt on the fly when a sudden urge hit me. Obviously very heavy themes of breast-play, lactation, and BE on the fetish side but not so much vore because Verusha couldn't do that to another living being. When it comes to partners, she greatly prefers other women or those of feminine shape, but it isn't set in stone. Mostly a case by case situation with men....umm....Looking for detailed, well-written play and...I think that's most everything!