
Vihascometo Is lazing, lurking, chilling, click the exclamation there you shits.
An often neurotic, nerdy dork, often seen eating something, and has taken a toll on her figure, nonetheless she tries to remain entertaining, energetic, and all around fun to be around. Despite her stutter and odd maner of speakign, as well as her all around cowardice, she tends to be quite...weird and energetic, as well as an absolute pervert, tends to deny her perversion however.
hey viplayer spin round a sec...

actually over here

"hey! did you spill something on me!?"
over here!

"t-this is just getting confusing!?"
"don't spank me!"

"a-any excuse to stare huh...

Examples of vi's body type until i can find an artist to do it properly, she tends to eat a lot so....

official art
Art is always welcome