OK this is not a character but a hub, it is not even exclusive for me but for the whole Eka's community. Paid generously by Sir_Manings The WVE is the Word V-restling Enternaiment corp. So wrestling with vore, and while there are many chars that work like this there never was a real league for it..at least not like this. ATTENTION GIANT WIP

The ultimate goal of this is to eventualy have enough players to start off entire Vrestlemanias! So a day on which several matches would run in the Motels for all players to see, of course this is far away from now on but it would be cool anyway.
Now of course if you only want have matches that more than ok. So now let's get to the Rules!

Well now to start things off i will explain the attributes the game has Endurance: This attribute determines how much physical abuse your character can take before he needs to recover. Willpower: Determines how much sexual pressure you can withstand before orgamsing stunning you for one round. Health: Determins how long you can be held within someones stomach without digesting.

Now since that was all very complicated here's an example and coincidentaly my first wrestler! if you want to make a wrestler just copy this and replace everything with what you'd want.

Name: Zhara Anubia
Gender: Herm
Affiliation: Corporate (the group she belongs to) Heel