A Kitsune chef, living in the growing village of Solemn, ruled by the temple of Owari, the Kitsune goddess of death.
Whisk runs a little restaurant/shop in the village called Soul-food, known for it's baked goods, candies and use of real souls~!
Yes, Whisk is a master chef who loves, like many kitsunes, to incorperate real souls into her cooking~ allowing the prey to feel themselves being eaten once again this time as litteral, sentient food~! Being split between multiple mouths, bellies, bodies, as one can make a lot of dough or soup from a good soul~ Her top sellers are "Soul candy" little crystalized sugar balls containing traces of soul, Soul enriched breads, cakes and cookies. She makes a range of different foods though, including sushies, mochi and curries.
She also has a living doll known as Daifuku, who collects souls for her. How Daifuku obtains them is a mystery even to Whisk, but she has always kept up with demand for her most important ingredient. She certainly collects the souls of any trouble makers though, unless whisk or her other staff do it herself.
Whisk employs a handful of other local kitsunes in both the store and restaurant side of her business, as well as her personal "Delphy" human, she refers to affectionately as Mochi. She's not adverse to hiring non-kitsunes they're just rare to see in Solemn, and don't always last long...
When not cooking Whisk likes to lounge around and have Mochi pamper her, Shop at the market and visit the temple and Owari. She also enjoys gardening, sometimes growing her own indredients, a spot of fishing, again sometimes for her own stock and watching the local guard train, especially the would-be ninja fosks~ Though watching them work-out often makes her hungry.
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