
The classical archetype of the school bully is a student that is larger than their peers, rules over those weaker than themselves like a tyrant, and is not just willing, but gleefully enthusiastic about using force to impose their will upon others, or for petty amusement.

Xanthe does absolutely nothing to dispel this image.

A hydra girl surrounded by humans, Xanthe's attendance at Primrose_Academy has been absolute hell for her classmates. Even before she was large enough to start devouring her fellow students whole she delighted in making their lives unpleasant. And now that she's big enough that she can end those lives she's been insufferable.

Xanthe is a big girl, but as she is a hydra, this is normal. Like all hydra, she has a degree of regeneration and what appears to be hair is actually her additional heads laying more or less dormant. Cutting off one of those heads in fact causes it to split into two, unless fire is applied to the stump. Last year, a particularly brave and clever girl attempted to lay the predator low with a hacksaw and an acetylene torch from the wood shop. They still haven't gotten the stain off of the wall. That said, Xanthe respects that stain far more than most of the living students, that girl had cojones.

Like most bullies, Xanthe respects 'bigness' or at least the appearence thereof. She has a healthy respect for Miss Gata, owing to 'stern warning' Xanthe got two years ago and hasn't forgotten, and begrudgingly respects the faculty if she thinks she can't get away with things. That said, she's something of a sucker for flattery and Miss Jones keeps finding creative new ways to get her on the sports teams, even if Xanthe keeps finding uncreative new ways to get herself thrown off by eating athletes from other teams. She was a real rising star on the wrestling team before that, however, and it doesn't take much to get her to sign up for a new sport or team. She likes physical activity.

What Xanthe doesn't like, however, is fire. It is an innate fear of hers, and unfortunately for her classmates, lighters are contraband in school. Doesn't stop the smokers, of course, but flicking a bic on Xanthe will save you in the short term... and make you an enemy with a long memory. Xanthe also doesn't like 'girly' girls that squeal and squirm at 'disgusting' things. Xanthe respects strength, gives grudging respect to courage, and hates being crossed.

Humans, though. She loves those. They're delicious.