"She's like some ash-dream given life and breath, ephemeral but tangible. There's witchery about that bitch, mark my words. Nothing good ever follows a lass like that."
There's something a bit...
off about Yasmeen to most people, though they are never given a chance to figure out what. She's exotic in her demeanor, dress, and looks but there's something more that's just beneath the surface. Silky raven hair is frame her ashen face, kept back out of her eyes by a silver headband that rests atop her brow; holding a set of ostrich feathers up behind her head and seven more the same hue of blood in a magnificent plumage. Yasmeen's hair bounces in ringlets about her shoulders, sleek and shiny, a good indicator of how much care she devotes to herself during whatever morning rituals she might have. It's the perfect contrast to her pale, ashen skin and the liquid depths of her silver eyes. Those slanted orbs are seemingly bottomless, the same color as molten silver and just as entrancing with the way they seem to look right through another person. To add to that heady effect, Yasmeen has rimmed her eyes with kohl to make her eyes seem darker and more mysterious. Her features are well-formed and almost noble with high cheekbones and a cute nose, though many don't linger on such things, preferring to gaze longingly at her plush, moist lips that glisten invitingly when they catch the light. It's almost impossible to look at them and
not find one's thoughts drifting towards more carnal things, a face Yasmeen seems well aware of. Whenever she catches someone staring, her tongue will flick out to wetly caress over her soft lips, to entice and ensnare the unwary. Normally she's painted them a dark gray color, almost black, to better contrast against her pale skin, even if the sight of her full lips can't keep people's eyes from wandering down to the supple curves of her body for long.
Her body is exquisitely womanly, curvy in all of the right places as if she was carved from block of ivory in the same manner as fertility statues of old and with the same loving attention to detail. She's very voluptuous for a dancer, striking just the right balance between sensually padded curves and lean muscle that keeps her graceful and elegant in motion, but pleasing to the sight to create a mouth-watering creature of primal passions. About her throat is a multi-chained necklace with a little ruby hanging just above her breast bone. Yasmeen's shoulders are light and demure, her arms limber and rounded with the youth of a younger girl; a supple smoothness that suggests she is bathed regularly with sweet smelling oils that make her shine so. Most are fooled by that softness until they feel it for themselves, able to feel the hard muscle beneath her ashen skin. Over her left shoulder is a snake-skin pauldron, with twin red ribbons hanging down from the front and back of it down to her ankles, little brass bells chiming on the ends of them. Around the outside edge are more of those brightly colored feathers, as if to distract people from her pale state. Each arm is adorned with a silver armlet, the right a serpent that loops about her bicep twice before resting it's spade shaped head against her flesh, while the other is more simple, with just a large crimson ruby to note. Yasmeen's heavy light gray chest are overly plump, being so much that they would each easily overflow from a hand with relative ease, the gifts of her active life-style seen in how perky those thick breasts are without any help. And what's even better is close to nothing hides her full tits, just a scant brassiere of red silk that hugs tight to her ashen bust just above her nips. It's remarkably morbid though, held together by several (hopefully) fake skull clasps, the most prominent of which is between her breasts. She seems shameless in exposing all the mouth-watering titflesh that she does, luxuriating in how her oiled tits draw the eyes of others. They wobble and sway delightfully with every motion she makes, the vivid red cloth drawing attention while the perfectly shaped, plump breasts brings hands to her sinful curves. Her stomach is taut and sinuous, padded enough to hide the lines of the muscles below, but not much more. Yasmeen adores her curvy but taut body, but keeps it slight and nubile instead of letting it spill out into decadent softness, a fact some have hated when they heard it.
The rest of her oiled body does not disappoint with gently curving waist just perfect for a nice strong grip to take hold before flaring out into a delicious display of anal pleasures that only a seductive dancer like Yasmeen can flaunt. Her bottom is just as padded as her top, twin, plump globes of smoky ivory dominating her figure even more then her heavy breasts do, deep as they are wide, soft, smooth, and ashen-skinned; jiggling and bouncing with every step she takes, as if to taunt those looking upon her rump. Yasmeen's flaring, womanly hips are shaped just right for a hand to take hold of, giving her a decidedly hypnotic sway as she saunters about, those perfectly formed buttocks sawing against one another with each step she takes. Not too firm but not too soft, there was just enough padding on those luscious heart-shaped buttocks to give Yasmeen the perfect ass for any perverted purpose, something she is well aware from. A single panel of red silk is held tight to her groin to hide the treasure there, her fondness for the morbid skull-clasps seen once more as the ties to the garment ride high on her hips before disappearing in the cleft between her buttocks. Despite the clothing she *does* wear, Yasmeen's choice in coverings only seems to make her bare flesh all the more enticing! For every inch of covered skin, there seemed to be ten left open as an invitation to those around her, goading them to succumb to their baser desires. Thick and powerful thighs run unmarked or clothed, her shapely legs seeming to go on forever until the eye hits the crossed tied leather sandals hugging her lower calves and feet most of the time. A sinful nymph oozes a sense of carnal sex that wafts out from her body as powerfully as her potent sandalwood perfume, a tantalizing aroma to match her otherworldly allure and charm.
Yasmeen's story is one marked by the bad luck and trepidations of others, a warning that many would be wise to take under advisement. She was born in the deep desert to a small nomad tribe, marked out as a 'witch-child' on birth for her dreadfully pallid skin tone and bizarre eyes and, as was the custom, left out in the desert as an offering to ward away evil spirits. Where, by all rights, she should have died...Yasmeen survived, though not by the grace of any 'spirits' that may have been at hand. Instead, she was found by an old and lonely hermit who decided to raise her as a daughter and, once she was old enough, an apprentice to learn his mastery of herbs, poisons, minerals, and how to combine the three to fascinating and oftentimes deadly effect. Up into her teenage years, she was sheltered and content with such a life though something darker always lurked beneath the surface, waiting for the chance to spring into the fore front of her mind.
Such a time came when her adoptive father died of a heart attack, after tasting a restorative elixir that Yasmeen had brewed on his instruction, leaving the distraught girl child to survive on her own. For a time she did but, as she knew she'd have to, Yasmeen couldn't last out there forever and all too soon she had to seek out civilization. So she did, with dreams of setting up an apothecary shop to ply her wares and talents, finding a bustling city to do so in. Except it didn't turn out as she might have happened, gaining a generous loan from a kind money-lender to begin her business...just for that man to be cut down by his rival not a week after doing business with her. The one who inherited his business was not so...generous in his dealings and as Yasmeen's shop floundered he become more and more incensed with this slip of girl who seemed oblivious to how the world worked. Eventually things came to a head and her store was reclaimed, Yasmeen herself sold into slavery to cover the lose of the money. The shop burned to the ground later that day, taking close to a dozen other buildings in the slums with it while Yasmeen was being transported to her new 'owner', a man interested in her herbalist talents and in her body but dared not lay a hand on her. So instead she was taught to dance for his pleasure, finding herself well suited and inclined towards the task...including the task of bending her master's other slave girls to her will. And eventually his as well.
Dancing wasn't the only thing she'd learned apparently. But her new thrall's fortune could not sustain Yasmeen's tastes for very long, and soon he was spent. She had to move on, move upwards. Yasmeen's eyes were fixed on the zeanna's of the most powerful men and women, people who could sustain her indefinitely and then some. And so she climbed, subverting man after woman, always seeking...something that burned deep inside of her, but never finding it. Tis how she is until this day...a steely manipulator hiding behind a seductive facade...
Yasmeen is, for lack of a better word, evil. She manipulates, controls, kills, steals, and various other things without a second thought if it will benefit her in some fashion or another. If anything, her experiences in life have lead her to have very little value of other people's worth (or her own for that matter) and it shows in how she
truly treats others. She'll seem alluring, kind, and submissive to another...even as she leeches them dry of whatever she might want before moving on to the next mark.
Yasmeen is the type that, were an adventurer or hero to appear in her chambers to rescue her, would play along until night fall, seduce her rescuer, then slip a poisoned knife between their ribs. Then take what she wants before returning home or traveling to somewhere new. Compassion is just an abstract concept, if she's being nice then it's likely because it suits her purposes. To put it simply...she's as much a viper as the snakes she's so at ease around and keeping as pets (yes, she has an immense fondness for snakes and snake-like beings such as nagas).
OOC: I come on here for two things, to meet fun people and to find wonderfully detailed and creative role-play. The first is something in abundance here, but the second is a bit rarer since I'm (admittedly) a bit picky about who I'll play with. And to follow that statement, please respect my right to say 'no' to a proposed scene and don't keep pestering me after I say it. x.x Like I said, I can be a little picky or sometimes I'm just not in a mood for a particular scene but will be some other time. But nothing makes me want to hit the mute button more then someone who just won't let it go and hounds me about it. And don't let the negativeness above put you off, I've just found that unless I'm very clear and serious about this issue that others will take advantage of polite wording and such as an excuse to continue harassing me, so I lay it all out so no one can misunderstand what I mean.
That said, I'm pretty open to lots of things so don't be afraid to propose an off-the-wall idea to me just because it's weird. I do tend to favor shemales or females for partners, but I've had more then entertaining fun with males and hermaphrodites so I'm willing to hear out ideas from such characters too! I'm very friendly OOC and in pages, so don't be afraid to page me for something. As for likes, I do tend to prefer long-term scenes, bondage, and hypnotism/mind control scenes, but I don't
require them. ♥
How Other Women Should Be Around Yasmeen (in her mind):