
Age: 14
Height: 4'8" (142 cm) (( or sometimes 0.5 inch -- explanation comes later))
Weight: 103 pounds
Yoko is a rather sporty girl, she is enjoying playing volleyball and trains as a professional sprinter. Another hobby of hers is hiking.
Changed forever and belongs soley to her adorably sadistic goddess Chika_Ito, no other misstress need apply~
She has a tiny problem here - Yoko is simply not tall enough for playing this sport professionally. However she is relatively good and was playing in her high-school team and she was playing well. She is often rather outstanding in the field, confident in her actions and is pretty far from being a shy girl which she is outside of the court.
Just a silly "hobby" of hers. She is doing it professional under the guidance of her P.E. sensei. She was also participating in the local championships and performing well. She ended up taking a couple of the prizes, but the payment for this hobby is the huge amount of time she has to spend in the stadium.
Something she is not so good with. She is exceptionally endurable, though, and has never had problems with it. She greatly enjoys hiking and cycling, traveling in the mountains, but she is far less confident in herself when she is a part of a big group.
Yoko has some magical potential, though, unfortunately, completely undeveloped. She has sighted spiritual beings but she never shared this information with her friends, being too embarrassed to accept it.
Yoko in "Real Life":
She is not performing that well in her school life. Her grades are somewhat average, but due to her successful performance in different championships she is treated rather well by the teachers.
She lacks social skills, it's nearly impossible for her to make new friends. She is also somewhat naive and gullible, willing to trust people she barely knows.
Yoko is popular in her team, however she faces bullying from time to time - mostly outside of the school though. Sometimes the players from different teams are trying to corner and bully her, and if they are successful - Yoko would be barely capable of defending herself.
Loves: team games, hiking, cycling, her senpai Akira_Ishikawa, mountains, sea-side, long trips.
Hates: rude people, jealous people, mosquitoes, oily food.
Upset about: her parents breaking up, sighting ghosts.
Yoko's Old (less Busty) Look:

Friends & Acquaintances:
Rina_Ishikawa -- Yoko's math teacher
PepperChilly -- a close friend
Jessica RPGmaker_Alt -- a mysterious woman who has employed Yoko as an assistant in her research.
Post Scriptum: Our characters are our masks, but after writing down Yoko I figured out she resembles the original too much.