Kabuto's ever present sidekick and the wandering spirit of a girl who died in a science project gone horribly wrong. Kabuto saved her from being tied down to the high school she attended for all eternity and as such, she holds a strong affection for him. Kabuto doesn't seem to care one way or the other, however, and he merely uses this blind affection to his advantage usually ranging from experiments to just plain getting her to do things a normal person would die from. Yuu herself is a rather cheerful and perky girl, who doesn't seem to mind the fact that she's dead. In fact, she's stated herself that she's much happier with her (after) life now than the one she had when she was alive. Does this mean her life before death was complete crap? Well...a little. Yuu was born into a rather rough family and neighborhood, her school life consisted of regular bullying and ridicule by others. However, her sunny attitude remained despite her less than stellar childhood, this tenacious sense of cheerfulness being thanks to her father who encouraged her to always look to the brighter side of life and find joy in simply living.
Yuu also held a distinct interest in the paranormal, especially in ghosts and hauntings and often tried to 'investigate' haunted areas around her neighborhood. This supernatural taste is what usually resulted in others treating her differently, some even doing so out of fear that she was cursed by spirits due to constantly hanging out in haunted areas. However, her interest in ghosts (and ghost hunting) is not the only thing of the supernatural she enjoys, a part of her also seeming to like the aspects of the Jigokusekai and the demons who inhabit it.
Ability wise, Yuu holds the obvious traits that most spirits and ghosts possess, having an ethereal body, first and foremost. Said body can be manipulated and shaped in various ways using the ectoplasmic matter that exists throughout her 'body'. The Ectoplasm serves as an energy source in many spirits and is where most draw their supernatural powers from, Yuu included. That being said, Yuu can use this ectoplasm to create a form of ghostly fire for both combat and defensive means. Poltergiests are also something Yuu can 'summon', using her ghostly powers to drive inanimate objects haywire. Although, she rarely uses it, Yuu can also "Possess" living beings or inanimate objects and control them to a certain degree. Beings being controlled by her can reject her body if they have enough Mana to overpower her own ectoplasmic presence. Beyond this, Yuu possesses an odd phantasmal vortex at the core of her body, it is believed that the inside of Yuu-chan's body is essentially a separate pocket dimension all on it's own and whatever goes in is lost forever. Yuu-chan can suck things into this vortex by pulling up her hoodie or sucking them in via her gullet.
A peppy and cheerful dead girl from the
And now...Ghostly Butt.