
This profile exists as a grouping list for a collection of characters I will have and maintain. Through this profile RP can be requisitioned with any character listed. Don't be afraid to ask, sweeties.

I personally don't do vore. I don't pred and I'll only Prey it if the setting is right, so ask beforehand please. I'm mostly in it just for the hot and steamy sex.

Matty ~ A shy bi-sexual neko boy in need of either a master/mistress or lover. Quiet/timid, but can be very sexually aggressive.

Saysha ~ A lead scientist for Zaxali Corp. Always ready for a little relaxation away from work.

Kannah ~ A duo of Zaxali projects released into the world. Played either together or apart.

Maarka ~ A semi-feral herm Kaisura. Very predatory in nature and very aggressive.