part of
She is a very young Holstaurus and is still developing larger breasts as she grows older.
Leiko is a Holstaurus (Cow Girl) who was saved from th slaughterhouse by
Draconus. She now lives to be of use to her savior however she can help him. though she still has her freedom to do anything else as well. Her biggest dream is starting a family.
At her young not fully developed body which is always going to be her unless special circumstances arise, she stands at 4'6" tall with large breasts, but at her fully matured body type her breasts triple in size and her height shoots to 7'8"
plaything of
warm shelter of
Ada_Draconus as the cold hurts her so she stays in Leikos belly
Designated Snacks:
Brenda_Hobbs (i am also her cooking teacher)
My milk Brand
if i drink an aging potion i look like this, it never lasts long though and she reverts to her normal youngself vvvvvv