In a world where morals are loose and rules are even looser, Victoria Rodwell is the teacher to have. Often called the "Public Use" teacher, Victoria is actually a teacher in sexual education, which in this world of course includes vore. Shes a firm believer in demonstrations and practice. Shes taught as many classes with a student stretching her clothes in one way or another as she has from inside a student. Due to her profession, the school has purchased her a reformer, which gets used quite frequently. Some students even brag about living on an "all Rodwell diet."
Thats it for now! I do casual stuff, fine with incest, IC approaches are always fun and typically preferred! I think planning out every little detail ruins part of the fun. Feel free to use the loose scenario I've set up, or something else! The only thing I'm not really into is pain, gore, and furries are case-by-case!
After a rather wonderful time, Miss Rodwell is now
Elizabeth_Roman's personal tutor, spending most of her time with her chin against her pupils balls. What a wonderful sloppy time~