
Welcome, Profile Wanderer. This is a Player Character and a Hub. She's named Larissa.

I like to be rather Laid-back, Lewd and Lazy~ I’ve used Eka’s for a fair-while at this point, and While my current gals are pretty new, I am not. (Experience-Wise.)

Personality-wise, She keeps a facade that she has every detail of her life organized. In reality, while she is organized; that’s due to her maids. A clean house leaves room for a casual life, and less to plan. Though, seems her mind is…rather cruel. She loves being flirted with and loves dating, though how is she always so available?

In truth, while she does date people, they never last long. The reasoning for that though… is due to the fact of how she views others and herself.
She views herself as having less worth than others, as she views ‘worth’ abnormally. She decides it based on the drive and dreams of the person. She believes her worth is less, due to the fact she has a large dream of filling libraries with her stories, but her drive makes her do nothing but sit at home, which she despises in retrospect. Atleast it’s not another kind of drive… the worthless drive. The ‘worthless’ drive is just someone who disregards other people’s desires and needs it favor of their own. Larissa tends to despise this. On the other end, the ‘Independent’ drive means the person focuses on their desires, but tends to make compromises or sacrifices for others.

The reason this is so important dating wise? It determines their ‘fate’. After what’s normally two weeks, she determines what their drive is. If it’s a worthless drive, she digests them~ If it’s an Independent drive… she takes an evil pleasure in hypnotizing them into being her maid. Why? She desires someone on her level. Someone she can care for as much as they care for her, her idea of ‘true love’. But people with the Independent drive…are just worth more than her. She will Never date someone worth more than her. She considers her drive ‘null’, as in It doesn’t work. She occasionally has phases where she thinks she has a ‘worthless’ drive, due to the amount of people she’s turned maid, and has drinking habits for it. It certainly doesn’t help that her house only accommodates 4 people, meaning she can only have 2 maids at a time. (And one date.)
So, what’s she do when a third maid is brought in? Digests one of the ‘old’ maids as a gaming snack, and makes the new maids believe the ultimate pleasure is digesting to their mistress~ the maids are also jealous of the ‘queens’ (the term for her maid prey.)

So, what’s she do in her Casual Life? Aside from lazing and self-care (Which she barely does) She’s got her Priority: Stories~ Usually in games such as Xenoblade and Persona. Ironically it’s rare to see her with a book. She likes to be laid-back (at-least for the moment, she doesn’t like wasting time in retrospect.) She’s also rather ‘kinky’, as she loves Hypnotic content and Vore. (In this world, it’s viewed as the Ultimate Degradation, and for the pred, the Ultimate Dominance. While illegal in some places, due to population concerns it’s perfectly legal in Larissa’s area, if not a little morally questionable.)

When outside of her house, She people watches, never the one to spark conversation, but she can talk forever when she knows what she’s talking about!
She tends to enjoy digesting other people in secret due to the rush (and her thought that she means something, now that she digested someone actually worth something, even though she believes this worth fades after her stomach’s done with them.)

As she tends not to see much of interest in the outside, she’s usually back home by 8:30, except during her ‘phases’, in which she tends to be driven home by a maid of hers after she gets drunk at a bar (Usually “Swallow Sorrow”, branded for having private rooms.) nearby.
She also has no friends, while her personal bartender (another quality of the bar) seems to have an interest in her, she’s hesitant due to the past she’s heard from her drunken sorrow.

-Larissa's Developments-
Well, Looks like she's truly found Someone to Adore~ On one of the Nights she decided to get drunk on, apparently her normal bar had been closed for maintaince. Dumb drunks... However, in the next bar she was speaking to a lady, and they hit it off after the lady, whomst I now knew as Vivian_Wilde had some Choice 'Words' with another pair of Dumb Drunks. After we got each-others numbers in a bit of a drunken haze... They had a rather special encounter when they went to get new clothes for Vivian, who asked me to call her V. It got a little blushy with some...accidental implications, but after V's ass had 'swallowed' her down hopelessly~ they both woke up in her bed. They wandered over to Lari's house to replace the acid damaged clothing, for one trust between a long-time maid to fade into fat, and a new love being woven over melting gals~ it may-or-may-not have been proclaimed by 'accident' on a more private social media~ after sleeping together for the first- or second time, kinks were discovered on both sides. Perhaps some new discoveries should be unseen though, after an...rather overly defensive Larissa made a rough gulp of a 'Pink-haired Bimbo' who flirted on V after Lari was shoved down an ass~ But on the other side of this 'coin', some discoveries need to be made. An Announcement of lovers being one. along side some Personal History to be comforted over. At the end of the day... It may be undecided what bonded them closer as lovers; their Drunked haze? The Stories between them? Or the Commitment to have a more...permanent mark on Lari's ass?

As the player, I wanted to create a character I that encompassed me (aside from a majority, but not all of the sad stuff), and my kink interests. Though I also think of larissa as a character, and wrote a little deeper than normal. This is the notes (some (likely obvious ones) are based on individual players):
-Do not assume I have the same skill as my characters.
-Do not blame me for ‘insulting’ you by ‘Baiting’ you into conversation and then falling asleep due to my own personal problems.
-I strictly divide my personal and kink (This one) ’lives’. Don’t push me for personal Information if I do not feel comfortable sharing it. If you continue after I have asked you to stop, I’ll instinctively ignore you until I see a meesage not related to past topic.
-My images will later be replaced by my own drawings (When my skill is adequate), but currently a website called Perchance hosts a Free AI image generator of flawed, but acceptable quality.
-Never make comments saying you want to follow me home, kidnap me, and digest me as a player.
-Try not to bring Real World religions into my messages.
-While you are allowed to try to hypnotize me, try to Stay Away from stuff like body files? I found a bad one and the back of my eyes burned for 3 minutes…

-Other Characters!-
Well, damn. You caught me in my early stages, where I have none!
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Working on Profile. If you see a kink not listed, likely I am either neutral, or finicky (as in somedays you’ll get different answers, other days, other answers!) to them. It’s more possible I’ve never done it.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike What I will assume to happen, and a part of my interest in this kink.
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike This one is bendable, but consider the answer to be no usually.
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike The Basic. 4th.
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Too much ‘family experiences’ for me to be comfortable with it.
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike 2nd (With Cum Disposal.) (Impossible as pred.)
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike 1st, Beloved.
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike 3rd.
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Curious. No position.
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike No genuine Definition.
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depends, ask.
Cooking Always/Love
Never/Dislike Hell no, blatantly.
Food Related Always/Love
Never/Dislike The prey is desired, not some junk that’ll make their experience Miserable.
Rough Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can be used, only in vore. Likely a no.
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike Really mood dependent, and type dependent.
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike Ask before hand.
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike The Implication is fine.
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike Cum is acceptable.
Watersports Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Underage Character Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike 4 Sentences or so Is good. But play to what fits.
Multi-Session Always/Love
Never/Dislike Don’t be afraid of this. Stuff happens.
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike Curious.
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Curious.
Recognizing Status Always/Love
Never/Dislike Away: I’m not at the screen. (Automatically happens around 20minutes of Idle.)
Pred/Prey/LFRP: I’m in that mood, looking for scene. (LFRP means switch.)
OOC: Talking about creating a scene with someone. PUB is a Preference.
IC: In scene. PUB if you’d like to talk.
DND: A variety of things could be the reason, likely creating a character. Doesn’t matter, don’t message, you won’t get a response.
Distracted: While I am using my computer, I am likely playing something that grabs my attention. This means I will not notice, but periodically check my messages (If any.)
OPEN: Feel free to message me Scene Ideas or anything on your mind. I am likely browsing YouTube.
Hypnosis Always/Love
Body Writing Always/Love
Dollification Always/Love
'Weight Gain' Always/Love
Never/Dislike Stuff like larger chests and ass. I originally didn't put this as a Kink as Weight gain has more of a general weight attribute to it. But what I describe is Beloved in a Scene~
Pregnancy/Family Content Always/Love
Never/Dislike Fuckin, no.
Financial Domination Always/Love
Never/Dislike You cannot act better than me, simply because you had better circumstances than me. Earn. Me. Naturally.
Limb Removal Always/Love
Never/Dislike This does not mean I am against disabled characters. It means I am against disabling them.
Rising Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Think I’m growing a kink for it~? (Such as stomach acid slowly rising and filling the stomach with prey in it, or cum in a ballsack rising over the prey~)
Approach Scene Crafting Always/Love
Never/Dislike I, by nurture, ask the following for scene Idea: Who (eats who?), Where (are we both, in the location?), When (do we meet?), Why (does the pred target prey?), and How (method of Vore or method of Hypnosis).

I prefer story above all. This is what I expect for in making a scene. I do not require all the answers at the start, and I will work with you to make them if need be.
Social Media Play Always/Love
Degrading, Flirting, Seduction Always/Love
Never/Dislike Tease me like a preyslut~
Insane Obesity Always/Love
Asking for Another Character Always/Love
IRL Female PFP Always/Love
Never/Dislike Simply the intro, no end in sight. No determined anything. Typing characters thoughts is an option, due to the nature of intent.
Talking with PUB's Always/Love
Never/Dislike Would the story work better if [x] happened? Go asking!