Gender: Herm, Identifies as female.
Shizu is a digit-grade Vanta-Wolf, her fur, which covers most of her body has the same reflective properties as Vantablack, which means almost no light escapes her fur, like looking into the surface of a black hole. Her insides are also black, the only exception being her eyes, which are a piercing yellow.
She has a personal dimension which those who get pulled through her fur, which looks at first glance like her fur, black as space.. until they figure out that there are stars. Hundreds of thousands of stars twinkling within her. The light within.
She also has constellations for those she allows to come into her dimension. So far she has:
None, Care to add one?
She is also unable to talk, as she had her vocal cords slashed, and has thus given up on attempting to gain that avenue of communication. She stands at about 5'8", with a tail that wags softly, one of the few ways she can communicate.
There is one exception, and that is she can talk with her personal dimension.
Her silence and stealth make her an excellent assassin. She is a sniper, and can almost guarantee a kill.
After all, even when the lights are right on her...
You can't catch a shadow....
Or can you?
The soldiers snap to attention as a wolf that was blacker than the depths of space walked in, a high powered rifle on her back. Seeming to only speak in signs, she releases the soldiers from attention, before going to a black board.
A new recruit, a cheetah of the anthro variety, gently pokes one of the other troops nearby, with a question. "Who's that?"
A husky answers. "That's Shizu, nicknamed the silenced one."
"Why is Shizu called that?"
"Well she wrote the report out once.. let me see if i can find it for ya." The husky taps on the cheetah's datapad. "Ah. Here it is. Read on."
It is then that the wolf in question slammed her paws on the cheetah's desk, and the look he got was one that could melt a glacier at 500 feet away. She made a single gesture, a paw open to receive the datapad. To lose that was to be thrown out of the class. She takes a look at what he was reading, before pointing to him, then to the podium. She was telling him to read it out loud.
The cheetah gulps, walking to the podium, starting with the mission title.
"Mission Distortion, September 25th, 2014."
He rolls the film.
[Crackling Static]
The film was in the errie night vision.
"Alright Shizu, you ready?" a husky asked her. The husky in question was fully armored and fully loaded.
"Are you kidding? I was born ready." she smirks, her roots showing through, a Texas wolf it seems. She was also loaded and armored.
"Then let's go." the husky said, sneaking down to the target location, a heavily armored bunker. He places C-4 into the hinges of the large gate.
When he is out of range, she detonates the C-4, as alarms go blaring. She rushes into the hole created by the breaching charge, heading to the lower levels, taking out the enemy troops with no remorse. The helmet mounted cam jumped and shook wildly as the lights in the complex were flickering. She descends one more floor, and ran for the security console, as the information she needs was there.
Too bad it was a trap.
She plummets through the false floor, landing dazed and confused, but soon back on her feet, her flashlight pointing in all directions.
The clip is fastforwarded, as there is once again light. From the mirror in front of her, she can see that she's bound to a bolted metal chair, a psychotic dictator taping this all himself.
He spoke, rattling off demands and prices.
"And for proof that I am serious.. THIS is what I do to liars!" he brings the knife roughly across her neck, cutting deeply, her blood mingling with her fur.
The vitals on the camera feed fluctuate rapidly, her pulse dropping like a lead balloon.
Another fast forward.
The vitals are unable to register her pulse, the only proof she's still alive is her brain activity is still operating.
The retrieval squad find her body and bring her rapidly to a hospital, which is when the feed goes dead.
A few seconds later, another feed clicks on, dated December 25, 2014, 14:35 and counting.
She sits up, holding a paper for the camera. She's in a hospital gown. The paper says [Hello.].
She drops that paper, behind it was [I can no longer speak.]
Another paper. [I have been silenced. But i'm not done fighting.]
Then the feed stops.
She points to the cheetah to sit down, and begins lessons on how to aim a rifle.
Shizu is pred-switch. She is fully capable of eating, and being eaten, and she is capable of eating in pretty much any way you can think of. Got a suggestion? Tell me.
Shizu is capable of perma-vore.
Those who are permanently consumed by the Vanta-Wolf add a constellation to her body. On the outside, visible for all to see, gently shimmering. The color of the constellation tells the onlooker if the constellation is permanent. If it is a gentle blue, than the soul will not come back. If it is closer to red, then the soul will have an extended stay, but will be allowed back out.
Constellations within her personal dimension are those she trusts. Those people will have a small black-starred constellation of a wolf on their body somewhere as a token of trust.