

I've left this alt untouched and opened only for people who are still curious and wanting to see. As for most of my chars that use AI generation art, I'm not wanting to use them anymore and I'm changing them. But this alt, I'm probably not going to change, so I'm simply leaving it up and not playing with it.

Ok, just think of this as the mansion, but triple the size
This is a mansion. And monster girls live here.
(Not an alt list...)
"This is a Mansion that specifically has monster girls. Of course, some humans do live here. But this was built as a safe enviroment from the outside world, from the people who disregard them."

Details of the mansions layout:
This mansion is heavily gated, and of course, it is huge! Over 100 rooms for the monsters to sleep in, has a theme similar to Scarlet Devils Mansion, but instead, more of a calm and friendly vibe. There is a flower garden at the front lawn of the mansion and a huge backyard. The backyard has a trail leading to other small houses, and there's a water fountain. All the rooms are specifically designed for all kinds and types of monsters, so each room will look different and give or different vibes. And as you can imagine, since it has over 100 rooms, kitchens, living rooms, game rooms, and any of the sort are also huge.

Before the mansion was built:
In this world, monster girls are usually looked down on as strange, or weird beings. Rarely anyone saw them as normal, but this one stranger, he knew they weren't all evil, he treated them with kindness and respect, treating them as normal beings. This stranger was very wealthy, and kind! Considering how he was crazy rich, he decides to build a huge mansion that could hold many people, maybe even hundreds of people! And it was all for monster girls! (And some of his friends and family.) He was also widely known for his kind deeds towards all the monsters. The mansion was constructed in the middle of the forest, he didn't want to attract other humans since generally they hated monsters, demis, anthros, and others. But if a human who doesn't discriminate the monsters, is allowed to live in the mansion if they are either: in need, family, or a simple friend!

Word would spread about the mansion. Monsters, demis, anthros, and others similar would head to the mansion to check it out. He'd accept them with open arms and gave them a room. Everything was going well, but he was a busy man. He'd soon have kids and pass on, but not without passing his career and money to his kids. And the generation still goes on to this day.

TLDR; Kind rich guy builds mansion for monster girls and owners passes the mansion on from generation to generation.

Want to live here or just visit?
The mansion owner accepts all beings! Besides humans! Only exception being if the human is in danger, they are family, or friends. So realistically, any human, just as long as you don't hate monsters and become a friend.

My Main Alt list -› Alt List

Currently owns the mansion Mia

LivLiv, Enya, ,
LivLiv, Enya
Anyone with the mansion linked in there Affiliation lives here (For my characters, you can link it where ever you want)