Picture made by Karbo and used with agreement. Thank you! *smooches* |
How it all started...
"Once the contract was signed, the dark lord and the great author were said to retreat to their own very personal realms, busy with creating several guardians to oversee the integrity of the contract. Unless many other demons, who are born as babies, I am a created demon, crafted from the spirits of the shadow realms and genesis itself. Which does not mean I did not have a childhood. Even though the Lord crafted alot of knowlenge into me, my personality still needed to develop, and so I was as playful and as easily wounded as a child during my first centuries. So easily wounded, that the Lord sometimes shook his head, and then sent the Dark Lady to be my mentor and soothe and guide me. The Dark Lady... Amanda. I know today she does not live under this name anymore though... but when she was the Lord's right hand, she had taught me quite alot."
More to come
The information about her history will actually be revealed in character developing RP scenes, and added in here, once that occurs...
Hard as steel?
If Lyletha really wants to torture someone byond her built-in acridic hell, she can enchant their body to resist all her crushings, but the victim still feels the same pain, even if its bones dont snap. That could be used for any kind of crush, even for cheweing you throughly...
Noone has discovered this special ability in an RP yet.
Noone has discovered this special ability in an RP yet.
Noone has discovered this special ability in an RP yet.
The game of life
One of the very few ways to survive Lyletha's urges is challenging her in a game. A very typical game is a magical maze she creates inside of her stomach, filled with rooms and traps. Even though its just inside your head, its definately real, because while you face it, your body gets digested just as much as you get damaged in the maze.
Noone has discovered this special ability in an RP yet.
Noone has discovered this special ability in an RP yet.
Friends List
» Mentor: Amanda
» Close Friends: RiaAmakiir
The big demoness' little shop
Like her mentor Amanda, Lyletha has started to collect all kinds of things her preys left behind, and therefor usually has quite some things to offer. You can always try to trade with her. » Weapons: An unholdy gladius, several drow swords, a holy spear, a fireblade, an quiver full of ice arrows » Armor: Various clothes, golden and platin armors, a steel platemail » Gadgets: A ring of invisibilty, a pendant of plant-speaking.
Boss Vore Battle Rules
Lyletha will be challengeable as a boss in Vore Battle. So either you are suidical and love unfair vore battles, or you gain a team of 3 other players and challenge her seriously as boss. Her complete moveset is in the make. But I would be very happy about suggestions.
Or: Good maybe comes in small packages... she doesnt.
Name: Lyletha Rathiir
Age: 4312 Years
Race: Succubus
Sex: Female
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Regular Height: 82,5 meter (can change with magic)
Weight: Noone managed to weigh her yet. Dont bother trying...
» | Yet another Amanda character. They really start to get pesky lately. For a complete list, check out Knight3000. |
Guardian of the Veils
"As you maybe know, the world of you mortals is seperated from the demonic and angelic realms by some kind of devine border, called the Veils. It does not only seal the worlds apart, but also seperates the current mortal life from the afterlife. If you pass it, you could step into heaven, but also into countless dark realms like hell itself, the shadow lands, or even several parallel dimensions...
My job is to guard the integrity of the Veils. Not only mortals try to damage it with dark magic ot by bringing back powerful magical artifacts from the shadow realms - ways too powerful for this world -, but sometimes also creatures from other worlds try to destroy the Veils and thereful pull the human world into their utter darkness. As funny as it sounds, I am actually here to prevent that from happening.
The grand author from above, and the dark lord from below, have decided on an agreement I am to enforce (along with several others of my kind). Demons and other creatures are allowed to pass into the mortal world to feast on humans as much as they would like, or take them back to their own realms of darkness broken and enslaved. But the Veils must be held healthy, thats an absolute must. Mostly its mortal magicians trying to break it in their search for power..."
"I know what you think... how can a demoness as tall as me consider herself an adventuress? Well, you should know that my size is something rather casual in some other dimensions like my home. And I explore the others realms past the Veils, therefore also the human world. Its quite fun with all those tiny villages and creatures, I can tell you. I can also solve quests, like helping people with suicide..."
» | This character was mainly designed to fit in some playing requests that reached me often but were not fitting Amanda. Here are some examples, although, its just limited by your imagination. Just ask! |
Multi-Prey Scenes
Some people asked me about scenes with "enjoying" a group of adventurer, a whole camp of robbers or even a village. This character allowes all that, but also enjoys single snacks.
That one is kinda obvious. Lyletha is perfect for all macro-micro lovers among us, an surely can fulfill all those little dreams of you little creatures. But she can also eat opponents of her size, like previously unbeatable dragons.
Apart from eating them, there are basically no limits to what she could do to you. Many people asked me already before to be like crushed between breasts, smothered accidently under them, being stepped on, or even having their house crushed by her breasts when laying down to sunbask. Now everything is possible...
The tad more fatality
While Lyletha can digest souls like Amanda does (in her breasts), her digestion can also damage or work down reforming characters. So if you want to get rid of a character, go ahead and ask. Never done without consent.
My big friend
Not all dreams I heard weere about demise. If you ever wished to have a larger friend defending you and getting rid of your enemies in front of your eyes, go ahead and ask. I am alot into Character Development, so I never say no to a good idea.