
Sometime ago, Jermod and Nevithi managed to mate after encountering each other and from this fated copulation, gave rise to twelve offspring. Of these was the oldest by several seconds, Abeille and a juvenile queen to Nevithi's hive located in Jermod's castle. While doting and loving of all the children he fathered, Jermod's affections seems to have rubbed off on Abeille the most, making her into a somewhat spoiled little bee girl, who's royal attitude and need to be elegant defines a lot about her. The fact that Jermod often gives her what she wants and that her genetics made her a juvenile queen bee certainly don't help. In a nutshell, Abeille can easily come off as snooty, spoiled and haughty, finding great pride in her father's regal lineage as well as her mother's. Even so, she seems to have inherited the laid back demeanor of both her parents and, while being a little high maintenance, she does have moments where she's genuinely caring and well mannered.

That said, Abeille may even go out of her way to protect or help others if she's especially close to them. As young as she is, Abeille prides herself in not being naive and gullible like most her age, this being due to her exposure to books at a rather early age. However, even though she's fairly sharp and bright, there are still things Abeille needs to go to mom and dad about and thus, there's still room to startle her with somethings she doesn't know about.

Abeille's powers are a mix of her mother's and her father's both seeming to work in tandem to create a breed of magical eldritch energy that allows this juvenile queen to conduct and generate electricity. Alongside this are minor eldritch qualities such as a maddening aura and tendrils but, she's not quite old enough to fully tap into the unspeakable terrors commanded by the great old one of the abyssal cosmos. As per the genetics of her mother, Abielle has also inherited a lot of Nevithi's traits such as venomous stings that range from paralysis, aphrodisiac, fatal, and sleep. However, thanks to Jermod's lovecraftian genes, Abeille has another venom type that acts as a neurotoxin, inducing insanity on those it was injected into. Abeille's "magic veins" may also allow her to tap into her father's ability of dimensional manipulation but, such a power is unknown to her and may require her to train them by looking over his notes to full manifest such an ability.

Despite her size, Abeille is perfectly capable of defending herself and she knows this. Her attacks usually range to using her stinger to inject venom into her opponent or actually charging electricity into her stinger to turn it into a sort of tazer like weapon that issues out a powerful jolt of electrical damage to the opponent's system if she pierces the right area. If hit critically enough, temporary paralysis may set in.

Much to her embarrassment, she also tastes sweet and even has aphrodisiac "milk" that she'll lactate if given the right stimulation. Abeille denies this profusely but, doesn't make it any less true...

Not entirely finished yet, give me sometime to flesh things out. Oh and go to the Circle_of_Jermod too. Or something.