Amazonia is the homeworld of Sylvie_ and Xecora. It is a hostile world similar to Felarya in that it is in an entirely separate dimension and portals will sometimes open up in the world sucking people to it. The planet is home to many species and biomes. The biomes and prevalent species will be listed below. This alt will be a catch all when I do not feel like being a specific character. The world is also mostly focused on oral vore. And just because a race is not listed does not mean they do not exist, they are just rarer. As the name suggests, the predator races on the planet are predominantly or exclusively female. Their reproduction is therefore never as simple as reproducing with a male of the same race. They also tend not to wear anything. The exclusive prey races across the board include
Lesser Amazons: Lesser Amazons are tribal humans who are mostly female with a few futanaris. Information and reference pic can be found at Amazonian, the race belongs to The_Amazon_Isles (coincidentally where they live).
Reference pic (not sure why this is needed): , dwarves Reference pic: , human sized elves Reference pic: , fawns Reference pic: , tortoise/turle girls Reference pic: , half-elves (offspring of humans and elves) Reference pic:, halflings Reference Pic: , micro humans Reference pic: , and neeras Reference pic: .
They can be found pretty much everywhere above ground. The dwarves can be found underground too. They do not prey on anything (technically, humans, dwarves, and elves eat neera and micros but many are uncomfortable doing so). Due to being so low on the food chain, humans and the like have a much higher birth rate than in the real world. Small families are almost unheard of for prey humans with many sets of twins, triplets, and quadruplets being born. Family sizes can grow to nearly 20-30 members in the immediate family.
Due to having named characters that may or may not get their own alts in the near future...or are played by someone else, Notable characters will be listed, and if they have an alt, they will be linked. The character has to have survived the scene and in a position to be played with someone else (aka not a pet). Some races will be listed with subraces that are a part of the race but may have different behaviors/habitats/abilities. Each race will be listed with a persistence rating. Low means they will give up upon escaping territory, Medium means they will chase until they find something easier to eat or they are put in danger, High means they will chase until YOU tire out if you don't manage to tire it out.
((To Grammar Nazis: The torfilles (tortoise girls) are a dull-witted race and have slow, slurred speech. As such, when speaking as them, they are DELIBERATELY going to have grammatical and sometimes spelling errors in them. My grammar is just fine.))
Keeping Your Head: A Guide to Keeping Your Head, so You can keep your head...and the rest of your body by Ace Explorer Suda Nim. A helpful guidebook detailing hunting tactics of the beast girls and how to avoid being dinner for them. As the title states, many of them involve a simple matter of keeping your head...
Forest Biome: The forest is the most common biome and has the most creatures for a template. The other biomes will mention creatures that are not found in the forest to avoid redundancy. It will also be combined with the ocean biome.
Sentient creatures found:
Alraunes:Flowers with the upperbody of attractive human women attached to their stem, they lure prey close and eat them. They have little interest in humans as anything other than food. They can be domesticated, but they should be kept fed lest they eat their owners. They consider themselves more plant than animal, and produce nectar from their breasts rather than milk. They treat their prey with a motherly bent, breast-feeding them nectar before eating them. CHILD-EATER Persistence: Low Reference pic: Keeping your head: Alraunes are difficult to recommend. As they do not move, one can simply stay outside of their reach to avoid being eaten, but once one is enthralled by their scent, it is near impossible to convince one to spare one's life when one is all too willing to feed themselves to her. The best course of action is to have some method of inhibiting one's sense of smell. At that point, one must just keep calm, and alraunes can be friendly.
Flower Girls: The main form of Alraune, these flower girls are not very social, preferring to remain in their petals unless they are hungry and need to eat. It isn't impossible to befriend the reclusive alraunes, but they usually only leave themselves open if they are not full. Reference pic:
Carnivorous plant girls: These alraunes have multiple mouths to eat prey, the human mouth and whatever carnivorous plant they are combined with like Venus fly traps and Pitcher plants. They are more social, but their first instinct is to eat. Reference pic:
Fungirl: Mushroom girls normally found in swamplands. They reproduce by sporing women and turning them into fungirls themselves. Sometimes enitre towns have been converted from a single sporing if the infection is left unchecked. Reference pic:
Cactus girls: Technically these alraunes identify as dryads, but depending on their size, they can be classed as either. Reference pic:
Sea alraunes: Based on seaweed and sea anenomes. Although sea anenomes are animals, they still identify as alraunes. Reference pic:
Reference pic:
Amazons: Vore capable humans, these beauties range from roughly human sized to about 13 feet tall. The ones that are roughly human sized often live with them while the larger ones stay in their own villages. CHILD-EATER (The human sized ones anyway) Notable Characters: Jhunji, Kahji, Queen_Celia, Daurunia, Jamilla_Cortanza, Ayla_cavewoman (founder of the offshoot tribe: Not my alt just the result of a scene) Persistence: High Reference pic (for size): Keeping your head: This one is a bit complex. For males, it is best to simply know your betters and surrender yourself to them. They may still eat you, but they may also decide to take you as a mate if you can ingratiate yourself to them. For females, it is quite different; Amazons look down on city women for having poor survival and combat skills, so giving one a good fight shoud help them consider you a peer. Note: You do not have to WIN the fight, just provide a good one.
Amazons: Mini-giantesses ranging from 9-13 feet tall, these tribal humans live in their own villages and treat any men that reside there as exclusively food or mates/pets. They sometimes keep prey girls as paid servants, but they are friendlier to them. They are feared for their warfare, but they prefer to attack trespassers than expand territory. Reference pic:
Reference pic:
Bimaws: They resemble human women, but they have a second mouth in their cleavage. They can also breast vore through the nipples but they lead to the mammary glands rather than the stomach. Persistence: Medium Reference pic:
Pred Girls: Vore-capable humans, the only difference is their longer tongues. Reference pic:
Swamp witches: Despite the name, they are more alchemists than witches, brewing potions and eating passengers in their gumbo. Effectively swamp Amazons. They are about 7 feet tall. CHILD-EATER Persistence: Medium Reference pic:
Amphibofemmes: Giant Frog women that are about 100 feet tall. They resemble human women with green skin, long tongues, and webbed hands and feet. There are human sized ones that primarily live in swamps. Persisence: Low Reference pic(Giant and human sized): Keeping your head: Amphibofemmes as giants tend to spend little time teasing their prey when they capture them, preferring to eat them immediately. The best course of action is to provide a good chase, so hopefully you see her tongue before she snags you.
Ant-girls: Demi ants with antennae and ant bodies below the waist. They have 4 arms and 2 legs. Their queen does have a hive mind, but they can act as individuals outside the nest. The queen mostly uses the hive mind to let her subjects know when she is hungry or needs to mate. The are inhumanly strong, and they are territorial. However, they act like factory workers and are very nice to guests. The queen also happens to be about 20 feet tall. Persistence: Low (High if the hill is damaged) Reference pic: Keeping your head: Ant girls are curious creatures. They are rather friendly and social, and yet there is no known counter to the queen's hive mind whenever she is hungry. The best bet is to befriend them for at least a warning that you should clear out before it is time for the queen's dinner.
Arachnes: Dridders, moving on. They come in human sized and giant sized although the giant ones primarily live in jungles. They have mandibles in their cheeks that they use to deliver a lethal neurotoxin to their prey that numbs their bodies and keeps them from feeling pain. They also have fangs to inject digestive enzymes into prey too large to swallow. Notable Characters: Arikne_Basail Persistence: Medium Reference pic: Keeping your head:
Arachne:See above
Giant: Giant Arachne behave like the human sized variants, but are known for their webs being out in the open rather than in caves. Reference pic:
Girtablilu: Tauric scorpions largely found in the desert that burrow in the sand and sting people with their tail before eating them. They usually have violent temperments, although this largely translates to domineering personalities. They are nocturnal and often carry people off in their sleep. CHILD-EATER Persistence: High Reference pic:
Micro: There are small arachne that hunt the neera and micro humans. They act nearly identical to the human and giant sized ones. Reference pic (Hopefully it is obvious this is a small-breasted adult):
Sea Arachnes: Arachne that live in the water, they like to grab fishermen and people that hang out near the water. Despite the name, the majority live in freshwater like lakes. Reference pic:
Bee girls: Almost exactly like the ant girls but with bees. They produce honey and help alraunes and dryads reproduce...sometimes at their own peril. Their queen is about 20 feet tall. Persistence: Low (High if the hive is damaged) Reference pic: This picture is closer to how they look, but they have four arms. Keeping your head:
Bunny Girls: Exactly what it says on the tin, moving on...that said they are really only dangerous to humans that are asleep, just finished a romp with them, or they are angry at. They have bunny ears and a tail. They can be domesticated. Persistence: Low Reference pic:
Centauresses: Exactly what you would think they are. They are the opposite of bunny girls and nasty towards humans, never releasing any catches. Humans that are not eaten are unbirthed. They also sometimes engage in hard vore. They may have 1 or 2 horns. These horns, aside from impaling enemies, are a symbol of status. The single-horned centauresses are called unicorns and are sentries of the herd while the 2-horned centauresses are called bicorns and are the queens of the herd. CHILD-EATER Notable characters: Xenascuit, Breezine, Minadae Persistence: High Reference pic:
Reference pic (1 horn, sentries):
Reference pic (2 horns, the queen):
Deertaurs: Pretty much the deer version of centaurs with deer antlers. They are giant and largely herbivorous, but they will eat tinies from time to time. The real danger is their relationship with dryads, eating their leaves in exchange for feeding them. Persistence: Low Reference pic:
Dragon girls: Demi human dragonesses that are also giant. Their eggs take 120 years to hatch, and they take 200 years to mature. Their milk is also alcoholic. Persisence: Medium Reference pic:
Dryads: Half-woman, half-tree, all chaotic. Can be domesticated as saplings, but should be kept fed lest they eat their owners. Notable characters: Pricine Persistence: Low Reference pic:
Cactus girls: Giant cactus girls found in the desert identify as dryads. They can retract their spines, but they do not gain trust easily. Reference pic:
Evergreens: Dryads found in the snowy tundras, these evergeen trees also have the ability to blow ice to freeze prey in their tracks. This is to offset the frost preventing them from using their roots. Reference pic:
Willows: Dryads found in the swamps. These resemble evergreen trees and tend to cry a lot. Reference pic:
Giant Elves: Moving on. Persistence: Medium Reference pic:
Reference pic:
Drow elves: Dark elves who live in the underground. They are mini giantesses at about the same height as Amazons. They keep giant spiders as pets and are quite brutal to surface folks they capture as slaves and meat. Like amazons, their males are about human height, but they do not treat them as meat. They see them as slightly higher in the caste system than slaves. Reference pic:
Wood elves: Cannibalistic human sized elves. They do not swallow people whole. They hunt, cook, and eat them like actual cannibalistic tribes. Reference pic:
Fairies: These things are only three feet tall but they are feared by humans in the know because they shrink people by spiking drinks...although the ones in the jungle can grow to 100 feet. Notable characters: Gilja Persistence: Low (High if shrunk) Reference pic:
Shrinkers: These are the fairies that shrink people with the dust in their hair. Reference pic:
Shifters: These fairies change their own size. As such, their behavior is interesting. They consider their true size whatever they find comfortable whether it be the size that allows them to interact with or eat. They are the most individualistic when it comes to interactions. Some prefer human company and micro snacks, others prefer macro company and human snacks, still others prefer micro company and snacks. Reference pic:
Giantesses: Deceptively appearing like giant humans, they are actually their own species. They have different internal organs and require nutrients found in human meat. One of the few subraces to prey on another subrace.
Greater Giantesses: Sylvie's race. Read more about them there. Incidentally, they are so feared that some villages make it a test of courage to obtain a hair from one. Ironically these villages tend to have better relationships with them. Notable characters: Sylvie_, Rachael, Xecora, Lilan, Aydral, Thegra, Katie, Harrietta, Laana Persistence: Low Reference pic:
Lesser Giantesses: Clocking in at about 80 feet tall, these beauties are less dangerous than Greaters but still deadly considering that swallowing is a one way trip for them. Notable characters: GentleGiantKorina, Vunir Persistence: Low Reference pic:
Sand Giantesses: These giantesses can be found in the desert or near beaches burrowing in the sand. They filter out the sand from their prey whenever they strike from underground. Reference pic:
Fire Giantesses: These giantesses live in volcanic regions. They like to bathe in lava and can control it to an extent. Although they live in volcanoes, they often visit jungles to hunt for fish...and human prey. Their bodies are capable of cooking their prey as they eat it, and the heat is often comforting, especially when bathing when a lake can turn into a hot tub. Fire giantesses are dangerous because they are very friendly and will often talk with their prey for some time and not even bring up the food chain. Thus many people get eaten without warning. Reference pic:
Frost Giantesses: These giantesses live in the tundra and are by far the deadliest. They freeze prey with their breathe and keep whatever they don't eat as figurines to adorn their caves. Reference pic:
Harpies: Bird women with claws on their wingtips. They are giant, about 100 feet tall as adults. Notable characters: Fleetwing, Screather, Rosewind, Dustbreeze Persistence: Medium Reference pic:
Siren Harpies: Human-sized harpies that live in the seas who just as the sirens of old, sing to lead sailors to their deaths for their meals. They have a rivalry with mermaids for prey although unlike them, their song works on everyone. Unlike their giant cousins, sirens resemble songbirds rather than raptors, so they don't have talons and can't force prey who can't hear them into the water. Persistence: Special (They either have you or don't)
Inus: Dog, fox, and wolf girls. They can be domesticated if they can be convinced that you are an alpha. Despite the variety, they are not considered to have subraces since they all act the same and are found in similar locations despite the occasional loner. CHILD-EATER Persistence: High Reference pic:
Medusoids: Jellyfish girls who, while technically naked, have bells that can appear as dresses. Unlike mermaids and octogirls, they have legs, so they can walk on land, but they cannot stay for long or they will dry out. They mostly lure prey that prey that frequent near water like divers, surfer, and swimmers to them and use their tentacles to sting them before eating them. If too many tentacles sting at once, this venom can kill. CHILD-EATER Notable characters: Iruka_Andji Persistence: Low Reference pic:
Mermaids and Octogirls: We all know what these are. Mermaids have a siren song that hypnotizes men and only men. They have frog like tongues and come in a variety of sizes. This subgroup extends to most sea creatures including lobsters Reference pic: , sharks Reference pics: , and whales Reference pic: . Notable characters: Cholera Persistence: Medium (Both) Reference pic (human sized):
Reference pic (giant):
Anglerfish: Found in the deepest parts of the ocean, these mermaids light up to attract prey be it humans...or smaller mermaids. Reference pic:
Crustacitauresses: Taurs with the lower body of lobsters and Crabs, the live in the seas and have hands and claws. They are quite giant. Reference pic:
Micro: The mermaids based on small fish like minnows are actually micros. Reference pic:
Octogirls: Lower body of an octopus. They eat mermaids as well as other humans. Reference pic:
Reference pic:
Selkies: Rather than having a fish tail, these fully mammalian mermaids have the lower bodies of seals and actually hunt rather than sing when it comes to humans. They are largely found in the tundra. Reference pic:
Unagi: Eel girls. A select many of them are patterened on electric eels and can discharge electric shocks to stun prey. Reference pic:
Myriatauresses: Tauric centipedes and milipedes. They have four arms, and they are quite giant. Even the smallest are mini giantesses. They are rather lazy. The ones based on centipedes are venomous and more meat eating, while the millipedes prefer plants, but they'll indulge in meat from time to time. The millipedes are quite fickle and socially awkward. They often stress eat and tend to be quite chubby. CHILD-EATER (mini giantesses) Notable characters: Kila_ Persistance: Low (Millipedes) to Medium (Centipedes...only because of the venom) Reference pic (centipede):
Reference pic (millipede):
Nagas: They come in human and giant size and are pretty fierce. When in heat, they lose control and will mate with a male only to eat him. Like snakes, the amount of food in an area determines how long they get in life and they don't stop growing in length. CHILD-EATER (human sized) Notable characters: Serlirna, Rubia_Sapphira, Ebony, Ivory, Tundra, Alanna_Naga Persistence: High (Human), Medium (Giant) Reference pic(human sized):
Reference pic(giant):
Gorgons: Nagas with snakes in their hair. Rather than a hypnotic gaze, gorgons have a petrifying gaze. The effect is temporary since they do not actally eat stone. A gorgon's den is filled with statues they created. The effect may be reversible, but some of the statues have been there for decades. A consequence is a gorgon's coils are weaker than a normal naga's, even a venemous one's. Reference pic: Micro: There are nagas as small as 6 inches tall. They cannot eat humans and do not pose a real threat...they do make good pets, better than the larger ones since they cannot eat humans. Reference pic: Sea Nagas: Nagas that live in the ocean. They are venomous and can stay underwater a long time, but they do need air. Reference pic:
Nekos: They come in human and giant sized. The human sized ones actually cannot same size; only preying on neeras (Mouse people). Human sized ones can be domesticated. CHILD-EATER (human sized eating young neera) Persistence: Medium (Both) Reference pic: Human sized:
Reference pic (Giant):
Slug girls: Giant half women half slug hermaphrodites. They reach 100 feet tall and could potentially be the safest of the predators...although that isn't saying much. Persistence: Low Reference pic:
Sea Slug Girls: Found in the ocean, these aquatic slug girls are even more sessile than their land counterparts. Reference pic:
Jungle Biome: The jungle is another common biome and it is often considered more deadly than the forest. Many of the creatures there are just more dangerous variants of the forest creatures.
Sentient Creatures Found:
Mantis girls: Coming in giant and human sized variants, these ferocious girls have very sharp teeth and are carnivorous. They tend to chew same size prey, killing them with their blades beforehand. Persistence: Medium Reference pic:
Monarchettes: Despite the name, they resemble all butterflies, not just monarchs. They look a bit like fairies, but are taller, have four arms, long tongues, and have larval stages during their youth they are only human sized. Monarchettes do not take care of their own caterpillar girls as they raise their young communally. Any caterpillar girl seen wandering considers the passing monarchette her mother and vice versa. They take care of them by feeding them brains that they extract from living prey with their long tongues. Persistence: Medium Reference pic (Caterpillar girl to butterfly girl):
Wasp girls: Hostile to all, not just humans, the aggressive wasp girls are the last thing you want to see if you don't like the idea of being fed to a queen...or stung. That's bad too. Their queens are about 60 feet tall while the wasps themselves are 20. CHILD-EATER Persistence: High Reference pic:
Desert Biome: The desert is an uncommon biome, but it isn't rare. Many of the forest biomes take on their desert equivalents such as nagas being rattlers or dryads being cacti, or harpies, vultures and roadrunners, inu being coyotes. This is also the first biome with one of the three elemental giantesses; this one being the sand giantess who lives under the sand and burows through it.
Sentient Creatures Found:
Antilon girls: Tauric Antilons who live in the sand. Lures prey in by pretending to be stuck in the sand and capturing them. Sometimes have mandibles in their cheeks. CHILD-EATER Persistance: Low Reference pic:
Cameltaurs: Tauric camels, these desert predators are closer to mercenaries. They can eat humans, but they are much more likely to offer their services for a fee...then eat you if you can't pay it. The fee isn't money given they have no use for it. It will more likely be food. Most people who are eaten by cameltaurs are those who refuse to give them food or bandits who assault their charges. That said, it is not unheard of to see a cameltaur gulping down a weary traveler when hungry. Persistence: Low Reference pic (Couldn't find a naked one):
Lizard girls: A demi cross between humans and lizards, they have scaly hands and feet, and a tail with a long sticky tongue. They scale walls and can typically be found sunbathing. CHILD-EATER Persistence: Medium Reference pic:
Volcano Biome: A rare biome, volcanoes are home to a tribe of Amazons called the Lava_Tribe. Like many of the creatures they have adapted to living in the intense heat. The second of the elemental giantesses lives here. The fire giantesses that channel magma live here. One such giantess being Xelha. They don't really boast unique creatures, merely ones that adapted to fire like nagas and lizard girls and especially dragon girls.
Sentient Creatures Found: LavaGolemGirl: A mix of minerals and lava like slime, these girls make their homes in volcanoes. ((Not actually one of my alts)) Persistence: Likely low
Tundra Biome: Another rare biome, this one is the opposite of the volcano, often boasting creatures that adapted to the cold. The third elemental giantess, the ice giantess, lives here. They freeze their prey with their breath. They also boast ice breathing dryads.
Sentient Creatures Found:
Ursagynas: Bear girls. Their hands and feet are covered in white fur and they have bear ears and a tail as well as sharp teeth. They are usually very to protect them from the cold, and they can be quite gluttonous. They are more common in the tundra, but they exist in other biomes with brown fur instead. Persistence:Medium Reference pic:
Yuki-Onna: Snow women. Said to be from the corpse of women who froze to death (Neither confirmed nor denied), these creatures like to freeze their prey before swallowing them or keeping them in their lairs as decorations if they are particularly handsome men. They can also take people in through their breasts. Persistence:Medium Reference pic:
Mountain Biome: The mountains are a semi-common biome and where harpies and dragon girls ACTUALLY make their home. They can be seen in the forest hunting, but they live in the mountains.
Sentient Creatures Found:
Bat girls: Think harpies, but as bats. They have fur covering their eyes, but excellent echolocation. There are some variants that have hands, but they are rare. They come in mostly giant size like harpies. Persistence: Low Reference pic:
Satyrs: Goat girls that resemble the satyrs of myth. Like goats, they will eat pretty much anything they can get their hands on, so some have been found burping out tires. CHILD-EATER Persistence: Medium Reference pic:
Underground Biome: The Underground is where the ant girls ACTUALLY live. They can be seen foraging in the woods, but their Ant hills are underground. They share this with one other race.
Sentient Creatures Found:
Worm girls: These creatures are underground nomads. Harpies like to call humans worms, but in reality they do not confuse the two. Giants will sometimes use them to bait mermaids, but prefer using humans. Most come in human size, but there are some there are giant.They can come in many forms from the humble earthworm to the dangerous sandworms. The earthworm girls are often tamed by dwarves and used for burrowing. The earthworm girls do not mind this as they enjoy eating dirt. They, in fact, will eat anything in front of them that they consider edible. Their intelligence lies between slime girls and torfilles. Persistence: Low Reference pic:
Sandworms: Found in the desert, these giant dangerous worm girls love to swallow prey from below. Reference pic:
Leech girls: Tauric leech monster girls found in swamps, leech girls are horrific to look at if they open their mouths even ignoring their slimy exteriors. They have several rows of barbed teeth to convince prey that it would be better to be swallowed. Their teeth are also for latching onto larger prey to drink blood. Leech girls have an excellent sense of smell for smelling warm blood. They feel an intense desire to eat warm-blooded creatures and salivate over them when they capture them. They rarely drain prey dry of their blood unless they squirm while being swallowed, however that does not make them safe to be around should they choose to drink from you first. They will still devour you. Their stomachs are transluscent allowing prey to see companions digesting or eaten prey to see outside. Persistence: Medium Reference pic:
Swamp Biome: The swamps are a dangerous biome. Muck can be the end of people and slug girls are more abundant and hungrier. The frog girls are smaller but no less dangerous. The alraunes take the form of mushrooms that infect women with their spores and turn them into them. They also draw men in to eat. These "Fungirls" are quite dangerous and can corrupt and clear out entire villages. Should someone get infected, they should be quarantined until cured or they transform. Under no circumstances should anyone be allowed near them lest they get eaten and acclerate the transformation. They also contain villages of tiny people that were shrunk by the swamp witches potions and managed to get away and reproduce.
Sentient Creatures Found:
Crocidilines: Gator girls with similar appearances to lizard girls aside from the sharp teeth, tail, and green skin...or rather skin matching the tail. Persistence: High Reference pic:
Slime girls: Barely sentient slime that can shift into a female form. They don't talk and often engulf their prey through vacoules other than the mouth. Persistence: High Reference pic:
Farmlands: There are farmers who have managed to domesticate some of the demis. They can appear in the wild as well, but they are predatory variants and look a little different. The wild ones will be listed here as well. Beta inus can be domesticated as well to guard the livestock, all though they may not be ideal. Sentient Creatures Found:
Bovadites: Cow girls that are used for dairy. The wild ones are ten feet tall and known as Minotaurs. There are multiple variants including the tauric ones and the two legged ones. Persistence: Low
Holstaur: Tauric Bovadites, these are mostly used for dairy farming, evidenced by their Southern Accents. They can be found in the wild and they do eat people out there. They are rather sweet and will often ask permission before eating someone although it is just a show. More often than not, they will ignore a denial of consent. Reference pic:
Bessies: Named after the famous cow name, Bessies are the two legged Bovadites that are very dangerous to micros that live in the grass. They are often raised by Amazons for meat rather than dairy. Reference pic:
Porcines: Pig girls bred by amazons to be food. The other farm animals are bred by them, but these are the only ones not bred by non pred races. Wild ones have tusks and are called Boarcines. Persistence: Low
Sowaur: The docile versions raised by Amazons to be food. Reference pic:
Boarcines: These girls have tusks and act like wild pigs. They mostly leave people alone, but once one is after you, there is no stopping her. Reference pic:
Ewecines: Sheep girl bred for wool. The wild ones are called Ramodites and have horns like rams. Persistence: Low
Ewecines: Sheep girls raised by farmers for wool, they actually enjoy being sheared and are actually one of the few beast girls that have fur over their privates. Reference pic: Reference pic:
Ramodites: Ramodites live in mountains mostly and often battle for dominance with each other. They use their horns as weapons and while they can pred, they mainly stick to plants. Tellingly, they are the least distinguishable from their cattle counterparts and are sometimes confused for them. Reference pic:
Dungeons: There are monsters in dungeons and temples as well serving as either ancient guardians of treasure or just cave monsters.
Sentient Creatures Found:
Beholder: Beholder monster girls are creatures who have 10 eyestalks and one central eye on their face and are about 9 feet tall. Proud and aggressive, they attack adventurers. Their central eye shuts down any supernatural ability, although this mostly means her eyes will not fire beams at anyone directly in front of her if her eye is open. Each eye on a stalk has a different beam to be fired:
Charm Ray: The favorite beam of the beholder, the charm ray charms adventurers and makes them more susceptible to being eaten.
Paralysis Ray: Paralyzes a target
Fear Ray: Frightens creatures and forces them to flee from her; only used on particularly large groups since it typically means letting food flee
Slow Ray: Slows down a creature; rarely used
Power Ray: Used to attack; mostly saved for rivals
PK Ray: Telekinetically lifts targets to make easier meals
Sleep Ray: Puts a target to sleep
Petrification Ray: Turns creatures to stone; mostly used for creatures that look interesting to beholder girls.
Disintegration Ray: Disintegrates a target; mostly used to carve out lairs and on rivals beholders consider actual threats
Death Ray: Instantly kills a victim; mostly used on something that can threaten them
Persistance: Medium-high Reference pic:
Mimics: Mimics are monster girls that hide in treasure chests who devour adventurers that try to open them. If not near man-made materials, a mimic will often pose as a rock or something large enough to rest on. Mimic girls have sharp teeth which seems solely to ruin any attempts to blend in with humans. They vary from having legs or not to being able to leave their box or not. Mimics can never stray too far from their box if they can leave, ensuring they do not really hunt outside where they live. Mimic girls have sticky skin that feels like a tongue and their chests contain pseudopods to stick to their prey. Persistence: Low Reference pic:
Sphinxes: Some older temples have riddle testing sphinxes that roam around testing adventurers and eating those who fail. Most have wings, some do not. Either way, they resemble tauric big cats and tend to be giant. The ones that do not have wings live in jungles and do not test people, they just eat them. Persistence: High Reference pic(dungeon first, jungle second):
The Afterlife: It is no secret that people die in this world, and their soul has to go somewhere. The afterlife consists of celestials and fiends...most typically angels and succubi, giant creatures who reach from 100-110 feet tall. They rarely intervene in the mortal plane and they tend to care more about a mortal's soul than the physical form. That means that in the physical plane...for humans at least, there is virtually no difference between running into an angel or a least if they decide to eat you. An angel may not even understand why a good person wouldn't want them to eat them since they are going to heaven. There are several types of Angels in terms of powers but only 4 main kinds of succubi. The succubi are either fire, ice, will, or metal succubi. Will succubi are the ones who most live up to the idea of succubi seducing men for their souls, but they do so by controlling their minds and forcing them to do what they want. They mostly do this on souls rather than on the mortal plane, however. The afterlife is ruled by the four goddesses of Amazonia: THe Hallowed Mother and her three daughters Naturia, Velotz, and Hala. The Hallowed Mother is the one who decides who goes where, Naturia is the goddess of Nature specifically based on land and is the patron of Greater Giantesses. Velotz is the Goddess of the seas and storms and is primarily admired by mermaids and sailors. Hala is the goddess of the skies and wind and is primarily admired by harpies and dragon girls. Reference pic: Angel:
Reference pic: Succubus:
Reference pic: The Hallowed Mother:
Reference pic: Naturia:
Reference pic: Hala:
Reference pic: Velotz:
Rare demis: There are demis not covered in this list that are rare. Basically intended for alts that catch my fancy or when I feel like it. Sentient Creatures Found:
Monster types: These include Hydras (Both siamese triplet naga and the actual mythical monster) Reference pic: , Dullahans (There is debate on whether or not they are extraplanar given their ability to interact with and digest souls) Reference pic: , onis (Red/blue skin 1/2 horns) Reference pic: , orcs (Fangs, green skin/fair skin, a tendency to hunt in packs, pig like ears) Reference pic: , trolls (Green skin, pointy ears, tusks) Reference pic: ,and ogresses (Bones in hair decorations, green/fair skin, Fangs, twice the height of orcs) Reference pic: , cyclopses (Mini giantesses with one eye, possible horns, some grow as long as food is around, may wear clothes) Reference pic: Reference pic: , goblins (Shorter than humans but tend to scavenge from orc hunts) Reference pic: any monster considered a demi that is not part animal. They are mini giantesses and are more likely to actually hard vore people.
Animal types: These include animals not covered such as Dinosaurs (Preds) Reference pic (T-rex):
There are distinct nations in Amazonia. Some are from a high fantasy setting while others are more modern. The modern cities tend to be walled off so predators cannot get in. Unfortunately, the walls were never tall enough to keep out greater giantesses. The modern cities tended to not allow anyone but humans in, while the villages tended to be more varied. Still no predators, but you would find elves and even nekos. In modern cities, vore is frowned upon, but technically legal EXCEPT in cities ruled by a vore capable human herself. In those cities, vore is legal. As for underaged vore, underaged predding is fine, after all, that is usually how they discover their abilities. Underaged prey has to be willing unless they are in your custody. Unfortunately for kids, custody is rather loosely defined. Custody in these cities is defined with the obvious parents and teachers, but knocking on the door to borrow sugar, sell cookies, or be in a sleepover counts. It also counts if the parents are eaten with the child. Vore-capable humans/human sized Amazons see eating each other as a faux pas, socially. There are non-sentient flora and fauna unique to Amazonia as well. Some are predatory, but some are used as cattle and fruits and vegetables.
Edible Flora: These are the plants that are eaten by humans, giants, and herbivorous demis. The ones in bold are eaten by giants. If they are bold and italicized, they are toxic to humans. Bold and underlined means they are hazardous to get since they are grown on man-eating dryads.
Swamp Dewberry
Tundra Snakeberry
Western Walnut
Star Lettuce
Swamp Asparagus
Southern Pommerac
Void Melon
Drake Bramble
Mist Pepper
Thunder Cantaloupe
Tiger Kale
Hazel Kabosu
Solar apple
Banapple (yellow, blue, red)
Lake Apricot
Blue Fig
Candy Pepper
Mock Cabbage
Peace Bramble
Grexe Nut
Rose Lemon
Wonder Pawpaw
Mud Cherry
Mystical Rambutan
Love Quince
Hollow Dewberry
Night Huckleberry
Dim Pepper
Glass Apple
Sun Fruit
Moon Fruit
Star Melon
Prey Fauna: These are the animals that humans, giants, and carnivorous demis hunt and eat. The ones in bold are eaten by giants. The ones in bold and italics eat humans. There will be some overlap with the predator animals list.
Yellow Bighorn
Peach Wildebeest
Furry Roebuck
Scarlet Ram
Daffodil Sheep
Crowned Bison
Sea Gazelle
Rock Mammoth
Plum-nosed Doe
Woolly Wildebeest
Stag Dogfish
Blond Eel
Titanium-striped Boar
Quartz Horse
Electrum Squid
Golden Triggerfish
Eucalyptus Catfish
Blue-eared Cassowary
Crowned Bass
Golden Roc
Glass salmon
Goose Heron
Scarlet-fanged pike
Leopard-spotted whale
Civet Octopus
King's Catfish
Emperor's Tree Constrictor
Rock Unagi
Gulper Unagi
Emperor's River Carp
Carnivorous plants: These are the plants that eat people. Reference pic:
Elven Poisonflower
Iuki Pod
Assassin Groundberry: These insidious berries mimic edible berries. There are thre species of Assassin Groundberry. The first species and most common has the berry deliver a paralytic poison to the prey, making them a sitting duck for the plant...or another predator to eat, but since that is only dangerous if in the vicinity of the plant, prey species can use it to rub juices into their fur to discourage predators. The second species skips the poison to have the plant close its hidden petals when triggered by the berries being picked. The third species is more of a novelty, filling victims with berry juice Violet Beaugarde style until they resemble little berries. Giants love when people eat these berries.
Tendril Trees-oddly only dangerous to giantesses
Scout's Bane
Siren's Pod
Noodle Vine
Death Bath Pitcher
Bog Trap Plant
False Lily
Swamp Maw
Anemone Flower
Podmaw: Reference pic:
Arboreal Tapeworm
Fanged Man-trap (No, I will not drop the pretext) Reference pic:
Predator Fauna: These are the animals that eat people. There is some overlap with animals that giantesses hunt.
Sunset Sparrowhawk
Yelping Liger
Cairn Bullfrog
Ocean Slug
Straw-Dotted Spider
Imperial Python
Stunning Squid
Regal Toad
Crowned Hippopotamus
Sand Anemone
Mega Anemone
Frilled salamander
Sun-frilled lizard
Gulper clam
Lava ant
Giga scorpion
Tunnel Centipede
Electrum Eagle
Hay Crocodile
Diamond Viper
Emerald-spotted Anaconda
Regal Sea Serpent
Talion Man-of-War
Blue-ringed Jellyfish
Snapper Pelican
Falcon Crane
Dire Wolf
Rock Mammoth
Stag Dogfish
Blond Eel
Titanium-striped Boar
Electrum Squid
Golden Triggerfish
Blue-eared Cassowary
Golden Roc
Glass salmon
Goose Heron
Scarlet-fanged pike
Leopard-spotted whale
Civet Octopus
King's Catfish
Emperor's Tree Constrictor
Rock Unagi
Gulper Unagi
Emperor's River Carp
Grand Chameleon
Giant Hornet
Trap Door Worm
Grass Stalker Spider
Ancient Theropod
Sand Mine Worm
Greater River Frog
Giant River Crab
Grand Angler
Cave barnacle
Giant slug
Ghost Gecko
Star worm
Wall worm
Cave spider
Grand Cave spider
Trap door spider
Cave Scorpion
Maw worm
Swamp Constrictor
Mud Angler
Giant Salamander
Other Flora: These plants neither eat humans nor are they particularly good to eat. Herbivorous demis might eat them, but they do not prefer to.
Inferno Shadblow
Sneeze Brittlebush
Phoenix Thimbleweed
Tundra Shadblow
Royal Rantipole
Other Fauna: These animals are neither particularly dangerous to humans nor are they considered prey by them.
Floral-Eared Parrot
Almond Parakeet
Sinister Fly
RP ideas: My favorite rp idea is having nature take its course in this world with people trying to survive. Encounters will be randonly rolled whether or not there will be an encounter and what said encounter is. EDIT: I have discovered that this idea works better in group scenes rather than in 1v1 where many rolls can go by without encounters.
I'm a switch. I can play whatever race fits the scene to me.
Soft Vore
Love it.
Hard Vore
Eh, I'm willing to try sometimes but I have to be in the mood.
Why else would you eat food?
No way to prevent death.
Cannot do it, but also cannot prevent it.
Oral Vore
Best way to me and how most predators do it.
A select few can do this.
Cock Vore
No, never, not even with the herms
Anal Vore
Don't particularly like this either.
Breast Vore
A select few can do this.
Soul Vore
None of them feed on souls as they are not really evil and soul vore is an evil act in my eyes.
Hey, if you're doing same size, you're stretching.
I love it, but only a select few do.
Food Related
I can do this with anyone, though.
Not big on sex scenes
Only so far as to digestion. I'm not a sadist.
Post vore only
Many like to restrain their prey
If you can do it, it's fine but no godmodding. Magic is rare in this setting and mostly the domain of elves. Most human mages rely on items. Magic is a tool, but it's not enough to overpower large predators.
Willing prey will confuse most of them. I am not completely against it; I just prefer the prey to have a reason to want to be eaten like having a death wish or reluctance or hypnosis. Just a sexual thrill knowing you are throwing your life away seems wrong. Unless it is a public feedin, a willing prey should be approached by a predator ideally, not seek them out.
This is more like it.
Depends on the pred, but I like both macro/micro and same size
Same Size
Male Partner
Males don't pred here, but they make delicious meals
Female Partner
Excellent for both sides.
Herm Partner
I can deal with futas. But no hyper sized dicks or calling too much attention to it. If there is a sex scene, you can use it, but I don't want to feel like you're compensating for something.
Human Partner
Most races are cool.
Fur Partner
Just so I am clear, the above meant human and demi races. Not a fan of anthros. I will also not play with Pokemon, Digimon, Yoshis or Ponies. The reason for this is not because I am not a fan of those things, but the opposite, I associate them with my childhood...except the ponies they came out recently, but you get the picture.
There are carnivorous plants.
Underage Character
Don't mind underage preds, but underaged prey can get dicey. Definitely no sex. My lower limit for my comfort is 16, however, I will eat younger prey if the pred is of similar age. Some predators do occasionally eat children especially runaways or if there is no other food around. They don't eat under 5s. The line will say CHILD-EATER if the pred canonically will eat a child. The CHILD-EATER label is a warning if this is on a brochure. Children that get lost in forests will be eaten by these beast girls if they are not careful, but they will not be eaten over adults. Be aware that just because they eat children does not mean they prefer them to adults nor will they eat them over adults. It also does not mean that they will necessarily eat them under any condition. Some will not eat them under certain conditions.
Staying In Character
Pretty please stay in character.
Foot Play
I love feet, so I love having them bare.
I like breasts as well, including lactation
Multiple Prey
I love filling up hungry tummies with multiple prey.