The antagonists are a variety of Yokai born with the inexplicable need to antagonise other creatures. No one knows WHY they are born
the way that they are, the "curse" happens randomly. Some hypothesize that the yokai were born with their true nature in-tact, that
all yokai are somehow, inexplicably this way.
Yokai born of this class are only able to feed on negative energy emitted by non-antagonist beings, be they human or yokai, or anything
else. Different types of souls produce different sorts of energy. Think like a fine wine, versus boxed wine, and everything in between.
This is how much the quality of a soul's negative energy.
In times of bountiful quality food, most Antagonists keep to their own meals. But if there is a particularly quality bit of
soul to feed from, there will be skirmishes on who has the right to claim it. When breaking a mark placed by another yokai, the demon
breaking the seal absorbs the energy used to place it. This in itself is enough to sate them for several days. Once a seal is broken,
the Antagonist that placed it senses it.
Featured Antagonists:
Nanami -

A seven-tailed fox daiyokai spirits who is fairly aloof. She's
one of the most powerful of her kind and was, surprisingly, born to two parents of the same type. The trait for antagonism appears
randomly throughout yokai, which makes it extremely unlikely for two Antagonist parents to have an Antagonist child.
Magatsuhi -

A cat daiyokai. He sees himself as the
rival of
Nanami and often goes out of his way to take what belongs to her.
Gatenmaru -

A moth daiyokai born to the great Moth family that was extremely
distressed to learn that the moth that would be taking the place of the clan head was an Antagonist. She is excellent in her
leadership, but many are still extremely uncomfortable with the stigma of an
Antagonist leading the clan.
(A sub-list for a species quirk of Youkai brought to you by
MixedMythos. For more characters and world information, please see
that list.