Got a ghost that needs roasting? A blight that needs fighting?
We’re the hearse for each curse. The tool for your ghouls.
It’s our job to investigate mysteries, capture ghosts and vanquish evil wherever we find it.
Only recently founded when Ghosthunter_Jobix Inherited a creepy old mansion from his uncle. Inside was a whole lot of family history and a whole lot of it pertained to the paranormal world and the protection of the mortal world from it.
It’s not the sort of thing you forget about and move on with your life. So Jobix started renovating the estate and started up Banshee Busters Inc. to fund his DIY projects while doing some good and taking up the ancestral burden.
Legend has it the family has made a lot of paranormal enemies in their line of work. Some say there’s a curse on the mansion and all who live within its walls are doomed. But curses are meant to be broken. Right?
Want a once in a lifetime job? Want to vanquish evil? Want to learn about other worlds beyond this one? Apply for a job, you won’t regret it.
This an archive of spooks, cold cases, and solved cases. Are cases that are open. These are predators that have expressed an interest in playing with staff. Are cases that have been solved. These are roleplays in which the predator was.... dealt with. The kill count of the mystery. Each X is a missing staff member.
Mystery Types
Research Notes Pg11.2
Most spectral entities are manifestations of energy extruded into our reality by dimensional weaknesses formed from strong emotions or astral forces acting on our spacetime from the other side; often manifesting in our world as an intangible material known as ectoplasm.
Continued experimentation reveals that spectral entities generate and are effected by magnetic fields. In theory this EM could be manipulated to contain the entity.
Dr Douglas Harrowhorn
Research Notes Pg32.1
Although I do not believe in heaven or hell. There is undeniable evidence of the existence of daemon. It’s entirely possible that hell is merely another world connected to our own, with its own properties, rules and forms of life, and its existence has influenced our culture.
However given how strongly symbology and incantation can affect them, I hypothesize that these rules can be learned to capture and contain demons. Perhaps even sending them back to the underworld.
Dr Douglas Harrowhorn
Research Notes Pg35.3
By extension, the divine have existed throughout humanities cultures. Entities of immense power and influence. It would appear they are almost drawn, change, or coalesce from the very faith of their followers. Often as their followers fade, so do they. Lost deities are often missing laws of reality, or are stuck in loops.
Faded demigods are much like ghosts in a sense. Often lost and partially disapparated. Their weakness is found in their old traditions, which hold more power over them now than when they were once powerful.
Dr Douglas Harrowhorn
Research Notes Pg66.9
The undead are a fascinating anomaly. Given ghosts are souls that erode the boundary between the mortal plane and the astral one, it is reasonable to assume that some incantations and infections facilitate this ability while the subject is still alive. Allowing a living being's sou to exist in the astral plane while they themselves are still ‘alive’.
Although the staggering variety of undead species prevents any universal solution. Silver does tend to be effective at preventing passage between our world and the astral one.
Dr Douglas Harrowhorn
Research Notes Pg86.8
Curses are most likely a powerful incursion from the astral plane. Whereas ghosts are incursions of once living souls and emotions. Curses are incursions of intention and unnatural law. Reverberations of laws of physics that do not belong. Some ancient professions, such as witches, have honed the art of weaving these incursions with their own intentions.
Each curse has a set of counter-laws or rituals that can cancel out the incursion. Unfortunately discovering what these are often involves intimate study of the curse first hand.
Dr Douglas Harrowhorn
Research Notes Pg108.1
The realm of the Fae has always been our neighbour. Before humanity, they occupied earth and its far stretches of forests, deserts and oceans. Now humanity has claimed so much of what was once there’s, it’s no wonder they do not see us favourably. The realm of the fae, like the underworld, has its own set of physical laws.
Sylphi are as diverse as life on earth is, being another parallel perpendicular realm to our own. Although they have their own capabilities of what we could call magic, most fae are still vulnerably to the physical laws that govern our own realm.
Dr Douglas Harrowhorn
Research Notes Pg121.2
The infamous cryptids. These are unique in the sense that they do not originate from the other adjoining planes, nor are they influenced by them. Perhaps by fluke, or evolution, these creatures are entirely of earth; yet exhibit dangerous properties and abilities. Perhaps due to meddling by our ancestors, or a reach unknown.
Although most monstrum are hardy, they are not immortal. Like the fae they are vulnerable to physical attacks, but also like the fey, they are full of surprises.
Dr Douglas Harrowhorn
Research Notes Pg152.8
The old ones as they are called. Worshipped before civilisation, perhaps by many worlds. They defy reality by their very nature. Every sell burning with intent and forgotten laws. C' ah soth mgng gof'nn ot epfm'latgh. Body or mind. Mere perception is a playground to the old ones and their kin.
The Eldritch are long ‘extinct’. What remains are but vestiges. The Eldritch that still exist are outliers and sleeper, often awoken and empowered by worshippers. To defeat and eldritch one must starve them of what fuels them.
Dr Douglas Harrowhorn
Research Notes Pg424.4
There are many few entities that cannot be categorised into the fields I have studied, but occasionally one will arise that does not contribute any of the aforementioned properties throughout my book, whist still defying the laws of our realm. An incursion of another sort…
There’s no one weakness of the Obscura. One may be something beyond the stars, while another an entity created by fluke in a laboratory. However, everything has Achilles heel.
This girl is always associated in some way with many of the local disappearances, and seems to always be "dressed up" as a cat; fitting ancient and recent folklore of the surrounding areas. Scrying and all other forms of magical intel gathering fail, which means whatever this creature is, it could also be a convergence point, meaning all magic is useless. Take extreme care when undertaking this mission, as we have no idea what she could be capable of.
It’s hard to tie the disappearances with the supernatural here, but reports of a girl with cat ears looking straight out of ancient Egypt tends to turn a few heads. Some people even claim they spoke with her! Cursory research leads us to suggest this is Bastet the ancient Egyptian god of cats and strays. How and why she managed to out-last the gods of Egypt and is now roaming the streets of the earth is a mystery…
Name: Morgan Margrave
Species: Ghost
Gender: Male
Type: Spectra
Job Type: Confirmed Haunt
The Mangrave Letter is well renowned among the ghosthunting community for being haunted. Yet the “museum” isn’t keen on getting their best business generator exorcised. Still, with the number of disappearances attached to it, we’re obligated to exorcise. A classic ghost case of a bride-never-to-be. What might have transpired to lock this specter to the mortal grounds of Margrave Chapel? Come prepared. This “mere” ghost has already claimed many…
Naga have popped up a few times throughout history, but none have survived to the modern day, let alone thrived if the missing people statistics are anything to go by. This naga has adapted to living and hunting in modern society and somehow has managed to escape the notice of the law despite being over 80ft long. Local folklore says its a python that escaped the zoo. To take down a predator this experienced we may need an entire squad of Busters.
Banshees are powerful creatures, and any rumour of a banshee haunting should not be taken lightly. At the same time such maelstroms of destruction need to be caught before they do harm to the public. Thankfully they tend to stick to places that have seen a lot of death. It’s recommended two or more field agents track down this particularly playful and hungry banshee
We don’t know what this thing is, only that it’s ancient bearing some similarities to a djinn of sorts. The Cheshire creature seems to come and go as it pleases, and has a strange fascination with contracts and wagers, often using them to enact unfathomable power of those it tricks. Deceiving people is what this creature does best. Agents are reminded to not accept ANY contract this thing offers.
Name: Quin Charbonneau
Species: Living Doll
Gender: Male
Type: Maledictum
Job Type: Substantiated Rumor
Due to the infectious properties of knowing about this cursed, living doll. Some information is redacted. ████ ██ ███████ ███████ ████ ██, ████ █████ █████ ██ ██████ ██████. ███████ █████ ███ █████ ██ ██████ ███████. So as a result, 100% of affected victims are collected by him as sex dolls. When taking this job ████ ██████ ████ every 24h.
Name: Jobix
Position: Founder of Banshee Busters Inc. | Field Agent | Equipment Engineer
Jo is young but full of zeal for the job. Ever since the manor was left to him by his late uncle, he has been doing everything he can to solve the mysteries the inherited estate holds, and protect the world from the paranormal entities that would do the innocent harm.
Banshee Busters is his way of financing the renovation of the estate. He gets to meet likeminded folk eager to help vanquish evil, while making the spooky manor a prime HQ for ghost-busting.
Name: Mickel
Position: Paranormal Investigator | Field Agent | Psychic
Being parasentitive effects people in different ways. Mickel has the power to see beyond the mortal veil and it’s not something that society responds to well. His talents as a private investigator combined with this ability make him a formidable field agent and a valuable asset. Even if your hometown thinks you’re crazy, Banshee Busters always has house and board for its employees.
Name: Sachiho
Position: Para-Equipment Technician
There’s always a talented engineer behind the scenes making everything work no-matter the company. Sachiho is that engineer for Banshee Busters. Although far from a field agent, she does get tangled with the paranormal every now and again. After all, sometimes jobs go on for a while and you need a dedicated technician in the van to facilitate expert assistance!
Banshee Busters has a story that can be progressively unlocked by Staff parcipating in their own roleplays. Over time this will include an overarching lore and objective. The staff alive at the time of the unlock may end up being written into the story. Each tier of story has an unlock criteria.
A living Banshee Busters employee
A 'missing' Banshee Busters employee
A completed mystery
Status: Locked
The house is not what it seems...
Unlock Requirements:
Status: Locked
The Mayan callendar of fate...
Unlock Requirements:
Status: Locked
The missing pieces...
Unlock Requirements:
More to come...
The purpose of this profile
TLDR: This profile is a list of permavore characters from various players. With a loose theme towards the paranormal, urban fantasy and mystery type roleplays and predators.
This profile is for ongoing profile play and canon events between staff and… unsavoury characters. It’s sort of an excuse to tie permavore into something bigger with other likeminded nerds.
Every member of staff on this profile is up for permavore and has been “employed” by Banshee Busters Inc.
They might be a field agent, a paranormal researcher or someone more clerical.
Perhaps Banshee Busters is doomed right from the start. Perhaps every member of staff is cursed to meet a lewd and awful demise at the hand of some paranormal monstrosity.
Staff that are permavored are recorded, so over time you can see the extent of the troubled business. If Ghosthunter_Jobix is ever permavored, then ownership of the business (And the profile) goes to someone else.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I "Sign up"?
Anyone can be a member of staff. Just strike up a conversation with me or send a PUB.
Can I be staff if I'm not into or up for permavore?
Not currently sorry. It's not what this profile is for.
I'm a pred, how do I get some tasty perma-meals
This profile is more of a "menu" or "meta-hub". You will still need to approach who you're interested in conventionally :) you can be added to "mysteries" if you fit the bill.
Does it have to be ghost preds?
No, we're not the vore police. We encourage paranormal predators and vore around that, but we don't enforce that. Besides the theme is pretty flexible.
Are listed preds up for perma too?
Only staff are guaranteed to be up for permavore. There’s no rule against staff permavoring a spook from the roster of mysteries, but it’s up to the pred-player to propose that. Don’t expect it, and don’t be an asshole.