
Gender: Female (herm on request)

My Deviant Art Account
My ETA gallery
2 Nagas Play Youtube Channel

Picture belongs to me

Quick overview:

Silrath also prefers to eat and tailvore.
She can also be a herm on request, just ask beforehand, in order to avoid any awkward confusion.
Silrath does temp and permavore too, but on request and arrangement beforehand only
She hates being petted or patted, this isn't a chance to be cute, just please don't do it. This is more a player's hatred for being petted and patted.
Silrath can be used in a multitude of locations and settings, just not forests any more. It's dull now, let's find somewhere else to devour prey ;)
But to be honest, a Slice Of Life setting is very much preferred in this day and age, something up to date and modern compared to parks and forets.

Chat symbol status:

No Symbol: I'm here, come chat or ask about a scene. Away: I'm not here, do not expect a response until I return
LFRP: I'm looking to play a scene NOT currently in a scene
DND: Exactly what it says on the tin, Do Not Disturb.
Pred: Looking to devour and consume, NOT currently in a scene.
Open: Come say Hi, I'm not doing much at this point.

Otherwise feel free to approach, I'll be available to chat if nothing else!

Lamia Form Anthro Snake Form Full Snake Form


In case you haven't realised, Silrath is a naga, when she chooses to be, she can also be an anthro and full snake. She is about 90ft in length from waist to tail tip and has a human appearance of a young woman in her mid 20's. If it were not for her snake-half, you'd guess she was about 6'5". Often seen wearing her single-buttoned shirt and usually lazing about her own coils when she's relaxing or considering hunting someone or something down. Her turquoise and yellow scales run the length of her tail with a slight blue spotting here and there, the tailtip itself usually narrowed down but can be expanded out into what appears to be a snakehead with a fully functioning maw for eating the slightly bigger meals out there.

As someone with a long tail, she loves to capture prey and constrict it, sometimes teasing her meal before eating it, sometimes toying with her food. She has also been known from time to time to release her food, if they can provide her with a better deal than just a meal. It is most likely she will talk and chat with her prey but it is almost certain she will eventually eat them. She has two retractable fangs for injecting a neuro-toxin that will weaken her prey but not kill it. The toxin is painless for the prey and naturally she is immune to it.

She carries no weapons for her own body is the only weapons she'll ever need, in true snake fashion she can stretch her mouth around her prey and consume them into her body before forcing them along inside her tail. So long is her tail that she can digest multiple prey at once. Her stomach allows for breathing or not depending upon her mood, if she's in a bad mood, she'll want to eat and digest quickly.

With all her time spent in the Nexus, hunting and predding upon others, her hunger and consuming influence has forced several changes to undergo within her body. Possibly the least noticed of her new attributes is her reflective scales. Though still turquoise in hue, previously she was immune to the influence of magic, now however any and all spells, powers and otherworldly forms of attack will be reflected back at the caster with negative effect. So casting a healing spell on her will be not unlike the attacker casting a damage spell on themself. Shrink spells will cause casters to shrink.

Her tail has managed to grow hundreds and hundreds of tiny barbs along its contours, resting under the scales and laying flat until she requires to use them. Most noticeably with prey they'd be coiled and squeezed and depending upon her mood, she can lance their bodies with hundreds of the tiny barbs, punching through flesh and armour if need be. Once within her prey she can do one of two things; either she can slide her coils around her prey and tear them apart from the sharp barbs, shredding and rending flesh wherein she usually holds them above her head and consumes the flesh and blood as it falls from her coils over their feet (if they have feet) or she use the barbs to drink her prey from within, coils holding them still until they are dropped as nothing but a dried up husk. In using her barbs to shred (or Blend as she calls it) whichever part of the prey is coiled and in humans that usually from head to ankles, is dropped as a blood stained skeleton.

Her most snakelike change however has been something more internal. Her tongue, previously human in appearance and use, has become more akin to that of a snakes. A much longer muscle that is as prehensile as her tail and can extend to up to 25' for sudden snag and snaring of her prey. The tip of which can open up and pierce flesh allowing her to drink from her target while pulling them closer for her coils to hold or just keep them weak in her arms as she drains them. Most interestingly she has used her tongue to slide down the throats of other predators and drained their meals before they could be fully digested.

***The Hunt***

A dice game for vore

The Hunt is a means of hunting that Silrath offers. Quite simply it is an RP that takes place with 10 rounds of play. Each round is started with an attempt by Silrath to snare her prey, resulting in a D20 being rolled. The prey gets to roll a D20 in return.

If Silrath's score is greater by 5 or more than the prey, the RP is over and the prey is caught, ready to be eaten. So if Silrath rolls a 20, the prey must roll a 16 or more to avoid being her next meal. During the rounds, the players post if in a normal RP. Not all instances of the RP have to have dice rolls, allowing for some development.

If the prey survives 10 rounds, they escape.

To date, there have been 71 hunts

Hall of fame - 8 rounds or higher

Florence - 10 rounds
Matthew_G -10 rounds
Uwe - 8 rounds

Hall of Whoops - 1 Round

Janina x3


A menu of all that have been devoured

A_Kitten oral x2
Aada oral tempvore 14 months
Abel_Abernathy oral x3, tail
Achroma oral after hunt (3/10)
Adele oral, tail
Adilana Oral
Adrienna_ oral
Agent_T oral
Ailera oral
Aiya Oral
Akames oral x3, tail after hunt (7/10)
Ake Oral x18, Oral HV, Tail ND, Vamp
Alan_the_Fatty oral
Alaya tail, oral, tail 4thwall x6, oral 4th wall
Album tail
Alecia UB
Alejandra oral
Alexa_Bliss oral
Alexis_Walker tail x2, oral x5
AliceOConnel oral x2, tail x2
AliceNerelven tail
AliceThePlayer oral x3, tail
AlisonWriter oral
Alix oral
Alley_Sadd oral x9, tail x2
Alpha_Ray oral
Altair Oral
Alts_of_Silks tail
Amanda_Starr Oral
Amarie oral
Amethyst_Lure tail, oral
Amythyst oral, tail
Amy_Fateburn tail, cv
AngelaBlackwell oral, tail x2, cv
Angelicmarie oral x2, tail
Angel_of_judgement tail
Angua Oral
Aniece tail
Anita oral x3, tail x2
Annie oral ND
Annie_Mew oral
antony_mouse oral
anubis Oral
aqua_tailfox tail
Aranel oral, blend x2
Arcadia_ oral
Aria_Renea oral
Arietes hv, oral x6
Arrianna tail
Arsia Oral x2
Artreska oral
Arua oral
AshleyDScott Oral x6. Tail, vamp x2
Assistant_Ellia tail
Asuras tail, oral x3
Atherias tail
axora oral
Ayla_cavewoman oral x2, oral after hunt (3/10)
Aysa tail
Azares_Bludrein tail
Azelia tail x3, oral x2
AzuraTheFox Oral

Bael tail
Banana oral x11
Bashir oral
Basil_Dolin oral
Bass_the_Tiny oral
Betty_Cane oral after hunt (2/10) temp 7 weeks.
Big_England Oral
BigBrown tail
Bikini_Models oral x4
Bimbo cv perma
BlackFlamedramon Oral
Bo_A_Python oral x4
bobbychuro oral
bobbyheroofcrysis tail
Bodster Oral
Bonez oral
Boy_Banana oral
Brannigan Oral x2
Braxes tail x2
BreaAsaya tail, oral
Brielle_Lamia tail
Brigit oral
bud tail after hunting (1/10)
Buffy_Summers oral temp 1 month
Busty_Kimberly oral, tail

Cable oral
CainTheNaga oral x5, oral 4th wall x2, tail
Candice_Noire oral, tail x2
Carissa_ oral
Cassie_Priam tailvore x2
Cayabe tail x2 Celvin oral
Cerena oral
Chalo Oral
Chiu_Neska oral nd
Chloe_Takai oral
ChristyRai Oral
Cindi Oral
Cindy Oral
Cindy_Bunny Oral after hunt (2/10)
Cindy_the_void tail
Claire_ oral
Clari oral x3, barb, tail
Clarysa tail x2, oral
Claudia_Wells CV perma
Cleavage_abyss oral
Clitus_Kitsune tail
Clover_Loppai oral x2, tail
Cockgirl oral
Codo oral x3, oral nd
Cohri oral x7
coldbrush oral x10, tail x2
Collet oral
Concoro oral x5, tail
Coramin_Zelaphiel oral
Corelyn tail
Cori_Summers tail
cplhaverson Oral x2
Crystalies tail
Culy Oral
Cure Oral

Dakar oral
Dandy oral
Daniel_Altlows tail x2, cv x3, oral
Daniel_Hallows tail
Danyall oral, barb
Davion oral
Dax_Newdon tail
Deadre tail x3
Deathbloom oral
Delia_Fin oral
delicouszebra oral
Demon Willingly Oral.
Dez Oral x20. tail x5. UB x6. Blended. Tongue. Barb.
Dezzykitsune oral x2, tail
DiscoBiscuit oral x9
Disu oral
Ditto_Dee oral
DitzDo oral
Dj_Kohuded tail
DJ_OK oral x2
DJ_Noha oral after hunting (2/10), tail
Draga oral
Dragoness_Rose oral
DrakeDracovitch oral x4, tail x2

EasyMeal_Alts oral 4thwall
Ecco oral x5, tail x2
Ecnelis oral
Eeek Oral x2
Eive gentle and willing oral, UB consumption. Oral ND.
Eka Oral NDx2, Tail ND, UB
ElfBitch oral
ElfyAmethyst oral
Elina_Smith oral
Elizara oral x8, tail
Eloria tail
Elvenskies Oral
Elvira Oral x2
Emerald_Firejewel oral
Emi_wolf oral
Emma_Valentine tail hunt 4/10
Emmi_Lee oral
Emmie oral x2
Emuko tail
Enja cv afterhunt (5/10)
Erebus Oral NDx2, Oral x13
ErebusPlayer oral
Esmeralda_Rivera Oral x2
eso_kiso tail
Eve_Clockwork tail
Evergreen oral
Evgen tail, oral x5
Eyres oral

Falicity Oral
Faetha tail, oral x5, cv
Farli oral x2, tail x3
Faux oral
FeedMe tail
Felita cv, oral
Femboy_ oral
Fena barb
Fenri oral
FerretDraco Oral
Feya_Beohund oral x4
FifiLaFume oral x2
Fig oral ND, oral x2
Fiona Oral
Finbarr oral
Firebane oral
_Firefox oral after hunt (5/10) tail, oral, oral after hunt (2/10), tailmaw after hunt (2/10)
Flagg tail, oral x2, barb x2
Florence Oral x8, Oral ND x2, Tail after Hunting (10/10), perma meal
Florence_Cinderome Vamp
Fluffanutter oral
Fo_Seishin oral
Foshu oral, oral ND
Foxylinn oral after hunting (1/10)
Fran_the_Omnibus tail
Franco tail after hunting (1/10) (3/10), oral x2, tail x2
FurryKatie tail after hunting (4/10)

GaleTempest oral ND, tail
Gaston tail, oral x3, barb
Gear Oral
GenderfluidSwitch oral
Generic_catgirl Oral
Gilesey tail x3, barb
Girlcollection oral perma (Sakura)
Greta_the_Griffon oral
Greytail Oral x4
Griff Oral
GrimDReaper oral, blend, tail x2
Gunther oral
Gwen_Stacy oral after hunting (7/10), oral, oral tempvore 6months

Hakkirishinai Oral x3
Halldir tail, oral
Hariti_Khatri tail x7, oral x2, cv
Hayate_Maehara oral x3, tail, barb
Heather_Sunderland Oral hunt (1/10)
Hecate_Narkissa oral x2
Hellsing Oral ND
Hendrix Oral after Huntingx2 (5/10) (2/10)
Highscore tail, oral
Hitokriy tail
HoneyCake tail Hope_AlFraze tail
Hope_Emberwish oral
Horo_The_Wise oral x6, tail
Huntress_Tabbie tail
Husky Oral

Iaea Oral x7, tail, UB x2
Iamalurker oral
Idedjuul tail x2
ignashia Oral x2, Vamp
Ikinari_Haruka tail x4, oral x3
Inara_Serpentine oral 4th wall x4, tail 4th wall x2, cv 4th wall
Inca oral 4th wall
Intaru oral
Irellia tail
Irisu oral x2
Ishi Oral x2, Oral after Hunting (1/10)
isobell oral
Istella_Way oral, tail
Ivara_Noel oral
Ivy_Tamwood oral
Iya oral x3, tail
Izarre oral, tail

JackJackal oral x29, tail x32, oral 4th wall x10. tail 4th wall x7. barb x3, barb 4th wall, cockvore 4th wall
Jacob_Sylph oral after hunting (3/10)
Jain_Blade_X Oral
James_Lemoor tail x2, oral x4
Jamie_Horse oral x2, tail x4
JanellStar oral x2
Janice_Foyer tail
Janina oral x3, oral after hunt (1/10) (2/10) (1/10) (1/10)
Janssen oral
January oral, tail
JaredHale oral
JaredHare tail, oral
Jasamprn oral
Jasperic tail x5, oral, barb
Jenny_Sable oral x11, tail
Jessamine_Grey oral perma
Jessica_Bloodmoon oral, tail, barb
Jill_Widows tail
JK_Jadenknjal oral
Joanna Oral x2
Jobo Oral NDx6, Oral x13, Oral ND 4thwall
Johanna Oral
JoJo_Inc oral x7, tail x3, ub
Jon_ oral x2, tail
Jose Oral x2
Joseph oral
Josephs20 oral
Joseph_fish oral
Jubilee oral x2, tail
Judith_WW oral
JulianaHale oral
Julie_ oral x2
June_Tialga oral
Jungle_Girl Oral x12, tail x6
Jupitarstar Oral
Jwguy Oral

Kairii barb
Kailindrea oral
KalaniiNaga oral x4, tail
Kalkaph oral
Kallin_Argentclaw oral
Kamille oral x5
Kamkon tail after hunt (4/10)
Kaname__Madoka oral x2
Kanara oral x2
Kanice tail x4, tail hunted (4/10), perma meal
Karen Oral x3
Kashie oral x2
Katie_titalures tail
Katielette oral
Katey_Katt Oral x3
Katonya_Delcious oral x8, tail
Katrina_Wisila cv x3 perma, oral x2
Kayla_Allen oral
Kaylin Oral
Kazul tail x2
Kazumi Tail
KeatonDawner oral
Keily tail x2
Keloio oral
KentaKou Oral
Kenza tail
Kerensa oral
Kerrigan_Love tail
Kessmia oral x2
Khaydarin tail x4, oral x16, cv x2
Kheitenn_ oral
Kimmy Oral, Oral ND x2
Kinami tail, oral
Kindergarten Oral x5
Kitah oral
Kitana tail
KitFoxheart tail x2, oral nd
Kiva_lizard oral x3
KiznaOh oral x3
Klin_The_Catgirl Oral
Koneko tail
Krono Oral ND
Kruze tail
Kulily oral x3, tail
Kumiko_chan barb
Kuron oral
Kurora tail
Kyaro Oral, oral ND
Kyokou UB
Kyrii_Hatame Un
Kyubi tail

Lacticia oral
Lady_P oral, cv
Landis Oral
Larae oral temp 5 days, oral
Laura_91 oral x2, tail x3, barb
Laura_the_dog oral
Lea -Oral x3
Lealia_Shacius oral, tail x2
LeChance oral after hunt (4/10)
Leene tail
Lehko tail
Leighna -Oral after trickery.
Leiko_Moo oral
Lella Oral x2
leon_the_catboy oral x3, tail x3
Lendia oral
Les Oral after Hunt (1/10)
Lesi oral x2
Lexy_Fox tail
lilaGirl oral
Liliana oral x2
LilMilia tail
Lily_Marie oral x4, tail
Liquor oral
Lisana tail
Little_Flare oral
Livi_Arianni tail
Liz_Fitzsimons tail
Lollii oral
Louna_Shira oral x9, pet'd (20/4/24)
Lu_Lu tail x2, barb
Lucky_Loppai tail
Lucy_Gearweld cv
Lucy_Ines tail, oral x2
Lumina_ Oral after Hunt (6/10) (1/10)
Luna_Sagardo tail x3, oral
Luna_Selis oral
LunaRuby oral, tail
Luria oral
Lyanna tail
Lyra_Bell oral after hunt (3/10)
Lyra_Lushi oral x2, tail

Mae_Adeline oralx10, UB
Magical_Mindy oral x3, tail
MaiLing tail hunt (1/10), oral hunt (6/10), tail x4, cv hunt (3/10)
Malduran tail x2, oral
maria_estas Oral x4, tail
Marie Oral
Marlow tail
Mateo Oral x16, tail x25
Mations cv perma
Matt_ Oral
Matthew_G tail hunt (10/10)
Maxene_Sita tail x2, oral x2
Maxseen cv
Maya_Brawler tail hunt (3/10)
Maylee_Syndra cv x3
Mazon oral, tail hunt (2/10) , oral hunt (2/10)
Meilin oral
Melissa_Mouse oral perma
Melissa_Squeaker oral
Michael tail
Michiru_Dancer oral, tail
Micro_Kohuded oral
Mihari oral
Mihoshi oral
MikoSilkpaw oral x2
Miley_Mouse oral x3
Millianna barb
Minako oral
Minmonte tail
Minx oral, tail
Mistress_Bison tail
Mithra tail x3, oral
Mizuki oral
Mokaria oral x3
Moly_Moonchild tail, oral
Momoko Oral ND
Mousey Oral 4thwall.
mrpanadabear oral
MysteryOne oral

Nadina oral
Nadja Oral
Naethiea tail
Nagi Oral ND
Nami_OP oral
Naomi_Kleer tail, oral with a selfie of naomi poking out from silrath's maw x3, oral x7, ub'd after cv'd by RageShadey
Nasya oral
Natanya oral x4, tail, ub
Nathaniel_ Oral
Naubol tail x4, oral x9, cv x2
naughty_and_nice oral x2, tail x2
Navaras oral after hunt (2/10)
Neat Oral after Hunt (1/10)
Necahual_Yaotl oral
Nefarious Oral, UB
Neko_Dusk Oral
Neko_Tracy oral
Nell_Sorceress oral
Nella Oral x6, Oral ND x2, tail x2
nella__shii tail
Nerix_Moldovia tail
Nero_ Oral
Neridian oral
Nersa tail, oral x2, UB
Nesla oral
Nicci_Mierin oral x2, tail after hunt (2/10)
Nicole_Andersson oral after hunt (1/10) (5/10), oral x8, tail x3
Nifsara tail, oral
Niijgala Oral x2, tail
Nima Oral
Ninase oral x6, tail
Ninian oral
Nishaletha tail x2, oral x2
Nishiko oral x6, tail x4
Nixie oral
Niyuki tail after hunt(2/10)
Noah_the_Woop oral x2
Noir oral x7, tail
Nori_Sushicat oral
Normal_teen_boy oral
Noylt oral
Nya Oral x6
NyaoNyao oral
Nycole_Silks tail x3, oral
Nyu_Maid oral
Nyunee oral x18, tail x4

Ocho oral after hunt(3/10)
Octopussy barb x2, oral x3
Officer_Ela oral
Oraibi Oral x2, tail
Omaly oral
Onica_Widows tongue
Oraibi tail, oral
Orebb tail after hunt (5/10), oral x3

Palomino_Sage tail x2
Palshife tail
ParmesanBirb oral
Patient_27015 oral
Paulai tail x7, barb, oral 4thwall x3, tail 4thwall x4, CV 4th wall x2, tail perm
Paunchy Oral
Pep tail x2, oral x2
Phrix tail
Pirsa oral
player_dakota oral
Player_Gio oral
Player_Nina tail (3/10) perma
Player_Rei tail, oral
Player_Shannon tail x3, oral x6, cv x2
Player_Silks UB, tail x2, oral
PlayerVikki cv (3/10)
Poojawa oral x19, tail x4, UB x2
prate tail
Professional oral
ProfessionalAlex oral
Promzo oral

Quill_Grootslang oral

RabbitPrey tail x2, oral x4, cv
RachelBabe oral
Raela oral
Ralaph tail
Raruha Oral x3
Rasshnya oral, tail
Ravenxeo Oral
Raydi Oral
Rayne Oral x2
Razgrizel oral
Redfield oral x2
RedFox Oral
RedFoxy Oral x2
Reiko Oral
Reiku oral x3, tail x2
Reliana oral
Remourin tail x2, barb, oral
Rena oral x2, tail
Renael cv
_Renamon_ oral
Renemi tail
Requelm oral
Rethen Oral x4, tail, cv
Rewyn oral x2, tail x3
Rhoda tail x3
RiaAmarkiir Oral
Ricky Oral
Rielle tail, oral
Rikucake oral
Rinili oral
Risque Oral x6, tail x2
Rivas_SilverWing oral
Rogue Oral x61, tail x49, UB
Rosalia oral x2
Roscoso oral, barb
Roxxi oral
Ruby_Arista oral
RubyTheNeko oral after hunt (5/1)
Ryokyo oral

Sairia vamp, oral x2, blend
salamari Oral x4
Samantha_cop oral
Sampi oral ND
Samy_Jaeger oral, oral perma
Sara_Jones oral x2, barb, tail
Sarah_Delahue oral x3
Sarah_SexBun oral
Sarah_Sugarlips tail after hunt (1/2)
Sarah_Valentine tail after hunt (1/4)
Sari Oral x2
Saria_ tail
Sasari oral nd
Sasariel Oral after hunt (5/10)
Satria tail after hunt (4/10)
Scarlett_Hood tail
Scarlett_Rae Oral after hunt (1/10)
Scent_Of_Lav oral
Scyv tail
Seba tail after hunt (3/10)
Sebastion oral, tail
Seika oral
Selene_Harpy oral x7, tail
Selene_Purple oral
Seli tail, oral x4
Selphia Oral x10, tail x4
Serena tail x2
Seru Oral
Server_Red tail after hunt (2/10)
ServusAnohil oral
SGA Oral x5, Tail
Shadow Oral x21, tail x6
Shadow_Kat oral tempperm x2
Shadowleaf Oral x3, tail
Shama oral
Shanoa oral
Shard_ oral after hunt (3/10)
Sharlene_Rosevear oral x4, cv
Sheeba_Blackwing tail
Sheepy tail x2
Shepherdess_Pie oral after hunt (4/10)
Shimea Oral ND, UB ND
Shizu_Wolf tail
Shmendrich tail after hunt (7/10) oral x2
Shyla UB
Siclia_Yellowtail oral
Silkboundmaiden tail
SilkBoundVixen cv
siloc tail
Silver Oralx2
Simrobert2001 oral
Sinikryll Oral
Sintera tail
Sir_Matt oral x11, tail
Sirian_Amon tail, oral x3, barb
Sister_Rose oral
Skylar oral x2, tail
SlaveKara Oral x4, tail ND
Smasher_the_wolf oral
Smithetta oral
SodaDelish oral
Solan oral x2
Solce oral x2
Sonya_Grey tail
SophiaTheNeko oral after hunt (5/10)
Sou oral x2
SoulSisters oral nd x2, oral nd 4th wall x2, UB. oral 4th wall
Special_Agent_Mus oral
Spindee oral
Sprint oral
SquirrelkinShanoa tail, oral x2
Ssethissik tail
Sssyra oral x8, tail x5, barb x12, vamp
Stud_Pack oral, blend, tail x2 perm all
SumPunk oral
SunnySarah tail
Svae oral
Sycniele oral x2, barb
Sylviana Oral x2
Synns_Alt_List tail
Syracuse Oral, tail, tail 4thwall

Taesdy oral
Takeo tail
Talia_ oral
Talirea Oral
Talmony oral
Talula oral
Tan Oral x2
Tanya_Roberts tail x7, oral x10, cv, ub
Tarvok tail
Tasty_Bird_Boy oral perma
Tat Oral x5
Tatianna_Roberts oral
Tayna tail
Tchai Oral
Terra_Branford oral x2, tail
Teza oral, cv
The_Dragoness tail
Thedrake tail
The_Great_Snake oral
The_Kitten Oral
Thistle_ oral x3, tail
ThomasT oral after hunt (3/10)
Tifa__Lockhart oral
Tiffany_Boobfest oral
Tiger_escorteur tail
Tihuan oral x5
Tilly_Nyz tail
Tim_Stal tail x3
TinyTim oral x2
tivek cv
Torio Oral x2
Torrle UB
Tote_Baggs oral
Trace_ oral x2
Trinity oral
Trissy Oral after hunt (1/10)
Tristan_Aensland Oral, UB
Tristan_Nagess Oral ND
Twilight__Sparkle oral
Twix oral
Tzitra tail vamp

Urumi tail
Ursza oral x4
Uwe Oral x73, Tail x62, Oralx2 ND, cv x2, UB x5, barb x13, vamp, tongue, tail after hunt (8/10), oral after hunt (2/10) x2, barb after hunt (7/10)

Vairune oral x6, barb, tail x4
Valdaris Oral x2
Valkyna Oral x16, tail x2, UB, cv
Valkyre oral x3
Val_kun oral
VB_Freyya tail
Veilia oral
Vernonica_Jaeger oral perma
Vexy tail
Victoria_Rose oral x8, UB, tail x3
Vikkie_Vixxen tail
Vincent_Jaeger oral, oral perma
Violet tongue, oral x2
Vilo oral
Vivek oral x2, tail
Vixie tail
VK tail, oral
Vlad_Dracula vamp
voragon oral x2
Vorechick oral x2, tail x2, oral after hunt (4/10), oral after hunt (5/10), cv
VoreFuta tail
Vorry Oral, tail
VoX_the_Sergal tail
Vronti_Lykos oral

Webbed_Victim oral, tail
Weirdo oral x8
Weyland oral
WhitWolf oral
Wisp_Dusklight oral
wolven_lust oral
Woril tail x2
Wuffles tail
Wy_ler oral, tail

Xanril oral x3
Xira oral x9, tail x4, vamp, blend
Xoa oral
Xyler oral x7, tail

yamoto oral x3, tail x4
Yano oral Yensequra tail x8, oral x7, blend, UB x3, CV x3
Yhasxhia oral
Yoshida_Minako oral after hunt (2/10)
Yulen_Clause tail x2, tail after hunt (5/10)
Yuriko oral x2

Zach_Mous oral x2
Zafhira oral
Zarin_the_human oral
Zarin_the_neko tail x5, oral x7
Zeenah oral
Zorah oral
Zyre tail

***Permanent Prey***

All those that are forever part of Silrath

Florence - The naga's former pet and now eternal meal. Came to Silrath one day asking for a final release from the world to which the naga was very eager to provide, gulping the girl down and sealing her inside, taking away her ability to reform as the naga's long stomach slowly churned her down, making her into one final dinner for the long turquoise naga's body.
Kanice - A former long time friend, now permanent meal as the lion came to the naga one day asking to be devoured, she slammed her tailmaw down over his head and pulled him into the air before wrapping her coils around his body and constricted him, squeezing the struggle from his form before she would slowly gulp and slide him down into her tail. Enjoying a pleasurable meal of the king of the jungle in his final moments before her stomach made him an eternal resident of her body.
Paulai - A tender and loving reunion between friends became an offer from Silrath to have Paulai housed away forever, offering her a place within her tail she gently encouraged her friend to take the final step and gulped her gently away, resting her within the naga's long body and enjoying the warmth of her before she departed this world.
Girlcollection - (Sakura) There is an inherent danger in frequenting nightclubs, especially when preds are known to frequent those nightclubs and even more so when Silrath offers drinks to newcomers laced with her own venom. It wasn't long before the ninja was slowly gulped away never to be seen or heard from again.
Veronica_Jaeger - The girl came to find out more about maws from nagas, and happened upon Silrath. Encouring the girl to go further and deeper in exploring the naga's mouth, she took it upon herself to be half devoured before asking to be fully consumed, a request the naga was only far too happy to oblige before consuming the girl within the thick turquoise coils and enjoying the former photographer's last moments.
Melissa_Mouse - Breakfast snacks happen at the strangest moments, until Silrath came upon the little mouse and with a little coercing and soft encouragement, welcomed the mouse forever into the naga's mouth and gulped her down to be digested away as she struggled and squirmed before her body eventually gave out and became nothing more that a small bit of sustenance for the large turquoise-tailed naga's body.
Stud_Pack - Encountering the pack of four at a college party, the naga invited them to a private getogether in a secluded room. There she trapped the pack within the room and slowly devoured, crushed, coiled, bled out and consumed each and every one of the four close friends, breaking them down and devouring each one while the others were forced to watch until the final member of the pack, responsible for them all gathering there was marked, claimed and devoured for his troubles.
Vincent_Jaeger - Stealing herself into his bedroom in the early hours, Silrath coiled up the former photographer and dragged him out of the bed. Still addled with sleep it was already too late by the time she was there, his body coiled up and sealed inside the thick turquoise coils before she slowly devoured him alive head-first and sent him down into her body, lost to her hunger as she digested him alive until his consciousness faded and all that was left became hers forever just like his sister had been before him.
Samy_Jaeger - What's more to say than when a sibling goes looking for the others, and Silrath is more than ready to oblige showing him EXACTLY where his brother and sister went, he'd end up exactly the same way, digesting his last within her long tail.
Katrina_Wisila - It would appear that there's only so many times that a cute sexy little foxgirl can become a meal inside of a large turquoise naga that fate takes a turn for the worse (or better, depends who you ask) and her body becomes a permanent residence within the turquoise scales and yellow underbelly of a very lusty and ravenous naga. So long little one.
Player_Nina - There are bets, there are bad bets, and then there are those that go beyond limits. Nina opted to challenge Silrath to a hunt, believing herself to be uncatchable and found herself caught up and consumed within 3 rounds of the hunt, having to honour the extra consideration that being caught by the 3rd round meant a permanent end to the luckless girl. Silrath happily obliged, as one might expect.
PlayerVikki - Walking into a nightclub and trying to make yourself the centre of attention is not usually a good idea in places with which you're not familiar. Doing it front of a naga that's coiled up around most of the club-goers is even less wise and then antagonising that naga with a lewd display and taunting her is only going to end up worse. See PlayerVikki for how well that went for the ill-fated girl once she had Silrath's attention.
Bimbo - When you need to kit out a nightclub with even more filled sacs, you have to get some prey first. This particular one wasn't exactly the brightest but when a naga advances upon you with an eager and obvious intention to consume you, most would run. It took this one a few minutes and ended up being caught and churned away to make another seat within the club and one sated and happy naga resting upon the dancefloor before the opening hours of the gig.
Tasty_Bird_Boy - It should be known to many that taking a drive in the wilderness wherein you can find nagas on the hunt is never strongly recommended. Especially when those nagas have the capacity to cause car accidents with a little deforestation. In this case, the corvid tour guide got caught up in such an accident and had to watch as the naga that caught him disposed of his vehicle while the driver and familiy escaped, just to see himself wrapped in coils and carried into the treetops where he soon ended up adding to Silrath's long tail.
Claudia_Wells - Being the roommate of a large, hungry, horny naga, should always be something that one keeps in mind. Claudia however forget this while walking through the apartment in nothing more than a tight T-shirt and panties after waking up, while Silrath watched, only to soon be rutting the roommate into a thick condom and then leaving her remains within the same condom for the trash collectors that same afternoon. Some people will never learn.
bobbyheroofcrysis - It should be said, though really it shouldn't need to be said, that asking a pred to open their maw just to see what might happy to a prey that shoves its hands inside, is not something a pred is likely to turn down. Nor would that pred refuse to stop swallowing and gulping into their tailmaw, a curious foxboy as he's continued to be fed upon and devoured by a pred surprised but no less willing to take said foxboy into herself and after a slow swallowing, digesting him alive and away to become nothing more than more of the length of her tail.
Mations - A service, a provision, sometimes people come willingly to be ended. Mations certainly received that as the lamia took in the former bird to herself and left her as a condomfiller on the floor, somewhere. If asked, the naga wouldn't know or remember, just that she helped end the bird's existence by request and left a reminder to the world as a filled contraceptive device.
Veilia - If you're going to feed yourself to a snakegirl in the hope of becoming part of someone, Silrath might be an idea to do so and rather than ignore the girl's request, the snakegirl obliged her. Gulping her down and sending Veilia into that long tail, churning her over and steadily securing her up while digesting her down and making her part of the long tail forever, adding another 2ft to Silrath's ever growing body and form.
Jessamine_Grey - Some people really should pick their friends more carefully. When offered a chance to become part of the snakegirl and grow her tail another 2ft, Hecate_Narkissa decided that she'd throw jess at the snakegirl instead who was readily gulped down and consumed by the large turquoise snakegirl and set about happily adding her to the that massive tail.

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Softvore, the usual method of devouring but not exclusive.
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can be done and in various ways, ask first though
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Silrath loves digesting meals
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike Being eaten should be your demise.
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike I don't mind prey returning over and over, I do mind it happening in the same scene though. The digestion and demise of the prey for me tends to be the end of the scene.
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sometimes there's endo, sometimes it's a snap-cut digestion, sometimes it's a long digestion scene. Talk to me first.
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike The staple method of this nagas feeding.
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike It's very rare to be unbirth by Silrath, it certainly won't happen if you ask for it.
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike An available option to any human sized prey that would rather be consumed in this fashion. Stretchy naga tail gives allowance for stretchy cockvore.
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike No ass, no anal vore.
Tail Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Silrath has a sealable tailmaw for devouring prey.
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Large fangs ready to drink prey dry.
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike There are other methods of devouring prey, including through sharp barbs in the tail, tongue vore, blending and others.
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike Silrath can eat prey larger than her, though she prefers human sized.
Realistic Always/Love
Never/Dislike If the prey is too large, it gets tail-nommed rather than oral.
Cooking Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not in my interests.
Food Related Always/Love
Never/Dislike Living prey/meals only.
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike She can be rough...
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike ...she can also be gentle
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Silrath enjoys sex, particularly with interesting and keen partners, it's not her focus however, that would be the vore.
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike Don't mind it, would prefer some pre-scene discussion on it though.
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike Silrath does not do transforming, save from living meal to digested meal.
Blood Always/Love
Never/Dislike Usually if going the hard vore route
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike Snake, naga, coils.... enough said.
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Use it by all means, but those that have read the profile already know Silrath reflects or nullfies all magic, attack or support types.
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike Might do micro play, prefer same size. Ask beforehand.
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Dragons especially, feral or anthro.
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Underage Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Pure vore and nothing else is the ONLY way I'll remotely accept this.
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike No one-line wonders please.
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike Quick, does not mean short.
Evolving Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Silrath does develop and continue to do so, having started as a much shorter naga and still increasing in size and scales.
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Never/Dislike If something comes up, fair enough. But posting OOC every other post is going to rip me out of the mood and make me lose interest.
Staying In Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Would appreciate this over the above.
Multi-Session Always/Love
Never/Dislike Would prefer to have a scene done in one go, unless it's some on-going multilayered story but I'd rather plan these out, let them happen naturally if at all.
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike No setting, just step into coils and let's get devouring!
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Either in a motel or in a hover box, willing to give this a try, send me a whisper and we'll see where this can go.
Vore game Always/Love
Never/Dislike I have one in my profile called The Hunt if it takes your interest.
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike Given I spend most of my time in the library, this is pretty much a given.
Public Always/Love
Never/Dislike Very unlikely, send me a PM instead I'm more likely to engage it.
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike I much prefer Private Messages over anything in public.
Permavore Always/Love
Never/Dislike More than happy to oblige anyone looking to end it all inside a long naga tail!